1、一个自信的人只会勇往直前。 A confident person can only move forward.
2、不知不觉,新歌变成了老歌。 The old song, unconsciously.
3、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。 There will be no great cause without great difficulties.
4、亲爱的,永远爱你,不离不弃! Dear, always love you, never leave!
5、你可以为爱执着,但不能为爱而活。 You can cling to love, but you can't live for love.
6、你悲伤的时候,我的心情雷雨交加。 When you are sad, my mood is thunderstorm.
7、你是一种感觉,写在夏夜晚风里面。 You are a feeling, written in the summer night breeze.
8、你是天赐的礼物,我迟来的救赎。 You are a gift from heaven, my belated redemption.
9、你的出现,改变了我对这个世界的看法。 Your appearance has changed my view of the world.
10、你若撒野,今生我把酒奉陪。 If you go wild, I'll give you wine in this life.
11、你说不离开可怎么手放开的那么快。 How can you let go so fast when you say you don't leave.
12、你重不重要,我需不需要,我知道就好。 Whether you are important or not, whether I need it or not, I just know.
13、到最后,刻骨铭心的都淡忘。 In the end, the unforgettable are forgotten.
14、只是简单的,简单的想和你在一起。 Just simple, simple want to be with you.
15、只有咳嗽和喜欢你,都控制不住。 Only cough and like you, can't control.
16、因为爱你,所以你美丽无比。 Because I love you, so you are beautiful.
17、在没有你的时候,我的内心是空空的。 Without you, my heart is empty.
18、天青色等烟雨,而我在等的只有你。 The sky is blue and I'm waiting for you.
19、如果真的失去了,那就假装从来没发生过。 If it's really lost, pretend it never happened.
20、如果结局是你,累和苦我都可以熬。 If the end is you, tired and bitter I can endure.
21、宁可守株待兔,切莫缘木求鱼。 It is better to wait for a rabbit than to seek a fish from a tree.
22、山一程水一程,从此山水不相逢。 Mountains and rivers never meet.
23、岁月轻歌,歌尽相思只为你。 Years of light song, song do Acacia only for you.
24、左摆右挣越动越无劲,且紧且深竟成被缚人。 The more the left swing and the right earn, the more powerless they become. They are tight and deep, and they are actually bound.
25、幸福的电影,只有我是观众。 Happy movie, only I am the audience.
26、心情大好晒自拍,挑战自己蓄长发。 The mood is good, bask in selfie, challenge oneself to grow long hair.
27、心里无奈吧再怎么心酸他是你的吗? No matter how sad he is, is he yours?
28、思念是一根针,伤得人痛得深。 Missing is a needle. It hurts deeply.
29、想谈恋爱了,有没有人要应征啊。 If you want to fall in love, do you have anyone to apply.
30、我一直在找我自己,可总也找不到。 I can't find myself all the time.
31、我们还未配好剑,出门便已经是江湖。 We haven't got a good sword yet. We will be in the world when we go out.
32、我就这么一颗心、你看着伤吧。 I have such a heart, you look at the injury.
33、我想、谁没有谁都可以很好。 I think, who does not have who can be very good.
34、我愿意舍弃一切,以想念你钟此一生。 I'm willing to give up everything to miss you.
35、我有一种情绪,叫做莫名的悲伤。 I have an emotion called inexplicable sadness.
36、我渴望被人收藏,妥善安放。 I want to be collected and placed properly.
37、我痛的,疯的,伤的,在你面前哭得最惨。 I am painful, crazy, hurt, crying in front of you the most miserable.
38、我的爱情在你这里,永远不会离去。 My love is here with you and will never leave.
39、手牵手,一直走,我的未来需要有你。 Hand in hand, always go, my future needs you.
40、时间不是界限,所以我可以等。 Time is not the limit, so I can wait.
41、有些人很奇怪,不爱你,也不放过你。 Some people are very strange, do not love you, also do not let you go.
42、有你的回忆里,每触及一下就是疼痛。 In your memory, every touch is pain.
43、有很多良友,胜于有很多财富。 It is better to have many good friends than to have a lot of wealth.
44、梦会强迫人,记起原先忘记了的东西。 Dreams force people to remember what they have forgotten.
45、梦里能到达的地方,脚步也能到达。 Where you can reach in a dream, you can also reach your step.
46、欲望不是想不开,而是放不下。 Desire is not that you can't think about it, but you can't let it go.
47、步步为营,脚踏实地地过人生每个片刻。 Step by step, down-to-earth life every moment.
48、求你一次不灵,叫我万次不应! Please do not work once, call me ten thousand times should not!
49、爱是一个字,刻骨铭心重于千言万语。 Love is a word, deep-rooted, more important than a thousand words.
50、留一道特别的风景给你,在我眼里。 Leave a special scenery for you, in my eyes.
51、盖得住的是火,藏不住的是烟。 What can be covered is fire, but what cannot be hidden is smoke.
52、药农进山见草药,猎人进山见禽兽。 When a medicinal farmer goes into a mountain to see herbs, a hunter goes into a mountain to see an animal.
53、西风一夜剪芭蕉,满眼芳菲总寂寥。 The west wind cuts the plantain overnight, and the eyes are filled with fragrance and loneliness.
54、该出手时就出手,不然只能打酱油。 When it's time to do it, or you can only fight soy sauce.
55、读书当求甚解,做事务必认真。 When you read books, you should be careful in your work.
56、走下去,没有可以回头的方式。 Go on, there is no way to go back.
57、过去的都会过去,该来的都在路上。 The past will pass, and all that should come is on the road.
58、这世界最坏罪行,叫太易动情。 The worst crime in the world is too emotional.
59、这位姑娘请留步,哥哥我看上你了。 This girl, please stay. Brother, I have a crush on you.
60、那些扬言陪你走完一生的人,总是迷路。 Those who threaten to accompany you through life are always lost.