1、一种预感,爱就要离岸,所有回忆却慢慢碎成片断。 A premonition, love will be offshore, all memories are slowly broken into pieces.

2、不爱我,我会给你分手的权利,只是不要后悔。 Do not love me, I will give you the right to break up, just don't regret.

3、人不可以把钱带进坟墓,但钱可以把人带进坟墓。 People can't take money to the grave, but money can take people to the grave.

4、从没想过,你的一句对不起,让我连哭都哭不出来。 Never thought, you a sorry, let me even cry.

5、你也不必牵强再说爱我、反正我的灵魂已片片掉落。 You don't have to be far fetched to say love me, anyway, my soul has fallen piece by piece.

6、你可知?爱m莪不怕输,只怕m不快乐! You know? Love you I am not afraid of losing, just afraid you are not happy!

7、你回不来,我逃不开。往岁流光,一往情深。 If you don't come back, I can't escape. I love you so much.

8、你掌心华丽的线条,纠结进了谁的城池里欢声笑语。 The gorgeous lines in your palms, tangled into whose City, laughing and laughing.

9、你的心,是我去到世界尽头还想再回来的地方。 Your heart is where I want to come back to the end of the world.

10、分享爱并不代表会失去爱,因为爱是无穷无尽的! Sharing love doesn't mean losing love, because love is endless!

11、在冰箱的鸡蛋上画上你的脸,让我随时可以看到你。 Draw your face on the eggs in the refrigerator so I can see you at any time.

12、在所有物是人非的风景里,我最喜欢你。 I like you the most in all the scenery where things are different.

13、女人永远说我在等你,其实是等来谁算谁。 Women always say that I'm waiting for you. In fact, it's who I'm waiting for.

14、对你,只要我的心还跳动着,我就会一直爱你。 For you, as long as my heart is beating, I will always love you.

15、就算大雨将整座城市颠倒,我也会给你拥抱。 Even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down, I will give you a hug.

16、岁月是场有去无回的旅行,好的坏的都是风景。 Time is a journey with no return, good and bad are scenery.

17、当泪水都没有意义的时候,再多的叫嚣都无足轻重。 When the tears are meaningless, no matter how much shouting.

18、得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。 Get and lose, always more hurt than never get.

19、慕尔如星,愿守心一人,从天光乍破,到暮雪白头。 Mu Er is like a star, willing to guard the heart of a person, from the light suddenly broken, to the evening snow white head.

20、我]有在一起,可是你s在我心最近的距x。 We are not together, but you are in my heart the nearest distance.

21、我不喜欢小孩,你说那可不可以,把你当小孩养。 I don't like children. Do you think it's OK to raise you as a child.

22、我不是不爱你了,只是爱得太深了,该放手了。 It's not that I don't love you anymore. It's just too deep. It's time to let go.

23、我为爱而忘情,我为爱受折磨,不论忘情还是折磨。 I forget love for love, I suffer for love, regardless of love or torture.

24、我们不必为一时之失而愧怍,为一事之败而沮丧。 We don't have to be ashamed of a moment's loss, or be frustrated by a failure.

25、我们在一起,回忆斑驳了时光阴影下站立的你。 We are together, memories mottled time, standing under the shadow of you.

26、我们总是在不懂爱情的年纪,遇到最美好的爱情。 We always meet the best love when we don't understand love.

27、我只是她的替身,替她延续你们的缘分。 I'm just her double. I'll continue your relationship for her.

28、我就不懂了,前一刻的心交心,后一刻的心瞒心。 I don't understand, the first moment of heart to heart, the second moment of heart concealment.

29、我很喜欢你,就像哪吒的大招,只奔向你。 I like you very much, just like Nezha's big move, only running to you.

30、我很想知道假如我失忆,我会不会记得你。 I want to know if I lose my memory, I will remember you.

31、我忘记了你的样貌,却清晰的记得你的味道。 I forget your appearance, but clearly remember your taste.

32、我要是爱你,就会用你喜欢的方式爱你。 If I love you, I will love you the way you like.

33、我讨厌那些曾经,牵绊着我的现在和将来。 Those who are in the past and in the future.

34、我讨厌那随口而出毫无意义的,对不起以及我爱你。 I hate the nonsense, I'm sorry and I love you.

35、我难过的是,你终于学会记不得我的好。 I'm sad that you finally learn not to remember my good.

36、把最喜欢的人藏在心里,看看来年会不会开花结果。 Hide your favorite person in your heart to see if it will blossom and bear fruit in the coming year.

37、既然选择在一起,又何必辜负了当初的诺言。 Since we choose to be together, why fail to live up to the original promise.

38、明明会委屈,可只是因为放不下而妥协的心情。 Obviously will be aggrieved, but just because can not put down and compromise mood.

39、有些人,是毕生耗尽心力都无法企及的暗影。 Some people, is the life exhausts the mental energy to be unable to achieve the shadow.

40、有时候我承认,守在你身旁,其实也是一种沉沦。 Sometimes I admit that staying by your side is actually a kind of degradation.

41、有时候,会有种莫名的无助,去又不知道为什么。 Sometimes, there will be a kind of inexplicable helplessness, to do not know why.

42、有那么一瞬间,我还是愿意相信你是喜欢我的。 For a moment, I still want to believe that you like me.

43、未经失恋的人不懂爱情,未曾失意的人不懂人生。 Those who have not been lovelorn do not understand love, and those who have not been frustrated do not understand life.

44、没有快乐,微笑还在。没有童话,童年还在。 No happiness, smile is still there. There is no fairy tale, childhood is still there.

45、爱不过就像一口烟圈,烟散了回到从前。 Love is just like a cigarette ring, the smoke has gone back to the past.

46、爱对了人余生白首,爱错了人青春喂狗。 Love the right person for the rest of his life, love the wrong person, youth feed dog.

47、爱情,在指缝间承诺,指缝,在爱情下缠绵。 Love, commitment between fingers, fingers, lingering in love.

48、爱是柴米油盐酱醋茶,爱是明早九点半民政局门口见。 Love is firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. I'll see you at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

49、爱笑之人不露忧伤,爱哭之人故作坚强。 Those who love to laugh do not show sorrow; those who love to cry pretend to be strong.

50、用一首花开的时间,述说我对你颠沛流离的思念。 With a flower of time, tell me my missing for you.

51、真正的爱凌驾在权力之上,那才是济世你我的力量。 True love is above power, that is the power to save the world.

52、而我听见下雨的声音,想起你用唇语说爱情。 And I hear the sound of rain, think of you say love with lips.

53、船可以暂时停泊,帆却不可以停止选择方向。 The ship can be moored temporarily, but the sail can't stop to choose the direction.

54、虽然你给的微不足道,可我却感觉无比温暖。 Although you give me little, but I feel very warm.

55、被全世界抛弃又怎样,我还有我自己,我爱我自己。 Abandoned by the world, I still have myself, I love myself.

56、要承认自己不忠,比承认别人不再爱你容易得多。 It's much easier to admit your infidelity than to admit that you are no longer loved.

57、身边很多关系都开始淡了、我也越来越懒了。 Many relationships around me are beginning to fade, and I am more and more lazy.

58、那碗酝酿爱情的茶,从醇香酿成了苦涩。 The cup of tea brewing love, from mellow to bitter.

59、阳光温热,岁月静好,你还未来,我怎敢老去! The sunshine is warm and the years are quiet. You are still in the future. How dare I grow old!

60、陌上浅笔,静悟流年,惬意岁月,一如初见。 Shallow pen on the street, quiet understanding of fleeting years, pleasant years, as the first time.