1、一屋两人三餐四季,陪你共度余生。 One room, two people, three meals, four seasons, to spend the rest of your life with you.

2、一想到余生将和你一起度过,我就很期待余生。 I'm looking forward to the rest of my life as soon as I think I'll spend it with you.

3、不知道什么时候爱上的你,却只愿余生都是你。 I don't know when I fell in love with you, but I only want to be you for the rest of my life.

4、从今往后,富贵是你,清贫是你,走到白头也是你。 From now on, you will be rich, you will be poor, and you will be white.

5、余生漫漫皆是你。 It's you for the rest of your life.

6、你把你的缺点都给我,我来包容你! You give me all your shortcomings and I will tolerate you!

7、你是我唯一,我是你什么。 You are the only one for me, I am what you are.

8、你的一生我只借一程,这一程便是余生。 I only borrow one way in your life, and this one is the rest of your life.

9、你睡觉的时候,我时常偷偷看着你,你是真的长在了我的审美点上。 When you sleep, I often secretly look at you, you are really growing in my aesthetic point.

10、你能让别人羡慕,那就是我最大的成功。 You can let others envy, that is my biggest success.

11、你若一直在我便一直爱。 If you are always there, I will always love you.

12、决定和你度过下半辈子,我希望你就是我的后半生。 I decided to spend the next half of my life with you. I hope you will be the second half of my life.

13、前半生流浪,后半生愿意为你煲汤。 Wandering in the first half of my life, I'm willing to cook soup for you in the second half.

14、听老婆话,一点也不丢人。 It's no shame to listen to my wife.

15、在遇到你之前,我没有梦想,遇到你之后,娶你,把最好的都给你,成了我的梦想。 Before I met you, I had no dream. After I met you, I married you and gave you the best. It became my dream.

16、希望我们能一辈子在一起,不分开。 I hope we can be together all our lives.

17、开始,爱情是爱你一辈子;后来,婚姻是一辈子爱你。 At first, love is to love you for a lifetime; later, marriage is to love you for a lifetime.

18、当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。 When I decide to spend the rest of my life with you, I hope the rest of my life will start soon.

19、情定天涯海角,相伴白头到老。 Love the ends of the earth, accompanied by the end of life.

20、我不想做你的眼中人,只想做你的心上人。 I don't want to be in your eyes, I just want to be your sweetheart.

21、我会好好照顾你,超好爱你,老婆我爱你一生一世。 I will take good care of you, super good love you, wife, I love you all my life.

22、我喜欢你就像你妈打你,不讲道理。 I like you like your mother beat you, unreasonable.

23、我想要让你辛福,和你白头偕老。你愿意接纳我的爱,让我照顾你吗? I want you to be happy and grow old with you. Are you willing to accept my love and let me take care of you?

24、我的世界,因为有你,连路边的风景也很美丽。 My world, because of you, even the roadside scenery is very beautiful.

25、我虽然做事时常三分钟热度,但是喜欢你这件事,我却用了一百分的热度。 Although I do things often three minutes heat, but like you this thing, I used a hundred minutes heat.

26、有了你,我便有了一切。 With you, I have everything.

27、有人说我的眼睛好看,因为里面只有你。 Some people say my eyes look good, because there are only you in them.

28、有你在,这周围空气仿佛也甜了几分。 With you around, the air seems to be a little sweet.

29、未来的每一天,我都会比昨天更爱你。 Every day in the future, I will love you more than yesterday.

30、爱你,认真且怂,从一而终。 Love you, serious and counsellor, from one to the end.

31、爱情肯定对我施了魔咒,让我今生今世与你守候。 Love must have cast a magic spell on me, let me wait with you in this life.

32、珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。 Precious things are always rare, so there is only one you in the world.

33、生死契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。 Life and death agree with each other. hold your hand and grow old together with you.

34、相濡以沫,彼此牵手一生。 Help each other, hand in hand for life.

35、第一次看见你的时候,我就决定要给你一个家,护你周全无恙。 The first time I saw you, I decided to give you a home to protect you.

36、等青丝到白发,我还是那个爱你的他。 I'm still the one who loves you.

37、缘来是你,刚好是你。 It's you. It happens to be you.

38、谢谢你为了我,愿意放弃你的诗和远方,而和我一起柴米油盐。 Thank you for being willing to give up your poems and distant places for me.

39、这颗心,我送你了,希望你能好好爱护。 I give you this heart. I hope you can take good care of it.

40、长路携手,岁月悠悠。 Long way hand in hand, long time.