1、一辈子有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去。 How many sincere words in one's life are said in a joking way.

2、上帝啊,你去问问丘比特是不是把我的箭玩断了。 God, ask Cupid if he broke my arrow.

3、不是每个牛都是特仑苏,不是每个爸都是李刚。 Not every cow is terenzo, not every dad is Li Gang.

4、不要乐观的像个屁一样,还自以为能惊天动地! Don't be optimistic like a fart, and think you can make a world shaking!

5、人不可能把钱带进棺材,但钱可能把人带进棺材。 People can't bring money into the coffin, but money can bring people into the coffin.

6、人与人之间最单纯的情感,就是互相看不上眼。 The most simple emotion between people is mutual contempt.

7、你没资格说我变了,知道有句话叫拜你所赐吗? You don't have the right to say that I have changed. Do you know that there is a saying that I owe to you?

8、别给我谈什么人生,因为你根本就不是人生的。 Don't talk to me about life, because you are not life at all.

9、后来,我所遇之人都胜你,所爱程度却都不及你。 Later, all the people I met were better than you, but less than you.

10、如果你想逗上帝发笑,就把你的计划告诉他。 If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan.

11、如果名字能决定命运的话,我想改名叫钱多多。 If the name can decide the fate, I would like to change my name to Qian Duoduo.

12、如果我的感情失败的话,趴在地上的一定是对方。 If my relationship fails, it must be the other party lying on the ground.

13、如果男生不帮你穿上婚纱,你就送他件袈裟。 If the boy doesn't help you put on the wedding dress, you will send him a cassock.

14、嫌对象消息回的慢怎么办?换我,我回得快。 What should I do if the object message returns slowly? For me, I'll be back fast.

15、幸福就是:猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽。 Happiness is: cat eat fish, dog eat meat, Altman beat little monster.

16、幸福是个比较级,要有东西垫底才感觉得到。 Happiness is a comparative level. You can feel it only when you have something at the bottom.

17、当不在纯真的时候,就以知道这社会的虚伪了。 When not in the innocence, to know the hypocrisy of this society.

18、当生命中美好的东西到来时,我却觉得会失去它。 When the good things in life come, I feel like I will lose them.

19、思念是没有翅膀的鸟,在心里盲目的停留不前。 Missing is a bird without wings, staying blindly in the heart.

20、恰到好处的喜欢最舒服,懂分寸的关系最迷人。 Just like the most comfortable, understand the relationship between the most charming.

21、我不会做到八面玲珑,但至少我是有啥说啥! I won't be all faceted, but at least I'll say what!

22、我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的。 I won't follow. I've always lived my life as I want.

23、我不怕老,不怕死,怕只怕我爱的人爱上别人。 I am not afraid of old age, not afraid of death, afraid that I love the people fall in love with others.

24、我不是超人,我很平凡,我会痛,我也会崩溃。 I am not Superman, I am very ordinary, I will hurt, I will collapse.

25、我从不怀疑你是美女,我只是怀疑我的审美。 I never doubt you are a beauty, I just doubt my aesthetic.

26、我们的爱情从麻辣火锅,变成了一锅白菜豆腐。 Our love from spicy hot pot, into a pot of cabbage tofu.

27、我发现你和莎士比亚有一半像,哪里像?莎比。 I find that you and Shakespeare are half alike. Where are you? Sabby.

28、我本以为爱情是一场游戏,谁知道我动了真情。 I thought love is a game, who knows I moved the truth.

29、我的灵魂在唱歌在跳舞,只是肉体赖在床上。 My soul is singing and dancing, but my body is in bed.

30、我看不到未来的路,但是我从来都没有低过头。 I can't see the way forward, but I never look down.

31、我要瘦成一道闪电,照亮所以猥琐的死胖子。 I want to be thin into a flash of lightning to light up the fatso.

32、扭一扭,舔一舔,泡一泡,你以为我是奥利奥呀? Twist, lick, bubble, you think I'm Oreo?

33、找不到对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。 If you can't find the right person, it's very likely that you can't correct yourself.

34、无论你是怎样转身的,你的眼睛始终在你的前面。 No matter how you turn around, your eyes are always in front of you.

35、暧昧不清的关系,无非就是想占有但不想负责! Ambiguous relationship, just want to own but do not want to be responsible!

36、曾经他是心事,后来成为故事,现在已成往事。 Once he was a matter of mind, later became a story, now it is a past.

37、曾经你说我是你的一切。那现在谁又是你的一切。 Once you said I was everything to you. Now who is everything to you.

38、有一种悲剧叫想死都死不了。还是好好活着吧。 There is a tragedy that you can't die if you want to die. It's better to live well.

39、有些事本来就不值得原谅,跟大不大度没关系。 Some things are not worth forgiving. It has nothing to do with magnanimity.

40、有时候,低调闷骚的高傲,也是被打击的征兆。 Sometimes, the low-key sultry arrogance is also a sign of being hit.

41、朋友,喜欢我就大声说不来,不要藏着掖着的。 My friend, if I like it, I can't say it aloud. Don't hide it.

42、梦想是不会自己逃跑的,得看你愿不愿意去追。 Dreams don't run away by themselves. It depends on whether you are willing to chase them.

43、梦想还是要有的,不然喝多了你跟别人聊啥。 Dreams still have to have, otherwise drink too much, you talk to others what.

44、每天都在撒谎,今晚要早点睡,明天就不爱你。 Lie every day. Go to bed early tonight and don't love you tomorrow.

45、爱情是需要时间的,时间能教会我们该怎麽做。 Love needs time. Time can teach us how to do it.

46、玫瑰你的,巧克力你的,钻石你的。你,我的! Roses, yours, chocolates, diamonds, yours. You, mine!

47、现在什么时代,杂乱无章,猛然一看,果不其然。 Now what era, disorganized, suddenly a look, it is no surprise.

48、现在心情不好,除了吃的下饭,什么都干不了。 I'm in a bad mood now. I can't do anything but eat.

49、生活就象心电图,如果一帆风顺的话,你就挂了。 Life is like an electrocardiogram. If everything goes well, you will die.

50、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.

51、知道还要心碎多少次,你才能戒掉自己的天真。 Know how many more heartbreak, you can give up your innocence.

52、笑要大方地笑,哭要躲起来哭,这样比较迷人。 Laugh to be generous, cry to hide to cry, this is more charming.

53、纵然万丈光芒,也无法替代你曾给过的温暖。 Even if the light, can not replace you have given the warmth.

54、给我时间、空间和对数,我可以创造一个宇宙。 Give me time, space and logarithms, and I can create a universe.

55、绝望的时候抬头看看,告诉自己成功就在不远方。 Look up when you are desperate and tell yourself that success is not far away.

56、觉得自己就像是个小丑,连痛苦的资格都没有。 I feel like a clown. I don't even have the qualification to suffer.

57、记忆残缺的只剩思念,流年撕碎骄傲的容颜。 Memory is incomplete only missing, fleeting years tear up proud face.

58、路上本没有路,走的人多了,便有了收费站。 There is no road on the road. If there are more people, there will be a toll gate.

59、这星期就下了两场雨,第一场三天,第二场四天。 It rained twice this week, the first for three days and the second for four days.

60、都说猪脑子最蠢,我说猪脑子比你脑子更聪明! They say pig brain is the most stupid, I say pig brain is more intelligent than your brain!