1、世间情动,不过盛夏白瓷梅子汤,碎冰碰壁当啷响。 The world is full of emotions, but in midsummer, the white porcelain plum soup clangs when the broken ice hits the wall.

2、今天上班路上不小心摔了一跤,被医院确诊为三级烫伤。 Today, I fell on my way to work and was diagnosed as grade 3 scald by the hospital.

3、今天,骄阳似火,知了叫得震天响。 Today, the scorching sun makes the cicada roar.

4、从今天开始,我不再是单身狗,而是热狗! From today on, I'm no longer a single dog, but a hot dog!

5、从前有个小孩在重庆上学,上着上着他就热死了。 Once upon a time, there was a child who went to school in Chongqing. He was so hot.

6、仲夏的凉风吹走炙热的焦虑,橙色黄昏相拥薄荷的黎明。 The cool midsummer wind blows away the hot anxiety, the orange dusk embraces the mint dawn.

7、做一个简单的人,珍惜每一份拥有,生活才能充满阳光。 Be a simple person, cherish every possession, life can be full of sunshine.

8、关于夏天,冰镇西瓜海盐汽水,风也温柔雨也温柔。 In summer, iced watermelon, sea salt and soda are gentle in wind and rain.

9、十七岁那一年,抓住那只蝉,以为能抓住夏天。 When I was 17 years old, I caught the cicada and thought I could catch the summer.

10、啊!我明白了!夏天是五颜六色的,就像小雨后的彩虹! Ah! Oh, I see! Summer is colorful, like a rainbow after a light rain!

11、夏半阴气始,淅然云景秋。 In the middle of summer, Yin Qi begins, and clouds and autumn begin.

12、夏天像一位充满活力的少女,那满树的绿叶便是她艳丽的裙装。 Summer is like a young girl full of vitality. The green leaves full of trees are her gorgeous dress.

13、夏天像一条莽撞的汉子,从头到脚都写着一种粗意大写地美! Summer is like a reckless man, from head to foot are written with a kind of rough meaning, capital to the United States!

14、夏天像个大火炉,烘得人们满身油一样的汗水。 Summer is like a big stove, which makes people sweat like oil.

15、夏天像个蒸笼,把这个世界蒸得焦躁不安。 Summer is like a steamer, steaming the world restlessly.

16、夏天像孩子的脸,时而阳光灿烂,时而乌云密布。 Summer is like a child's face, sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy.

17、夏天像快乐的儿童,给世界带来美丽。 Summer, like a happy child, brings beauty to the world.

18、夏天像热恋中的人儿,怀抱着一份烈火焚心的情! Summer is like a person in love with a burning heart!

19、夏天是一位活泼的青年,你看他在向人们显示着自己的力量。 Summer is a lively youth, you see he is showing people his strength.

20、夏天是晕染开的,千丝万缕的蓝。 Summer is blooming and blue.

21、夏天是,晕染开的,千丝万缕的蓝。 Summer is, halo dye open, countless strands of blue.

22、夏天有着迟暮的霞光,正如晚来的你皆是笑意。 Summer has twilight, just as you are smiling when you come late.

23、夏天来了,又可以开着空调吃冰西瓜啦,爽! Summer is coming, you can turn on the air conditioner to eat ice watermelon, cool!

24、夏天的夜,大雨下的好清澈,我想好好睡去。 Summer night, the rain is so clear, I want to sleep well.

25、夏天的柳枝像姑娘的腰,动人多姿。 The willow branches in summer are like a girl's waist.

26、夏天的风轻轻吹过,谢谢你还记得我。 The summer wind blows gently, thank you for remembering me.

27、夏天这么长,一定要找个会挑西瓜的人在一起。 Summer is so long, we must find someone who can pick watermelon together.

28、夏天,在我的印象里是清晨晶亮的露珠和夜晚繁多的星星。 Summer, in my mind, is the bright dew in the morning and many stars at night.

29、夏天,容易起风的季节,似乎比任何一个季节都渴望飞翔。 Summer, the windy season, seems more eager to fly than any other season.

30、夏天,小河缓缓流动着,到处是一片绿意盎然的景象。 In summer, the river flows slowly, and there is a scene full of green everywhere.

31、夏,丰富多彩,艳丽多姿,像一个充满魔力的天使。我爱夏天! Summer, colorful, gorgeous, like a magic angel. I love summer!

32、天气什么时候才能晴朗,夏天夏天快到来。 When will the weather be fine? Summer is coming.

33、天气太热了,像熊熊烈火般的燃烧,让人喘不过气来。 It's too hot. It's burning like a raging fire. It's breathless.

34、天气是那样炎热,仿佛一点星火就会引起爆炸似的。 It was so hot that it seemed as if a spark would cause an explosion.

35、天气热得受不了。在仙人掌的阴影下也有华氏125度。 It's too hot to bear. It's 125 degrees in the shadow of a cactus.

36、天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有,稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了。 It was so hot that there was no wind, and the thick air seemed to freeze.

37、如果我死了,请在每年这个时候给我烧一台空调。 If I die, please burn an air conditioner for me at this time of year.

38、如果时光可以倒流,我真的希望可以再回到那一个夏天。 If time can go back, I really hope I can go back to that summer.

39、如果真的有世界末日,一定不会在夏天来临。 If there is the end of the world, it will not come in summer.

40、宁可在空调房里哭,也不要在电风扇下笑。 I'd rather cry in an air-conditioned room than laugh under an electric fan.

41、家乡的夏天,是那么的静谧,葱茏,秀丽,多姿。 Summer in my hometown is so quiet, verdant, beautiful and colorful.

42、悲伤的夏天何时才能结束、留在这里的日子已经屈指可数。 When will the sad summer come to an end and the days to stay here are numbered.

43、想吃凉菜你都得趁凉吃,要不然凉菜一会儿就热了。 If you want to eat cold dishes, you have to eat them while they are cold, or they will be hot soon.

44、想把夏天的橘子汽水,卖给颜料用完的梵高。 I want to sell orange soda in summer to Van Gogh who runs out of paint.

45、我和烤肉之间,只差一撮孜然。 There is only a pinch of cumin between me and barbecue.

46、我喜欢夏日的永昼,我喜欢在多风的黄昏独坐在傍山的阳台上。 I like the eternal day in summer. I like to sit alone on the balcony by the mountain in the windy evening.

47、我是否可以把你比喻成夏天?虽然你比夏天更可爱更温和。 Can I compare you to summer? Although you are more lovely and gentle than summer.

48、拌个凉菜都得赶紧吃,要不一会就变麻辣烫了! You have to eat a cold dish quickly, or it will become spicy and hot soon!

49、星空倒映在这汹涌的海面上,便随波上下跳舞,时现时灭。 The starry sky is reflected on the turbulent sea, and dances up and down with the waves.

50、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君坐也思君。 When you see the sky at dawn and the clouds at dusk, you think of you when you walk and you think of you when you sit.

51、水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷薇一院香。 Crystal curtain moving, breeze, full of roses, a courtyard fragrance.

52、现在的天气,自来水可以直接泡方便面! Now the weather, tap water can directly bubble instant noodles!

53、秀恩爱已经不可耻了,最可耻的就是秀空调了。 Show love is not shameful, the most shameful is show air conditioning.

54、竹深树密虫鸣处,时有微凉不是风。 Bamboo deep tree dense insects, sometimes cool, not the wind.

55、蝉一般都是夏天才会出现,它常常生活在树上、草丛里。 Cicadas usually appear in summer. They often live in trees and grass.

56、蝉鸣是窗外渐渐倒数的钟声,考卷的分数是往上爬的树藤。 Cicadas are counting down the clock outside the window, and the score of the examination paper is climbing up.

57、被蚊子咬醒的日子,这就是夏天。 It's summer when you wake up from mosquito bites.

58、走在路上,迎面的风似热浪扑来。 Walking on the road, the wind is like a heat wave.

59、这个夏天,不知道是幸运,还是不幸运。 This summer, I don't know if I'm lucky or not.

60、这个夏天,走在马路上,看着与自己无关的的幸福,然后微笑。 This summer, walking on the road, looking at their own happiness, and then smile.

61、这年夏天,风遇见云,萤火虫遇见星光,而我遇见你。 This summer, the wind met clouds, fireflies met stars, and I met you.

62、金黄色的云块散布在天空中,越来越细,仿佛是梳洗过的头发。 Golden clouds scattered in the sky, more and more thin, as if it were washed hair.