1、不离开。 Don't leave.

2、久爱她。 Love her for a long time.

3、久绊你。 It's been a long time.

4、伴与久。 With long time.

5、伴你长。 With you.

6、你的心。 Your heart.

7、千年缘。 Millennium fate.

8、带我走。 Take me.

9、念你安。 Miss you an.

10、我娶你。 I married you.

11、我爱他。 I love him.

12、拥紧你。 Hold you tight.

13、挽你发。 Pull your hair.

14、搏一生。 Fight for life.

15、暖于情。 Warm in love.

16、有我在。 I am here.

17、望你暖。 Hope you are warm.

18、深爱你。 Love you so much.

19、爱一世。 Love all my life.

20、爱与诚。 Love and sincerity.

21、爱是你。 Love is you.

22、生相随。 Life goes hand in hand.

23、红尘恋。 Love in the world of mortals.

24、终遇你。 I met you.

25、给我手。 Give me your hands.

26、钟于你。 It's up to you.

27、陪他笑。 Laugh with him.

28、陪她闹。 With her.

29、陪我走。 Go with me.