1、一个人只要不再想要,就什么都可以放下。 As long as a person no longer want, anything can be put down.

2、万事难,学习难,工作难,生活难,停留难。 Everything is difficult, learning is difficult, work is difficult, life is difficult, staying is difficult.

3、三军可以夺帅,匹夫不可夺志。 The three armies can take over the commander, but the men can't take over the ambition.

4、不必把梦想总是挂在嘴边,你需要一步一步的去做。 You don't have to talk about your dreams all the time. You need to do it step by step.

5、不贪无媚无谄,不苟无惧公堂。 No greed, no flattery, no fear of the court.

6、与其说是别人让你痛苦,不如说自己的修养不够。 It's not so much that others make you miserable as that you don't have enough self-cultivation.

7、世俗会多点温柔,愿你也少点难过。 The world will be more gentle, wish you less sad.

8、人生苦短,何不潇洒开心呢。 Life is short, why not have fun.

9、今天你所受的伤,只会让你明天更坚强。 Today's injury will only make you stronger tomorrow.

10、从明天起,做一个幸福的人。 From tomorrow, be a happy person.

11、从此孑然一身,再也没有春风十里。 From then on, I was alone, and there was no spring breeze for ten li.

12、从此清风配酒,路长水远我一人走。 From then on, the wind and the wine, the road is long and the water is far away.

13、你的夕阳,我的容颜,谁的三分之一年。 Your sunset, my face, whose third year.

14、你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。 You can't see yourself. All you see is your shadow.

15、你要努力,你想要的,要你自己给自己。 You have to work hard, what you want, you have to give yourself.

16、做事不违民心,处世不背天遭。 It is not against the people's will to do things, and it is not against heaven to deal with life.

17、做人呢你别太过,做事呢你别犯错。 Don't go too far in life, and don't make mistakes in doing things.

18、像少年一样激烈地爱,像老人一样平静地痛。 Love like a teenager, pain like an old man.

19、公主殿下的任务呢,就是天天开心。 The duty of your highness is to be happy every day.

20、刀不锋利马太瘦,我还不想跟你斗。 The knife is not sharp. The horse is too thin. I don't want to fight with you.

21、勤俭持家要法,谨和处世良谋。 To be diligent and thrifty, we need to know how to manage our family. We need to be careful and prudent.

22、后来我也想通了就算我爱海,我也不能跳海。 Later I figured out that even if I love the sea, I can't jump into it.

23、君子扬人之善,小人讦人之恶。 A gentleman praises the good and a villain criticizes the evil.

24、喜则留,厌则走,多说一句都是求,道不同不相为谋。 If you are happy, you will stay. If you are tired, you will go. If you say more, you will ask for it. If you have different ways, you will not conspire against each other.

25、好吃不过饺子,舒服不过倒着。 Delicious but dumplings, comfortable but upside down.

26、如果做不到百花丛中过,那就片叶不沾身吧。 If you can't do it in a hundred flowers cluster, then leave it untouched.

27、少女的征途是星辰大海,而并非烟尘人间。 The Maiden's journey is a sea of stars, not a world of dust.

28、干姜扭不出汁,老糠榨不出油。 Ginger doesn't wring, old bran doesn't squeeze oil.

29、往事不要再提,人生已多风雨。 Don't mention the past. Life has been stormy.

30、待我高头大马,许你嫁衣红霞。 Treat me with a high head and a big horse. I'll marry you.

31、得理不必抢尽,留三分余地于人,留些宽容于己。 There is no need to rob the reason, leaving three points for people and some tolerance for themselves.

32、快马不用鞭催,响鼓无须重槌。 Fast horses don't need whips, drums don't need hammers.

33、愿你可以携着梦想,带上阳光一路高歌到远方。 Wish you can carry your dream and bring the sunshine to the distance.

34、愿你所爱的人,一直挚爱你一人。 May the one you love always love you.

35、我们把世界看错了,反而说它欺骗我们。 We mistook the world and said it deceived us.

36、我很贪心,想当你的星星,也想做你的月亮。 I am greedy, want to be your star, also want to be your moon.

37、我用真心换你心,你却始终不明白我对你的付出。 I change your heart with my heart, but you still don't understand my devotion to you.

38、所有的失恋,都是在给真爱让路。 All the lovelorn are making way for the true love.

39、接受平凡,接受遗憾,接受人生之中的不完满。 Accept the ordinary, accept the regret, accept the imperfection in life.

40、早晨的最大好处,是让我们知道今天能从头开始。 The best thing about the morning is to let us know that we can start from scratch today.

41、时光是浪费不起的,一寸光阴一寸金。 Time can't be wasted. Time is money.

42、有些事,不能重复一遍;有些人,一生只遇一回。 Some things can't be repeated; some people only meet once in their lives.

43、枕头要常晒,因为里面装满了心酸的泪和发霉的梦。 The pillow should always be in the sun, because it is full of sad tears and moldy dreams.

44、柳暗花明又一村,前面一定有好去处。 There must be a good place ahead.

45、每一天都是流水,每一步都是驿站,每个人都在途上。 Every day is running water, every step is a post station, everyone is on the way.

46、没有对生活绝望,就不会爱生活。 If you don't despair about life, you won't love life.

47、海是倒过来的天,换个角度看世界。 The sea is an upside down sky. Look at the world from another angle.

48、烂泥糊不上壁,朽木当不了梁。 Mud can't build walls, rotten wood can't make beams.

49、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 Love is not a vigorous oath, but a light company.

50、礼义生于富足,盗贼出于贫穷。 Propriety and righteousness are born of wealth, while thieves are born of poverty.

51、社会没有遮天树,只有一物降一物。 There is no shelter in society, only one thing comes down.

52、能领千军万马,不干文艺杂耍。 Can lead thousands of troops, do not do literary and artistic vaudeville.

53、谤满天下者,亦誉满天下。一谤一誉,往往殊途同归。 He who slanders all over the world is also famous all over the world. One slander and one reputation often lead to the same goal.

54、跟着大哥混,三天饿九顿,偶尔还要挨钢棍。 I'm hungry for nine meals in three days, and sometimes I have to get a steel stick.

55、这个人也许永远不回来了,也许明天回来。 This person may never come back, maybe tomorrow.

56、长张鞋垫脸,就别怪人踩着。 If you have a long insole face, don't step on it.

57、闲居可以养志,读书足以自娱。 Living in leisure can nourish one's mind, and reading is enough for one's own amusement.

58、非莫非于饰非,过莫过于文过。 There is nothing more to be done than to be acted upon, and nothing more to be done than to be written.

59、骄傲遭逢失败,谦虚孕育成功。 When pride fails, modesty breeds success.

60、鲸落海底,哺暗界众生十五年。 Whales fall to the bottom of the sea and feed all living beings in the dark world for 15 years.