1、一到深夜,饿和想你,都得忍着。 Late at night, hungry and miss you, have to endure.

2、一张嘴就是你的名字,一闭眼就是你的样子。 A mouth is your name, and closing your eyes is what you look like.

3、一想你,梦就溢满温度。 When you think about you, the dream is full of temperature.

4、一日不见兮,思之如狂。 I've been missing for a day, and I'm crazy about it.

5、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。 Don't believe in memories. The person in them may not miss you as well.

6、不论怎么说,思念都是一笔巨大的精神财富。 No matter what, missing is a huge spiritual wealth.

7、世人谓我恋长安,其实只恋长安某。 The world says I love Chang'an, but I love Chang'an only.

8、乍暖还寒时候,最难将息,最适合想你。 At first warm and cold, the most difficult to rest, the most suitable to miss you.

9、也许全世界我也可以忘记,就是不愿意失去你的消息。 Maybe I can forget the whole world, that is, I don't want to lose your news.

10、你去了很远的地方,我常常在梦里哭喊着找你。 You go far away, I often cry for you in my dream.

11、你在山的这头,我在山的那头,只能彼此相望。 You are at this end of the mountain, and I am at the other end of the mountain, and I can only meet each other.

12、你已经走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。 You have been out of my sight, but never out of my missing.

13、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 You are what I don't know what to do, I'm what you don't know.

14、你走之后,酒暖回忆思念瘦。 After you go, the warm wine remembers missing thin.

15、凄凉别后两应同,最是不胜清怨月明中。 Desolate after two should be the same, the most is very clear resentment in the moon.

16、去到你的城市,吹你吹过的风,这样算不算相拥。 Go to your city and blow the wind you've blown. Is this a hug.

17、只要有一双真诚的眼睛为我流泪,就值得我为生命受苦。 As long as a pair of sincere eyes shed tears for me, it is worth suffering for my life.

18、吃坚果的时候突然会想,为什么不是你剥的。 When I eat nuts, I suddenly think, why didn't you peel them.

19、咫尺是天涯,天涯更是天涯。 The distance is the end of the earth, and the end of the earth is the end of the earth.

20、在所有的道别里,我还是最喜欢明天见。 Of all the farewell, I prefer to see you tomorrow.

21、城南小陌又逢春,只见梅花不见人。 In the south of the city, it is spring again. There are plum blossoms but no one.

22、多想没有开始,也没有结束,就停留在中间的美丽过程。 Think more about the beautiful process of staying in the middle without beginning or ending.

23、夜色降临,就尤其的想念一个人,非常的想念。 When night falls, I miss someone very much.

24、好好珍惜,就是永久的情。 Cherish it well is a permanent feeling.

25、如果已没有相爱的可能的话,守住自己的承诺就足够了。 If there is no possibility of love, it is enough to keep your promise.

26、字迹已模糊,因为思念的缘故。 The handwriting is blurred because of missing.

27、寂寞如此,冷暖自知。 Lonely so, warm and cold know.

28、将思念放在深处,用笑容把它掩埋,用时光把它磨灭。 Will miss in the depths, with a smile to bury it, with time to wear it out.

29、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。 Even if the world is deserted, there is always a person who will be your believer.

30、当我很想你时候,觉得全世界那么多背影都像你。 When I miss you so much, I feel like you all over the world.

31、忙的时候会想他,闲下来却只想他。 I think about him when I am busy, but I just miss him when I am busy.

32、思念你就和咳嗽一样,再怎么制止却又无能为力。 Missing you is like coughing. No matter how to stop it, there is nothing we can do.

33、思念如马,自别离,未停蹄。 Miss like a horse, from parting, not stop.

34、思念就像关不紧的门,空气里有幸福的灰尘。 Missing is like a door that can't be closed tightly. There is happiness dust in the air.

35、思念攒够了,我们见一面吧。 We have enough missing. Let's meet you.

36、思念是一种很玄的东西,如影随形。 Missing is a very mysterious thing, like a shadow.

37、思念是半轮蛾眉月,一半在天上,一半在渝水。 Missing is half a moth eyebrow moon, half in the sky, half in Yushui.

38、总有一个人,永远在心里,却告别在生活里。 There is always a person, always in the heart, but farewell in life.

39、想你一次,星星就多了一颗的样子。 Once I miss you, there will be one more star.

40、想你在夜里,念你在心中,爱你到永久。 I miss you at night, I miss you in my heart, and I love you forever.

41、想你,是因为不想你成为生命的过客。 I miss you because I don't want you to be a passer-by of life.

42、想念,像十除以三。 Miss, like ten divided by three.

43、我为你翻山越岭,却无心看风景。 I climb mountains for you, but I don't want to see the scenery.

44、我快写不出情话了,只想见你一面。 I can't write love words any more. I just want to see you.

45、我想见你,不远万里。 I want to see you. It's a long way.

46、我没有那么想你,那只是偶尔醉意会催人提起。 I don't think about you that much, it's just that occasionally drunk will urge people to mention it.

47、我没有那么想你,那只是偶尔醉意催人提起。 I don't miss you that much. It's just an occasional drunkard.

48、我的心不是公交车,不是有空位你就坐下来。 My heart is not a bus. You can't just sit down when you have a seat.

49、我的思念犹如大海里的鱼,在万水千山之内都是皈依。 My thoughts are like fish in the sea, and I am converted in all rivers and mountains.

50、我这里太阳好大,不知道你那里大不大。 I have a big sun here. I don't know you are big.

51、我,只在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。 I only miss you when I do one thing, that is breathing.

52、擦去脸上的泪水,却带不走心中痛楚的感觉。 Wipe away tears on the face, but can not take the heart pain feeling.

53、无论如何谢谢你,七年里,你见证了我的一切。 Thank you anyway. In seven years, you have witnessed everything to me.

54、昨天发生的事情太多,错过的终究不再会回来了。 There are so many things happened yesterday that what we missed will never come back.

55、有一种爱叫做互不联系,让爱沉睡记忆的长河中。 There is a love called the mutual unconnected, let love sleep in the long river of memory.

56、有的人只能在记忆中找,在梦里寻。 Some people can only find in the memory, in the dream.

57、未来就那么点出息,一见到你全没了。 The future is so promising. It's gone when I see you.

58、林深时见鹿,海蓝时见鲸,梦醒时见你。 Deer in the forest, whale in the sea, you in the dream.

59、梦里梦外,思念成灾,一想到你,翻江倒海。 Dream outside, Miss disaster, think of you, turn over the river.

60、每当夜深人静想起你的时候,眼泪总是忍不住的往下流。 Whenever I think of you in the dead of night, tears always flow down.

61、每次经过那家奶茶店,都会想起我们一起点奶茶的情形。 Every time we pass that milk tea shop, we will think of the situation of ordering milk tea together.

62、没有他,她照样过了,思念是另一回事。 Without him, she would still live. Missing is another matter.

63、没有你在的日子,我真的好孤单,好想你陪伴我身边。 Without you in the day, I really lonely, I want you to accompany me.

64、深情是你,情深也是你。 Deep love is you, and deep love is you.

65、爱情的背影是离别,离别的背影是思念。 The back of love is parting, the back of departure is missing.

66、甜度有三分,有五分,唯有想你时的甜度刚刚好。 There are three points of sweetness and five points. Only when you think about it, it is just good.

67、生与死之间,是千千万万人的思念与哀愁。 Between life and death are the thoughts and sorrows of thousands of people.

68、用心的感情,就像没有后路的悬崖。 The heart of the feelings, like no back cliff.

69、等待,不是为了你能回来,而是找个借口,不离开。 Wait, not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.

70、简单的一句我想你,敌得过千言万语。 In a simple way, I miss you, the enemy has been talking a thousand words.

71、给你讲个故事,这故事很长,我长话短说,我想你了。 I'll tell you a story. It's a long story. To make a long story short, I miss you.

72、耳朵好饿想听你说话,眼睛好渴想见你颜容。 I want to hear you talk, my eyes are thirsty and I want to see you.

73、说片面是熬夜,说实在是失眠,说实话是想你。 To say one-sided is to stay up late, to say it is insomnia, to say the truth is to miss you.

74、谎称时间会冲淡一切,偏偏思念半分不减,愈演愈烈。 Lie that time will dilute everything, but half of the missing is not reduced, intensified.

75、这假意浪漫的万物中,只有你才是我所要描摹的真身。 In this imaginary romantic thing, only you are the real body I want to describe.

76、连我都羡慕,你在我心里的位置。 Even I envy your position in my heart.

77、那天我没有送你,但你脚下的路是我的目光铺成的。 I didn't send you that day, but the road under your feet was laid by my eyes.

78、酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。 Wine into the sad, into Acacia tears.

79、陌生A你,只带有淡淡A想深深A痛。 Strange you, with a faint thought of deep pain.

80、青春的花开花谢,只是我思念的日历没有首页,没有尾页。 The flowers of youth bloom thanks, but I miss the calendar without the home page, no end page.