1、一次次失望过后的平静,一定藏着太多的无奈吧。 After a disappointment of calm, there must be too much helplessness.

2、专一不是一辈子只喜欢一个人,是喜欢一个人的时候一心一意、不离不弃。 Single mindedness is not to like only one person in one's life, but to love one person wholeheartedly and never leave.

3、为了以后做喜欢的事,现在先做不喜欢的事。 In order to do what you like later, do what you don't like first.

4、人生最大的幸福:有一个人,能暖暖的住在心底。 The greatest happiness of life: there is a person who can live in the bottom of my heart.

5、任何时候,任何情况,只要你需要我,我立即赶来,尽我全力为你做事。 Any time, any situation, as long as you need me, I will come immediately and do my best for you.

6、你太俗气了,老是发自己的自拍照片,害得我为了看你手都举酸了。 You are too vulgar. You always send your own self photos, which makes me sour to see you.

7、你我相识是一种缘分,不要因为时间和距离怀疑我的真心,不要轻易放弃。 You know me is a kind of fate, don't doubt my sincerity because of time and distance, don't give up easily.

8、你放心,我会好好照顾自己的,自己都照顾不好,怎么照顾猪。 You can rest assured that I will take good care of myself. If I can't take good care of myself, how can I take care of pigs.

9、你是我最光明的秘密,也是我从不曾拥有的底气。 You are my brightest secret, and the confidence I never had.

10、你是我的第一次,你一定要好好爱我啊。 You are my first time, you must love me well.

11、你是揉碎的日光,落入我梦境的一片温暖。 You are the sun crumbling, falling into the warmth of my dream.

12、你的名字我的心事,我的名字你的故事。 Your name, my heart, my name, your story.

13、你看,我喜欢的就是你那副不爱别人只爱我的样子。 You see, what I like is the way you don't love others, just love me.

14、再长的路都有尽头,千万不要回头;再快乐的心都有烦恼,千万不要在意。 No matter how long the road is, don't look back; no matter how happy the heart is, don't care.

15、友谊就像陶器,破了可以修补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆。 Friendship is like pottery, broken can be repaired; love is like a mirror, once broken, it is difficult to reunite.

16、可不可以换你褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。 Can you take off your pride and like me crazy.

17、喜欢你就是见不得你与别人交谈甚欢。 I like you, but I can't see you talking with others.

18、因为缘分,我们相遇相恋,希望你善待这份真心。 Because of fate, we meet and fall in love, I hope you treat this sincere.

19、如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人。 If a relationship doesn't make you a better person, it's a pity that you're with the wrong person.

20、如果你愿意,我就钟爱你,如果你不愿意,我就单相思,你愿意吗? If you want to, I love you, if you don't want to, I love you alone, do you want to?

21、如果说,情话是说给*听的,那么你愿意当我的那个*么。 If you say that love words are for fools, would you like to be my fool.

22、就像手机屏幕一样,你不来拨弄,心一会儿也就暗了。 Just like the mobile phone screen, if you don't touch it, your heart will be dark for a while.

23、希望我这个小朋友,能你让难忘又牵挂。 I hope that my child can make you unforgettable and concerned.

24、希望被宠爱,受不得一点委屈。 I hope I can't be loved.

25、很不幸,我爱上了太阳,光芒万丈。 Unfortunately, I fell in love with the sun.

26、想做你唇间的风,小心翼翼,拂过你的唇齿喉咙,轻轻一笑,我就缭乱了。 Want to do the wind between your lips, carefully, brush your lips, teeth and throat, gently smile, I am confused.

27、想和你喝酒是假的,想醉你怀里是真的。我爱你! It's not true that I want to drink with you. It's true that I want to get drunk in your arms. I love you!

28、想陪你把思念熬成拥抱,喜欢熬成深爱,青春熬成一辈子。 Want to accompany you to miss boil into a hug, like boil into deep love, youth boil into a lifetime.

29、我们没有特别的故事,我们只是彼此生命中最幸运的意外。 We don't have a special story. We're just the luckiest accidents in each other's lives.

30、我喜欢你,没有什么特别的理由,就是喜欢。 I like you. There's no special reason. I just like you.

31、我喜欢你,穷极所思,可赴万里。 I like you. I can go to thousands of miles.

32、我想保护她,也想保护这养她的山川与人间。 I want to protect her, and I want to protect the mountains and the world that support her.

33、我愿意轻轻地道把你拖起,一如托起生活的一切重担。 I am willing to gently drag you up, just like holding up all the burdens of life.

34、我有时觉得自己贪得无厌,不仅要自己喜欢你,还要你喜欢我。 Sometimes I feel greedy, not only to like you, but also you like me.

35、所有眉宇间的故事,不是深情就是辜负。 All the stories between Meiyu are either affectionate or disappoint.

36、把爱情投资在一个人身上,冒险;把爱情投资在许多人身上,危险。 Investing love in one person is risky; investing love in many people is dangerous.

37、早上最美好的部分就是知道有那么一个人正静静地等着你醒来。 The best part of the morning is knowing that someone is waiting for you to wake up.

38、是不是真爱,看她一眼就知道了。爱在细节里。 If it's true love, you can see at a glance. Love is in the details.

39、最好的爱情,就是有尊严的我对你毫无要求。 The best love is dignified. I have no requirement for you.

40、有时候,能被一个爱的人欺负自己一辈子,也很幸福。 Sometimes, it's very happy to be bullied by a loved one for a lifetime.

41、有没有那么一个号码,你永远不会打,也永远不会删。 Is there such a number that you will never call or delete.

42、梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。 There are a hundred kinds of dream life, all of which have you.

43、流星,就像短暂的爱情,美的是一刹那,怀念的是一辈子。 Meteor, like a short love, the United States is a moment, miss is a lifetime.

44、海有舟可渡,山有路可行。此爱翻山海,山海皆可平。 There are boats in the sea and roads in the mountains. This love turns mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be flat.

45、爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 Love is like a butterfly, it like to fly to where, bring joy to where.

46、爱整个人类可能是一件易事;认真地去爱上一个人却很难。 It may be easy to love the whole human being, but it's hard to love someone seriously.

47、爱,不仅有吃醋的争吵,还有沟通的误会,但更多的是赌气后的关心。 Love, there are not only jealous quarrels, but also communication misunderstandings, but more concern after anger.

48、简单的生活,何尝不是一场华丽的冒险。 A simple life is a gorgeous adventure.

49、面对你,真的是一件很难的事情。 It's really hard to face you.

50、风筝有风,海豚有海,而我有你。 Kite has wind, dolphin has sea, and I have you.