1、一曲琴韵瑟瑟,悲欢尘世离合。 A melody rustling, joys and sorrows in this world.

2、为相思,怕相思,到时还是要相思。 For Acacia, afraid of Acacia, then or Acacia.

3、习惯了放手,习惯了退让。 Used to let go, used to yield.

4、人到情多情转薄,而今真个悔多情。 People are sentimental to thin, and now really regret sentimental.

5、他生莫做有情痴,人间无地著相思。 He was born not to be infatuated with love.

6、会当凌绝顶,一……一把抱住你! Will be Ling juding, one Hold you!

7、你不知道,我每天想你好多遍。 You don't know, I miss you many times every day.

8、你要每天快乐,也要每天想我。 You want to be happy every day and think of me every day.

9、你记住哟,我想你的时候,是爆炸想你。 Remember, when I miss you, it's the explosion that misses you.

10、冬雨蒙蒙,营造无边的浪漫。 Winter rain, create boundless romance.

11、凄凄切切情亦悲,生生世世永不悔。 It's sad and sad. I will never regret it.

12、别离是伤感的二胡,思念是苦涩的咖啡。 Parting is sad erhu, missing is bitter coffee.

13、听说可爱会传染,你快靠我近一点。 It's said that cute can infect. Come closer to me.

14、吾思伊人之甚,思绪万里。 I think of her so much that I can't help thinking.

15、因为你,让我知道我会无力反抗。 Because of you, let me know I can't resist.

16、在吗,亲爱的,我好想你! Yes, honey, I miss you so much!

17、在所有微醺的时间里,我只想念你。 All the time I was drunk, I just miss you.

18、大概是太想你,所以一切都是你的影子。 Maybe I miss you too much, so everything is your shadow.

19、好久不见,你还好吗?我想你了。 Long time no see. How are you? I miss you.

20、好想你,却不知道怎么用语言描述。 I miss you so much, but I don't know how to describe it in words.

21、如果心相通,相隔千年也同感。 If we are interlinked, we feel the same way when we are separated by thousands of years.

22、如果能回到过去,那我已定要多看你几遍。 If I can go back to the past, I will see you more times.

23、思念是一杯苦咖啡,不是寂寞而是想你。 Missing is a cup of bitter coffee, not lonely, but missing you.

24、恐负平生怜我意,从今不忍复相思。 I am afraid that I will feel pity for my whole life, and I can't bear to love again from now on.

25、惊觉相思不露,原来只因已入骨。 Startled Acacia does not reveal, the original only because it has entered the bone.

26、想你是戒不掉的瘾,朝朝暮暮。 Think of you is an addiction, day and night.

27、想你,时间就会过得很快。 Miss you, time will pass quickly.

28、想你,止于唇齿,又藏于心底。 Miss you, stop at the lips and teeth, and hide in the bottom of my heart.

29、想念,是无法言说的心事。 Miss, is an indescribable matter of mind.

30、我不是故意打扰你,只是真的好想你。 I don't mean to disturb you, just really miss you.

31、我从不孤独,只是有些想你。 I'm never lonely, just miss you a little.

32、我在想你,表面不露痕迹,心里不留余地。 I think of you, the surface does not show traces, the heart does not leave room.

33、我好想你,小小脑力,不成敬意。 I miss you so much, little brain power, no respect.

34、我想你了,这里都是你的影子。 I miss you. Here are your shadows.

35、我想你,让我的爱时刻守护你。 I miss you, let my love always guard you.

36、我是个实际的人,我相信日久生情。 I am a practical person, I believe in long-term love.

37、我这样浓烈的思念,你有没有感觉到。 I miss so much, do you feel it.

38、把你位置发给我,看看我的心跑哪去了。 Send me your position and see where my heart is.

39、时光如水,生命如歌,你在他乡还好吗? Time is like water, life is like song. Are you OK in other country?

40、时间,会沉淀真挚的情感。 Time, will precipitate the sincere emotion.

41、春眠不觉晓,处……处对象可好? Spring sleep does not feel dawn, where How about the company?

42、暂别你的世界,心里想念。 Leave your world for a while and miss it in my heart.

43、月儿圆了,我在梦里等你。 The moon is round. I'm waiting for you in my dream.

44、有时候血流尽了,伤口也不会愈合的。 Sometimes the blood runs out and the wound doesn't heal.

45、梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。 There are a hundred kinds of dream life, all of which have you.

46、每一次,每一刻;对你真真爱恋! Every time, every moment; I love you so much!

47、没有山的陪伴,水会流远。 Without the company of mountains, the water will flow far away.

48、浏览无数美景,只藏你在心田。 Browse countless beautiful scenery, only hide you in the heart.

49、深深浅浅的思念,都只为你而发。 Deep and shallow thoughts are only for you.

50、深深的一段情,叫我思念到如今。 A deep love, let me miss to now.

51、爱情是花,滋润我的心窝。 Love is a flower that moistens my heart.

52、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you won't get lost.

53、相思痴,相思苦,相思就是一种爱。 Acacia, Acacia bitter, acacia is a kind of love.

54、真情,不因距离而疏远,越远越思念。 True feelings, not because of distance and estrangement, the farther the more miss.

55、空一缕余香在此,盼千金游子何之。 A wisp of empty fragrance is here. I hope you will find it.

56、苍天那大地啊,是真地耐你! Heaven, that earth, is really tolerant of you!

57、请保持网络通畅,及时接收我的想念。 Please keep the network unobstructed and receive my thoughts in time.

58、轻触琴弦,如风之纤细,思念为谁断? Touch the string, like the wind, miss who break?

59、问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许? Ask the world, what is love, direct teaching life and death?

60、雁南飞,雁南飞,雁叫声声心欲碎。 The wild goose flies south, the wild goose flies south, the wild goose calls sound sound, the heart wants to break.