1、一个人就好好照顾自己,够成熟了再触碰爱情。 One should take good care of yourself, and touch love again when you are mature enough.

2、一剑在手,八方云动。试问天下,谁是英雄。 With a sword in hand, clouds move in all directions. Who are the heroes in the world.

3、一女人对一男人说:来我家吧,我下面给你吃。 A woman said to a man: come to my house and I'll give you food below.

4、不要以为你晒黑了,就可以掩盖你是白痴A事实。 Don't think that if you get sunburnt, you can cover up the fact that you are an idiot.

5、不要去恨离开你的人,要做的是让他后悔离开你。 Don't hate the person who left you. What you should do is to make him regret leaving you.

6、不过是想玩玩水而已,怎么会被游泳圈卡住呢? Just want to play with water, how can you get stuck in the swimming circle?

7、也许我们都没变,只是越来越接近真实的自己。 Maybe we haven't changed, just getting closer and closer to our real selves.

8、了解你,难如登天,我真不在乎再要多少时间。 It's hard to get to know you. I don't care how much time it takes.

9、今天的风好像会说话,他对我说,头给你拧掉。 Today's wind seems to be able to speak, he said to me, the head is wrung off.

10、低调不代表我不行,我只是没必要跟狗玩高傲。 Low key doesn't mean I can't do it. I just don't have to be arrogant with the dog.

11、何必站在回忆里不肯出去,阳光还再外面等着你。 Why don't you stand in the memory and refuse to go out, the sunshine is waiting for you outside.

12、你以为你是谁,生气了,凭什么让我讨好你。 Who do you think you are, angry, why let me please you.

13、你心里能装多少男人、我床上就能躺多少女人。 How many men can you hold in your heart? How many women can I lie in my bed.

14、你所谓的幸福与我无缘,我所谓的悲伤与你无关。 Your so-called happiness has nothing to do with me, my so-called sadness has nothing to do with you.

15、你无法叫醒一个不回你信息的人,但是红包能! You can't wake up a person who doesn't return your message, but a red envelope can!

16、你最好识趣点,不是谁都能在我心里兴风作浪。 You'd better be funny. Not everyone can make waves in my heart.

17、你还看你丫再看我我就把你吃了!别动我咬一口? If you look at me again, I will eat you! Don't move. I'll take a bite?

18、做自己喜欢的,让看不惯的人统统一边凉快去! Do what you like and let those who can't stand it cool!

19、别以为世界抛弃了你,其实世界压根没空搭理你。 Don't think the world has abandoned you. In fact, the world has no time to pay attention to you.

20、别拿你自以为是的生活规则,来左右我的人生。 Don't use your self righteous rules of life to influence my life.

21、别看我黑,我有人追,别看你白,你发挥不出来。 Don't look at me black, I have someone chasing, don't see you white, you can't play.

22、华丽的转身、华丽的落泪、华丽的说、不爱你。 Gorgeous turn, gorgeous tears, gorgeous said, do not love you.

23、只有亲手触摸到你,我才知道原来你的心也会跳。 Only when I touch you with my own hand, I know that your heart will jump.

24、只有落水的人才明白,狗刨也是一种优美的泳姿。 Only those who fall into the water understand that dog gouging is also a beautiful stroke.

25、吃亏是福,你看你多有福气,别身在福中不知福。 It's a blessing to suffer a loss. You can see how lucky you are. Don't be ignorant of it.

26、哎呀,骗子,牛肉方便面里面根本就没有牛肉。 Oh, liar, there is no beef in beef instant noodles.

27、如果你放不下曾经,那么你就永远走不到未来。 If you can't let go of the past, then you can never go to the future.

28、如果爱情是场必输的局,那你选择放弃还是继续。 If love is a losing game, you choose to give up or continue.

29、学会做本人,高雅地甩手一切不属于你的东西。 Learn to be yourself and shake off everything that doesn't belong to you.

30、就是你五官再复杂,也掩饰不了你朴素的智商。 No matter how complex your facial features are, you can't hide your simple IQ.

31、工资就像大姨妈,一个月一次,一周左右就没了。 The salary is like a big aunt. Once a month, it's gone in a week or so.

32、开始习惯一个人,一个人走路,对话及生活。 Get used to being alone, walking alone, talking and living.

33、微笑着回忆你对我说的那些话,想想只是我太傻。 Smile and recall what you said to me, just think I'm too stupid.

34、我只流过一次鼻血,还是误把卫生巾当口罩了! I only flow once nosebleed, or mistakenly use sanitary napkin as mask!

35、我希望我强大起来,可以保护那些我在乎的人。 I hope I'm strong enough to protect the people I care about.

36、我把世界都读透了,所以,世界让我孤身一人。 I read the world through, so the world left me alone.

37、我有我的骄傲,爱,或不爱,只是在我一念之差。 I have my pride, love, or not love, just in my mind.

38、我本来以为空气是免费的,直到我买了包薯片。 I thought air was free until I bought a bag of potato chips.

39、我的搞笑,严格来说就是把你弄得像猪一样傻笑。 My funny, strictly speaking, is to make you laugh like a pig.

40、我认真的时候你别闹,给你面子的时候你别傲。 Don't make trouble when I'm serious. Don't be proud when I give you face.

41、抽,是一种生活艺术;找抽,是一种生活态度。 Smoking is an art of life; looking for smoking is an attitude towards life.

42、故事开始我们陌路相逢,结局最后我们背道而驰。 At the beginning of the story, we met by strangers, but in the end we ran counter to each other.

43、时间牢笼无数,但最难走出的,还是我们的心笼。 There are countless time cages, but the most difficult to get out of is our heart cage.

44、昨天下了雨,今天刮了风,明天太阳就出来了。 It rained yesterday, it blew today, and the sun will come out tomorrow.

45、暮然回首,身边有人也有狗,什么品种他都有! Looking back at the dusk, there are people and dogs around him. He has all kinds of breeds!

46、有些东西你拼命看清却更加看不清,比如未来。 There are some things you can't see clearly, such as the future.

47、有棱有角的害处是,别人啃起你来十分方便。 The harm of being angular is that it is very convenient for others to nibble on you.

48、有种就放马过来,我保证六岁以下都打不过我。 If you have any, you can't beat me under the age of six.

49、末日过后也会风平浪静,都没什么大不了的。 It will be calm after the end of the day. It's no big deal.

50、每一个成功男人的背后,都有一个委曲的女人。 Behind every successful man, there is a wronged woman.

51、现在的孩子长不高的主要原因就是:书包太重! Now the main reason why children are not tall is: the schoolbag is too heavy!

52、男生基本不会提分手,但他擅长怎么逼你分手。 Boys can't break up, but he's good at how to force you to break up.

53、百炼成钢,我感觉你要再练就成金刚葫芦娃了。 I feel that you are going to become a King Kong gourd baby again.

54、私奔的缩写是SB,AV在键盘后面跟的还是SB。 The abbreviation of elopement is sb. AV is followed by sb.

55、美女,笑的时候把嘴捂住哦,小心你的假牙。 Beauty, cover your mouth when you smile. Be careful of your false teeth.

56、请你弄清楚,我不是没人要,更不是非你不要! Please make sure that I'm not nobody wants it, and it's not that you don't want it!

57、踩我没事,但是你他妈怎么踩我的鞋,刚买的。 It's OK to step on me, but how do you step on my shoes? I just bought them.

58、这天气好炫迈,只要一钻进被窝根本爬不出来。 It's a gorgeous day. As long as you get into the bed, you can't climb out.

59、那天刚睡着,收到一个短信:睡姿不对,重睡。 That day just fell asleep, received a message: sleep posture is wrong, sleep again.

60、靠墙墙倒,靠人人跑,这年头连自己都靠不住。 You can't even rely on yourself these days.