1、人和人太熟,就知道刀子往哪里最痛。 If you are too familiar with people, you will know where the knife hurts most.

2、他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。 He is no longer my world, because my world has collapsed.

3、余生心里都是你,唯独生活中在没有你。 You are in my heart for the rest of my life, but I don't have you in my life.

4、你以为我是话唠,其实只是特别喜欢你。 You think I'm a chatter, but I just like you very much.

5、你在我的生命中烙下了印记,却只当我是一个过客。 You have branded my life as a passer-by.

6、你就像阳光,照进我心里阴霾的地方、刺痛了忧伤。 You are like the sun, shining into the haze of my heart, stinging sadness.

7、你推窗望过来,瞳孔是距我最近的星。 You push the window to look over, pupil is the nearest star to me.

8、你是我可望不可即的遥远,我是你触手可得的卑微。 You are far away from me, I am the humble you can get.

9、你最好喜欢我,就是明目张胆,深情款款的那种。 You'd better like me, which is blatant and affectionate.

10、你有孤独和烈酒,愿你也有清风和*。 You have loneliness and liquor, may you also have breeze and freedom.

11、你的一切依然念念不忘,旧照片里笑容依然很灿烂。 You still remember everything, old photos smile is still very bright.

12、你辜负了一个深爱你的,就会遇到一个伤你最深的。 If you fail to live up to the one who loves you deeply, you will meet the one who hurt you the most.

13、依偎着你,就会拥有全世界的爱,比阳光还温暖。 Cuddle up to you, will have the whole world's love, warmer than the sun.

14、别人指着你的痛处哈哈大笑,你却只能傻傻地笑着。 Others point to your pain and laugh, but you can only laugh foolishly.

15、只因为有你,才找到了理想中幸福的感觉。 Only because of you, just found the ideal of happiness.

16、向日葵说:只要把心朝着太阳的地方,就会有温暖。 Sunflower said: as long as the heart toward the sun, there will be warmth.

17、呐谁,你又不是郭靖,凭什么要求我像黄蓉一样爱你。 Who, you are not Guo Jing. Why should I love you like Huang Rong.

18、喜欢衬衫,喜欢阳光透过衬衫照着我,暖暖的感觉。 Like the shirt, like the sunshine shining on me through the shirt, warm feeling.

19、多谢你如此精彩耀眼,做我平淡岁月里星辰。 Thank you for being such a wonderful star in my ordinary years.

20、如果你一次次伤我,早晚有一天我会让你跪着求我。 If you hurt me again and again, sooner or later I will make you kneel down and beg me.

21、如果迷谔焯糜龅轿遥请装作不认识我的样子。 If you meet me in heaven, please pretend you don't know me.

22、对不起!无法为你撑伞,让你淋湿了。 I'm sorry! Can't hold an umbrella for you, let you get wet.

23、就算你哭泣,也要拼命的忍住,因为没有人会在乎。 Even if you cry, but also want to fight hard, because no one will care.

24、幸福,就是一个魔方,需要一步一步地拼出来的。 Happiness is a magic cube, which needs to be spelled out step by step.

25、当我最想说些什么的时候,往往也是我最沉默的时候。 When I want to say something, it is often the most silent time.

26、当爱情一旦成为了习惯,就会一辈子也摆脱不了的。 Once love becomes a habit, it will never get rid of it.

27、忧伤的我,总是无法阻止对你一生一世的倾诉与渴望。 Sad me, always can't stop to talk to you all my life and desire.

28、我一再试探,你一再隐瞒,有一种预感想挽回太难。 I try again and again, you hide again and again, there is a premonition that it is too difficult to recover.

29、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻很想你。 I don't know what to say, I just miss you very much at this moment.

30、我们最大的错,就是相遇的那一刻、没有擦肩而过。 Our biggest mistake is that we did not pass by at the moment of meeting.

31、我们的青春如此无奈。太多的回忆变成了伤怀。 Our youth is so helpless. Too many memories become sad.

32、我喜欢那些让我笑起来的人,就算是我不想笑的时候。 I like people who make me laugh, even when I don't want to.

33、我宁愿成为你的困兽,这样;我就可以排除万难。 I would rather be your trapped animal, so that I can overcome all difficulties.

34、我想忘记、有关你的任何一切。那似乎很难。 I want to forget everything about you. That seems difficult.

35、我的影子叠在你身上,你的眼里折射出温暖我的光。 My shadow is folded on you, and your eyes reflect the light that warms me.

36、我给你的可能不是你想要的但一定是我认为最好的。 I may not give you what you want, but it must be the best I think.

37、执笔写下关于爱情如花的文字,却每一页都是伤痕。 Write down the words about love like flowers, but every page is scar.

38、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱你了。 There is a person, teach you how to love, but he does not love you.

39、有一天你会发现,所有的幸福不是你原本想的那样。 One day you will find that all happiness is not what you thought.

40、有些事明显是错的,却还要对峙,由于不甘愿宁可。 Some things are obviously wrong, but we still have to face each other, because we are unwilling to do so.

41、有些人相交了几个月,却比认识数十年的人更投机。 Some people who have been together for months are more speculative than those who have known for decades.

42、有些玩笑,开着开着,就认真了。比如,我喜欢你。 Some jokes are serious when they are open. For example, I like you.

43、有人说,爱是条河,容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没。 Some people say that love is a river, easy to submerge the tender reed.

44、每个人心里都住着一个人,或眷念,或暗恋,或想念。 There is a person living in everyone's heart, or miss, or secretly love.

45、没有小三的存在,谁去鉴定你们那些扯淡的爱情。 No small three existence, who to identify your bullshit love.

46、若如梦,你愿意醒来嘛?若是缘;你是否愿意割舍。 If it's like a dream, would you like to wake up? If it is fate, whether you are willing to give up.

47、请别伤我的心,那里面住的是你。 Please don't break my heart. It's you who live there.

48、谢谢你对我好的曾经,如今让我痛不欲生。 Thank you for your kindness to me. Now it makes me sad.

49、那些过去比永久更永久,而未来比荒凉更荒凉。 The past is more permanent than eternity, and the future is more desolate than desolation.