1、一个人有无成就,决定于他青年时期是不是有志气。 Whether a person has achieved or not depends on his ambition in his youth.

2、不是没有耐心,而是能够让我有耐心的那个人从来不是你! It's not that you have no patience, but the one who can make me patient is never you!

3、不看书岂能满腹经纶,不勤奋哪来的事业辉煌? If you don't read books, you can't be full of knowledge. If you don't work hard, you can't have a brilliant career?

4、不被理解的弱小,只好一直坚强。 The weak who are not understood have to be strong all the time.

5、世界进步的历史,是由那些不愿向失败者俯首称臣的人,写下来的。 The history of world progress is written down by those who are unwilling to bow down to the losers.

6、书最大的影响力,就是可以刺激读者自我思考。 The biggest influence of a book is that it can stimulate readers to think about themselves.

7、人人不敢自信,大家就成为轻信的人了。 If people don't dare to be confident, they will become credulous people.

8、人总爱欺骗自己,因为那比欺骗别人容易。 People always like to cheat themselves, because it is easier than to cheat others.

9、人的命就像这琴弦,拉紧了才能弹好,弹好了就够了。 Human life is like this string. It can be played well only when it is tightened. It is enough to play it well.

10、今天付出一分的努力,可换取明天十分安乐。 Today's hard work can exchange for tomorrow's happiness.

11、付出心态,征服环境的唯一诀窍。 Pay mentality, the only way to conquer the environment.

12、你不能拼爹的时候,你就只能去拼命! When you can't fight dad, you can only fight for it!

13、你若失败了,成功便是天堂。 If you fail, success is heaven.

14、你若想得到这世界上最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。 If you want the best in the world, you have to let the world see the best of you.

15、你若消沉,沙丘也是越不过的峭壁。 If you are depressed, the sand dunes can't get over the cliffs.

16、信任是这个世界上最容易失去的东西,也是最难挽回的东西。 trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose, and the hardest thing in the world to get back.

17、凡事皆有极困难之时,打得通的,便是勇者。 When everything is extremely difficult, it is the brave who can make it through.

18、刻苦学习的人,总能实现自己的愿望。 People who study hard can always realize their wishes.

19、前路未可知,梦想今犹在。 The road ahead is unknown, but the dream is still there.

20、前进的理由路是错误的时候,停下脚步也是一种进步。 When the reason to move forward is wrong, stopping is also a kind of progress.

21、只有经历地狱般的磨练,才能炼出创造天堂的力量。 Only through hell like training, can we refine the power to create heaven.

22、只要相信自己,没有什么做不到的! As long as you believe in yourself, nothing can't be done!

23、只要自己变优秀了,其他的事情才会跟着好起来。 As long as you become better, other things will follow.

24、夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。 The setting sun is infinitely good, but near dusk.

25、大家非常少取笑你的希望,只是取笑你的整体实力。 People seldom make fun of your hope, only about your overall strength.

26、如果你累了,世界会给你一个拥抱,但记得醒来,面对一切。 If you are tired, the world will give you a hug, but remember to wake up and face everything.

27、小事成就大事,细节成就完美。 Small things make great things, details make perfect.

28、当忍之处切忍,小不忍则乱大谋。 When you are tolerant, you should be tolerant. If you are not tolerant, you will make great plans.

29、得到时间,就是得到一切。 To get time is to get everything.

30、心专业,身先神显,季度达标,奋再向前。 Professional heart, the body first spirit, quarterly standards, strive to move forward.

31、心宽,所看的世界都是美好的。 Heart wide, see the world is beautiful.

32、总会有些东西,让你既想对全世界炫耀,又不舍得与任何人分享。 There will always be something that you want to show off to the world without sharing it with anyone.

33、成功了,想怎么说都可以,失败者没有发言权。 If you succeed, you can say whatever you want. The loser has no say.

34、成功,是留给懂得付出的人! Success is left to those who know how to pay!

35、我们人生的全部意义在于创造,奋斗则是一种手段。 The whole meaning of our life lies in creation, and struggle is a means.

36、我是你无奈的选择,却不是多么爱的人,只怪他下手太残忍。 I'm your helpless choice, but I'm not so much in love with you. I only blame him for his cruelty.

37、把事情变复杂很简单,把事情变简单很复杂。 It's easy to make things complicated. It's very complicated to make things simple.

38、收回羡慕别人的目光,反观自己的内心。 Take back the envious eyes of others and look back on your own heart.

39、无论你今天要面对什么,既然走到了这一步,就坚持下去。 No matter what you have to face today, since you have come to this step, stick to it.

40、最不能爱的,是不看重你人格的人。 The one you can't love most is the one who doesn't value your personality.

41、有无目标是成功者,与平庸者的根本差别。 Whether there is a goal or not is the fundamental difference between the successful and the mediocre.

42、机会不会主动找到你,必须亮出你自己。 Opportunities won't find you on your own initiative. You have to show yourself.

43、每个人的路都是要靠自己走的,走好走不好都自己的事情。 Everyone's road is to rely on their own to walk, walk well or not is their own business.

44、永远不要逃避问题,因为时间不会给弱者任何回报。 Never run away from problems, because time will not give the weak any return.

45、满意的顾客,是永久的面对面的广告。 Satisfied customers are permanent face-to-face advertisements.

46、燕雀亦想扶摇直上九万里,泥鳅未必不能成真龙。 The sparrow also wants to soar up to 90000 miles. Loach may not be able to become a dragon.

47、生命因摔倒而奋起,人生因挫折而精彩! Life because of fall and rise, life because of setbacks and wonderful!

48、生活是灯,工作是油,若要灯亮,就得加油! Life is a lamp, work is oil. If you want to light up, you have to refuel!

49、目光敏锐才能发现问题,有勇有谋才能解决问题。 Only with keen eyes can we find problems, and with courage and resourcefulness can we solve them.

50、相信努力会成功,但不要逃避失败。 Believe that efforts will succeed, but don't avoid failure.

51、真正的勇气不是压倒一切,而是不被一切压倒。 True courage is not overwhelming, but not being overwhelmed by everything.

52、知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。 Knowledge can only be progressive, not leap forward.

53、知识改变命运,学习改写人生,教育改善人格,反思启迪智慧。 Knowledge changes fate, learning rewrites life, education improves personality, reflection enlightens wisdom.

54、纵使我有千不好万不好吗,但爱着你时的我,是最好的。 Even if I have thousands of bad, but love you when I am the best.

55、脚踏实地不要着急,你想要的的生活都会给你。 Down to earth, don't worry, the life you want will be given to you.

56、要努力,不放弃,为了自己的理想,为了美好的明天。 To work hard, do not give up, for their own ideal, for a better tomorrow.

57、责人之心责己,恕己之心恕人。 We should be responsible for others and others.

58、销售要么是胜利,要么是学习。 Selling is either victory or learning.

59、错过日落余晖,请记得还有漫天星辰。 Miss the sunset, please remember there are stars all over the sky.

60、面对困难,智者想尽千方百计,愚者说尽千言万语。 In the face of difficulties, wise men try their best to do everything possible, while fools speak thousands of words.