1、**. You'd better keep it down.

2、上天让你遇见一个人,是不是一定会让你离开一个人。 God let you meet a person, is not sure to let you leave a person.

3、不主动会失去,太主动不会珍惜,这就是人心。 If you don't take the initiative, you will lose it. If you take the initiative, you won't cherish it. That's the heart of the people.

4、不喜欢什么一定要和我说,我一定会把它做到极致的。 If you don't like anything, please tell me. I will make it to the extreme.

5、不能抽烟喝酒,不能黯然忧愁,不能剧烈运动。 Don't smoke or drink, don't be sad, don't exercise hard.

6、不要让我看见你,不然见一次喜欢一次。 Don't let me see you, or I like you once.

7、人只能靠自己去成全自己,真正对自己负责任的人,懂得如何让自己变得完整。 People can only rely on themselves to complete their own, truly responsible for their own people, know how to make themselves complete.

8、人和猪的区别就是猪一直是猪,而人有时却不是人! The difference between human and pig is that pig is always pig, but human sometimes is not human!

9、人在江湖,你会慢慢发现,一颗好心,不如一张好嘴,好心永远比不过好嘴。 When you are in the Jianghu, you will gradually find that a good heart is better than a good mouth. A good heart is never better than a good mouth.

10、什么笑而不语,只是无话可说;什么心已死亡,只是不敢相信。 What laughs but doesn't speak, just has nothing to say; what heart has died, just can't believe.

11、任何事情,终有答案,匆忙寻找,错失的是岁月的静好。 Everything, there will be an answer, rush to find, missing is the quiet good years.

12、任何事,任何人,都会成为过去,不要跟它过不去。放下,是为了更好地前行。 Anything, anyone, will become the past, don't get along with it. To put it down is to move forward better.

13、任命是任命,人名是人名,任命不能说成人名,人名也不能说成任命。 An appointment is an appointment, and a person's name is a person's name. An appointment cannot be an adult's name, nor can a person's name be an appointment.

14、你之所以会痛苦,是因为脆弱的你看透了可怜的自己。 The reason why you suffer is that you see through your poor self.

15、你们总把自己搞得像抑郁症患者一样,却不知道真正的病人有多羡慕你们。 You always make yourself like a depressed person, but you don't know how much the real patient envies you.

16、你喜欢浪,我血染战旗征天下;你喜欢安稳,我放下戎马给你家。 You like waves, I'll fight for the world with bloody flags; you like peace, I'll lay down my army for your family.

17、你长了一副只有你妈会喜欢的模样,再不努力你就完蛋了! You have a look that only your mother will like. If you don't work hard, you will die!

18、俄罗斯方块教会我们:如果你合群,就会消失。 Tetris teaches us: if you get together, it will disappear.

19、光明一直都在,不要急着去说别无选择,也许,下个路口就会遇见希望。 The light is always there. Don't rush to say that you have no choice. Maybe you will meet hope at the next crossing.

20、全世界的人都离开你了我也会在你身边,有地狱我们一起猖獗。 People all over the world have left you and I will be by your side. With hell, we are rampant together.

21、别人都羡慕你自在如风,只有你知道自己无依无靠。 Others envy you as free as the wind, only you know you are helpless.

22、别走回头路,别翻旧事薄,一路好走是祝福。 Don't go back, don't turn over the past, a good way is a blessing.

23、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 Because of love, so compassion; because of understanding, so tolerance.

24、在不喜欢你的人面前要开心一点,这会让他们的内心崩溃。 Be happy in front of people who don't like you. It will break their hearts.

25、在我变得足够优秀之前,我不会喜欢任何人,特别是你。 Until I become good enough, I will not like anyone, especially you.

26、垄沟里刨食的是条好汉子,病床上数钱的是个傻瓜。 The man in the ditch is a good man, and the one who counts money in the hospital bed is a fool.

27、失望只有两种可能:选错了人,或是怀有不该有的期待。 There are only two ways to be disappointed: to choose the wrong person or to expect the wrong one.

28、女人,不要活在别人眼里,也不要活着别人嘴里,命运要靠自己掌握在手里。 Women, do not live in the eyes of others, do not live in the mouth of others, fate depends on their own hands.

29、女孩子要么美一点,要么努力一点,如果又美又努力,那就可以拽一点。 Girls are either more beautiful or more diligent. If they are more beautiful and more diligent, they can pull a little.

30、好好生活,慢慢爱你,不早不晚,刚好是你。 Live a good life and love you slowly. It's just you.

31、如果你在背后议论我,那只能说明,我活的明显要比你精彩许多。 If you talk about me behind my back, it only shows that my life is obviously much better than yours.

32、如果你曾歌颂黎明,那么也请你拥抱黑夜。 If you have sung of the dawn, then please embrace the night.

33、希望可以嫁给爱情,刚好的时光遇见刚好的你。 I hope I can marry love and meet you at the right time.

34、平和的女生,要求不是那么多,不会动不动就嫉妒别人的富贵和幸运。 The peaceful girl, the request is not so many, will not move to envy others' wealth and luck.

35、幸福蜿蜒在一路绵长的挚爱里,醉了日出,也醉了夕阳。 Happiness winds in a long way of love, drunk sunrise, also drunk sunset.

36、幸运女神不愿将任何人长久驮在肩上,她很快就会疲倦。 Fortune does not want to carry anyone on her shoulders for a long time. She will soon be tired.

37、心里能装着一些时间带不走的淡淡悲伤,也是一种幸福。 In my heart, I can hold some light sadness that I can't take away with me. It's also a kind of happiness.

38、忆起某些曲子,却怎么也听不出从前的旋律。 Remember some music, but how can not hear the melody of the past.

39、怀念煤油灯的光明,灯下的缓慢,成长,以及默片似的影子。 Miss the light of kerosene lamp, the slow growth under the lamp, and the shadow like silent film.

40、想变成仲夏夜的一只萤火虫,只要抓住你的注意力,就已经满足了。 If you want to become a firefly in midsummer night, you can only catch your attention and be satisfied.

41、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。 We have been looking, looking, that we all have the end.

42、我们领教了世界是何等凶顽,同时又得知世界也可以变得温存和美好。 We have learned how tough the world is and how warm and beautiful it can be.

43、我会努力变成你喜欢的那种女孩子,然后死也不和你在一起。 I'll try to be the kind of girl you like, and then I'll die with you.

44、我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己,活成了你的样子。 The deepest love I think is that after I leave, I will live like you.

45、我把我的爱情还给你,你把我的骄傲还给我,从此,我们两不相欠。 I give my love back to you, you give my pride back to me, from then on, we do not owe each other.

46、我是一个喜欢给人承诺、但又无法实现的人、只恨当初! I am a person who likes to promise, but can't realize, just hate the beginning!

47、我觉得一味的谦让,确实难以解决什么问题,反倒只会让别人贪得无厌。 I think it's really difficult to solve any problem by just being humble. On the contrary, it will only make others greedy.

48、承认现实生活中的不足之处,并通过自己的努力去弥补这种不足。 Recognize the shortcomings in real life, and make up for them through their own efforts.

49、无论长成什么坚硬的模样,心里最爱的还是温柔的故事。 No matter how hard it looks, the favorite story in my heart is the gentle one.

50、明明生活过得很糟,却还要表现得若无其事。 It's clear that life is bad, but it has to act as if nothing happened.

51、有些事情,你能想通,也能接受,但还是会难过。 Some things, you can think through, can accept, but still will be sad.

52、有酒就去喝,有爱就去爱,一生那么短,再拘谨几下就真的过去了。 Drink when you have wine, love when you have love. Life is so short, and a few more formality will really pass.

53、每到晚上睡不着,爬起来想你就像是安眠药。 Every night I can't sleep. It's like sleeping pills to get up and think of you.

54、毕竟这也不是一个人贱人爱的社会,你还是收敛一点的好。 After all, it's not a society loved by a

55、活在别人的眼光下,不如活在自己的期望下。 Living in the eyes of others is better than living in their own expectations.

56、浮生红妆,万里无疆卿似月下海棠,风华无双,命格琳琅。 Floating red makeup, thousands of miles without Jiang Qing like the Begonia under the moon, unparalleled in style, life grid Lin Lang.

57、滚滚红尘,陌上寒烟。前世的缘,今生相见。 Rolling red dust, cold smoke on the road. The fate of the past, meet in this life.

58、现在的我,很相信顺其自然;别说我不在意,就算在意了又能怎样? Now, I believe that let it be; don't say I don't care, even if I care, what can I do?

59、生活不是一场赛跑,生活是一场旅行,要懂得好好欣赏每一段风景。 Life is not a race, life is a journey, we should know how to enjoy every scenery.

60、生活不是电影,忘了那些剧本吧,去过自己想过的人生。 Life is not a movie. Forget those scripts and live the life you want to live.

61、生活把我逼得像个汉子,叫我如何再去小鸟依人。 Life forced me to be like a man. I was told how to go to little birds and depend on others.

62、祝愿欺骗我感情的少年无爱一生,断子绝孙,孤独终身且长命百岁。 I wish the youth who deceived my feelings have no love for life, have no children, be lonely for life and live for a hundred years.

63、给事物赋予什么样的价值,人们就有什么样的行动。晚安! What kind of value is given to things, what kind of actions people have. good night!

64、给时间一点时间,让过去成为过去。给过去一点时间,让时间成为过去。 Give time, let the past be the past. Give time to the past, let time be the past.

65、越长大越不敢依赖别人,因为人心易变,自己给的才叫安全感。 The more you grow up, the more you dare not rely on others, because people's hearts are changeable. What you give is a sense of security.

66、这种孤独驱散了哀愁,蕴含着一种豪放的意志。 This loneliness dispels the sadness and contains a kind of bold will.

67、青春最美的不是梦,而是与你一起追梦的人。 Youth is not the most beautiful dream, but with you to pursue a dream.

68、风吹海滩苇叶飘,日日健身乐逍遥。漫舞群鸥起得早,习习海风卷浪潮。 The wind blows the beach, the reed leaves float, and the daily fitness is happy. The flock of gulls get up early and learn the wave of sea breeze.