1、一见钟情,九遇倾心。 Love at first sight, nine fall in love.

2、万事浮沉,你是人间归途。 Everything is ups and downs, you are the way home.

3、不想听大道理,只想吃小蛋糕。 Don't want to listen to the big truth, just want a small cake.

4、不是没你不行,而是有你更好。 It's not that you can't do it, it's better to have you.

5、不管署去寒来,真爱永远。 No matter how cold it is, true love will always be.

6、与你有关,皆是浪漫。 It's all about you. It's all about romance.

7、世态炎凉,别太善良。 Don't be too kind.

8、世间千般好唯你最珍贵。 You are the best in the world.

9、亲爱的,我想你了! Honey, I miss you!

10、他很好,你也不差。 He's fine, and you're not bad.

11、以你做诗,半字成痴。 If you make a poem, half a word becomes a fool.

12、你在梦里,辗转成歌。 You are in a dream, turning into a song.

13、你拥有我,我拥有你。 You have me, I have you.

14、你是我的唯一,这辈子誓爱你。 You are the only one for me. I promise to love you in my life.

15、你是涓涓温柔途径过百川。 You are a gentle way through all rivers.

16、你的心,只准有我。 Your heart, only me.

17、全部都是关于你。一直是。 It's all about you. It has always been.

18、只想和你在一起。 I just want to stay with you.

19、君以天下待我,我以盛世还君。 You treat me with the world, and I return to you in prosperous times.

20、告诉桃花,以后不用来了。 Tell peach blossom not to come again.

21、因为有爱在,便有了春暖花开。 Because there is love, there will be spring flowers.

22、坠入梦乡,枕着你的名字。 Fall into your dream.

23、大叔,我不信爱情,只相信你。 Uncle, I don't believe in love, I only believe in you.

24、好久不见,何止想念! Long time no see, more than miss!

25、寒冬卧冰,盛夏吻火。 Winter lies on ice, summer kisses fire.

26、对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变! For you, no matter whether it's cloudy or sunny, it doesn't change!

27、往后余生,再无你。 For the rest of my life, I'll never have you again.

28、思念你,我夜不成寐。 Miss you, I can't sleep at night.

29、恩爱,就是好好说话。 Love is talking well.

30、想你,是因为想把爱放在身边。 I miss you because I want to put my love by my side.

31、我可以陪你去看星星。 I can accompany you to see the stars.

32、我在等你,慢慢相遇。 I'm waiting for you, meet slowly.

33、我恨我自己,为什么爱你。 I hate myself. Why do I love you.

34、我愿为你、倾尽一切。 I will do everything for you.

35、我爱你啊!你听到了没有? I love you! Did you hear that?

36、我爱你,想要对你说声千万次。 I love you and want to say it to you a million times.

37、我爱你,爱你是我一生的承诺! I love you, love you is my lifelong commitment!

38、我的梦中人。 My dream man.

39、我的生活,在每个微笑里幸福。 My life is happy in every smile.

40、所有东西再冷,也冷不过人心。 No matter how cold everything is, it can't be cold.

41、日不见兮,思之如狂。 When the sun is gone, I think like crazy.

42、时间,会沉淀最真的情感。 Time, will precipitate the most true emotion.

43、明天领证,我们爱了五年。 Tomorrow, we've been in love for five years.

44、每一片,都有你的气息。 Every piece has your breath.

45、渴望的人,来世的心。 The yearning man, the heart of the afterlife.

46、爱你不久,就一生! Love you soon, life!

47、爱到最美,是陪伴。 Love to the most beautiful, is to accompany.

48、爱的春天,是柔情朵朵。 The spring of love is tender.

49、珍惜一个人,再见一颗心。 Cherish a person, goodbye a heart.

50、痴痴的眼,看你。 Crazy eyes, look at you.

51、相濡以沫,彼此牵手一生。 Hand in hand with each other for life.

52、繁华懂,十里情。 Prosperous understand, ten miles of love.

53、红尘共舞,情长路长。 The world of mortals dance together, love long road.

54、老鼠爱上大米,属于追求自爱。 Mice fall in love with rice, belonging to the pursuit of self love.

55、虚伪的你们,无奈的我。 Hypocritical you, helpless me.

56、走错了路,思念过了。 Take the wrong road, miss too much.

57、跟着感觉,死了都爱! Follow the feeling, dead love!

58、适合与喜欢撞了个满怀。 Fit and like a collision full.

59、通往成功的路,总是在施工中。 The road to success is always in construction.

60、陪你到世界终结。 Accompany you to the end of the world.