1、亲爱的朋友,季节变换,注意防寒。 Dear friends, seasons change, pay attention to cold.

2、亲爱的朋友,真挚的祝福你身体健康,万事如意! Dear friends, sincerely wish you good health and all the best!

3、人生在世,活着不易,好好保重身体! Life in the world, living is not easy, take good care of your body!

4、你若善良,福气自来! If you are kind, you will be blessed!

5、冬季已到,保重身体,致我最牵挂的人! Winter has come, take care of yourself, to the people I care about most!

6、凛凛的风不平凡的你,不要让无情的寒风吹着你。 Awe inspiring wind, extraordinary you, don't let the merciless cold wind blow you.

7、天冷了,再忙,请记得保重身体。 It's cold. If you are busy, please take care of yourself.

8、天冷了,注意身体,莫忘加衣。 It's cold. Pay attention to your body and don't forget to add clothes.

9、天寒地冻易受凉,多穿衣服要保暖。 It's easy to catch cold in the cold. Keep warm when you wear more clothes.

10、天气冷暖,你我相知。 The weather is cold and warm, you and I know each other.

11、家人,愿您们平安吉祥、健康如意。 Family, I wish you peace, good luck and good health.

12、希望你健康平安!早安! I hope you are healthy and safe! good morning!

13、希望你能保重身体多加衣服,祝你一切平安。 I hope you can take care of yourself and add more clothes. I wish you all the best.

14、开心一点点,人生更潇洒。 Happy a little bit, life is more natural and unrestrained.

15、愿你健康永驻,平安长在! Wish you health and safety forever!

16、愿你冷冷冬日暖暖心,棒棒身体悠悠心! Wish you a warm heart in cold winter, stick body leisurely heart!

17、愿你平安长久身体好,福寿无边一生顺。 I wish you peace and long life, good health, endless happiness and longevity.

18、愿你快乐,愿你健康。 May you be happy and healthy.

19、愿你身体健康金钟罩,天天好运来围绕。 I wish you good health and good luck around you every day.

20、愿你身体健康,好运连连,一切幸福美好。 I wish you good health, good luck and happiness.

21、愿你身体健,快乐无烦恼。 May you be healthy and happy without worry.

22、愿你身体好,健康平安心情好。 Wish you good health, peace and good mood.

23、把最美祝福送给你,愿你身体健康,万事顺心! The most beautiful blessing to you, I wish you good health, everything goes well!

24、早上好,愿你周末愉快,身体健康,万事如意! Good morning. Wish you a happy weekend, good health and good luck!

25、早上好,愿你永葆身心健康! Good morning. I wish you good health!

26、早上好,轻轻问候一声,天气变冷,保重身体! Good morning, gently greetings, the weather becomes cold, take care of your body!

27、明日谷雨,至我最在乎的人,愿你健康、快乐。 Tomorrow Guyu, to the people I care about most, I wish you health and happiness.

28、春暖花开的开始,愿你身体健康最重要。 At the beginning of spring, may your health be the most important.

29、最温馨的祝福,送给最在乎的你。 The most warm blessing, to the most care about you.

30、最美的祝福送给最可爱的人,祝身体健康,万事顺意! The most beautiful blessing to the most lovely person, I wish you good health and everything goes well!

31、朋友,祝你身体健康,四季平安! Friends, I wish you good health, four seasons peace!

32、深秋牵挂,天凉加衣,保重身体。 Care about late autumn, cool days and clothes, take care of your body.

33、祝你们身体健康,福寿安康。 I wish you good health, good health and longevity.

34、祝你身体好心情好!平安健康,事事顺心! I wish you good health and good mood! Safe and healthy, everything goes well!

35、祝家人平安健康!万事顺利!吉祥如意! Wish your family safe and healthy! Everything goes well! good luck and happiness to you!

36、祝您吉祥如意,身体健康,平安幸福。 I wish you good luck, good health, peace and happiness.

37、祝您身体健康,万事如意! I wish you good health and all the best!

38、祝朋友们:生活愉快!身体健康! Wish friends: happy life! good health!

39、祝福我的家人,亲人,朋友,平安健康快乐吉祥! Wish my family, relatives, friends, safe, healthy, happy and auspicious!

40、祝身体健康,爱情甜蜜,一生平安。 I wish you good health, sweet love and peace in your life.

41、让一句祝福,为你送上知心的暖阳。 Let a blessing, for you to send a bosom friend warm sun.

42、让一点关怀,为你点亮满天的星光。 Let a little care, light up the stars for you.

43、送你一份温暖,希望你喜迎春。 Send you a warm, I hope you like spring.

44、送你一双棉手套,祝你双手常握开心和快乐。 Give you a pair of cotton gloves, I wish you a happy and happy hands.

45、送给我牵挂的你,天凉了,照顾好身体。 Give me care of you, it's cold, take good care of your body.