1、不要试图想明白我,只管爱我就好! Don't try to understand me, just love me!
2、不要轻易地说一辈子爱我,一辈子那么长,我怕你做不到。 Don't easily say that you love me for a lifetime. I'm afraid you can't do it.
3、不让你为难,这是我爱你的方式。 Don't embarrass you. This is the way I love you.
4、不过一杯接一杯,心不过醉了又再醉。 But one cup after another, the heart is drunk again.
5、人只道银河是泪水,原来银河清浅也是形容喜悦。 People only say that the Milky way is tears, the original Milky way is also a description of joy.
6、人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬天。 There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world.
7、以后的我们都会遇见更好的人,只是没了当初的奋不顾身而已。 In the future we will meet better people, but not the original desperate just.
8、你信不信有一种感情,一辈子都不会输给时间。 Do you believe that there is a feeling that will never be lost to time.
9、你只需要迈一步,剩下步我来走。 You just need to take one step. I'll take the rest.
10、你是我最不想见到的人,却是我天天想念的人。 You are the last person I want to see, but the one I miss every day.
11、冰冻三尺非一日之寒,小腹三层非一日之馋。 Rome wasn't built in a day. Three layers of the stomach were not a day's hunger.
12、刚好你离开,刚好风很大,刚好眼泪溢出,只是刚好。 It's just you leave. It's windy. It's just tears. It's just right.
13、千山共明月,欲吹紫竹箫,忆往昔为成调。 Qianshan a total of bright moon, want to play purple bamboo flute, recall the past for the tune.
14、原来你的一举一动,还是可以牵动我的心。 So your every move, or can affect my heart.
15、喜欢你这件事,从来没含糊过。 Like you this matter, has never been vague.
16、失败的狼狈,无路可退,生活压得我好累 Failure of embarrassment, no way to go back, life pressure I am very tired
17、孤独,是你送我的礼物。但只要想着你,我就不寂寞。 Loneliness is a gift from you. But as long as I think about you, I'm not lonely.
18、寒来暑往秋收冬藏,希望我们来日方长。 I hope we will have a long way to go.
19、小时候,哭着哭着,就笑了;长大了,笑着,笑着,就哭了。 When I was a child, I cried and I laughed; when I grew up, I laughed and cried.
20、山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。 There are trees in the mountains, trees in trees, and branches in trees.
21、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情。 Fortunately, love is not everything. Fortunately, everything is not love.
22、总有一个人,一句对不起让你心痛到刻骨铭心。 There is always a person, a sorry to let you heartache to unforgettable.
23、恋爱续集即将上演,幸福的定义由自己来谱写。 Love sequel is about to be staged, and the definition of happiness is composed by myself.
24、情绪就是心魔,你不控制它,它便吞噬你。 Emotion is the heart demon. If you don't control it, it will devour you.
25、惦记你的人,总是期待重逢。 Those who miss you are always looking forward to meeting again.
26、愿你走过一场青春,还留有三分纯真。 May you go through a youth, still leave three points of innocence.
27、我不太会经营关系,最后剩下谁,就是谁了。 I don't know how to run a relationship. Who is left in the end is who I am.
28、我们一直在追寻,追寻着属于我们的共同结局。 We have been pursuing and pursuing our common ending.
29、我会一直等下去,直到我累了放手了,我就会离开。 I'll wait until I'm tired and let go, and I'll leave.
30、我只要吃得够快,脂肪就追不上我。 As long as I eat fast enough, fat won't catch up with me.
31、我总是假装不在意,而你真的以为我没关系。 I always pretend I don't care, and you really think I'm ok.
32、我的心不是公交车,不是有空位就可以坐下来。 My heart is not a bus. I can sit down when there is a seat.
33、我的心曾是一座孤岛,寸草不生,你来之后,花木繁盛。 My heart used to be an island, no grass, after you come, flowers and trees are flourishing.
34、我能有什么办法,失去和拥有都由不得我。 What can I do? I can't lose or own.
35、日久不一定生情,但必定见人心,有时候也怕时间会说出真话。 Time does not necessarily give birth to feelings, but must see the people's heart, and sometimes afraid that time will tell the truth.
36、最无情的就是时间,什么都不会给你,除了真相。 The most ruthless is time, nothing will give you, except the truth.
37、最漆黑的那条路终究要自己走完。 The darkest road must be finished by itself.
38、有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。 People with confidence can turn smallness into greatness and mediocrity into magic.
39、有壹N付出,不有任何蟆R,所以不索取。 There is a kind of pay, there will be no return. Because I love you, I won't ask for it.
40、沙漠,隐藏无尽的美丽和危险,爱情也是。 Desert, hidden endless beauty and danger, love is also.
41、热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。 Hot water can't cure all kinds of diseases, love words can't live a lifetime.
42、爱只需要一个理由,离去,却有千百个借口! Love only needs a reason to leave, but there are thousands of excuses!
43、睫毛下的伤城路过了谁的风景谁的心。 Under the eyelashes of the city, who passed by the scenery, whose heart.
44、离开你的人就是路人,不论曾有多在乎。 People who leave you are passers-by, no matter how much they care.
45、苍白的年少,我们用无知来掩饰青春。 Pale youth, we use ignorance to cover up youth.
46、要把昨天当作回忆,今天继续努力,明天就随他去。 Take yesterday as a memory, continue to work hard today, and let him go tomorrow.
47、见识越广,计较越少,经历越多,抱怨越少,越闲,越矫情。 The wider the knowledge, the less care, the more experience, the less complaints, the more leisure, the more hypocritical.
48、谁都不会知道,那个让你留下的人会是这个你最爱的人。 No one will know that the one who let you stay will be the one you love the most.
49、这世道太乱,你不妨跟了我。 The world is too chaotic. You may as well follow me.
50、都不是什么成功人士,就别互相指点人生了。 If you are not successful people, don't point out your life to each other.