1、baby,你要与我缠绵一辈子不分离。 Baby, you want to stay with me forever.

2、一曲一场叹,一生为一人。 A song a sigh, life for a person.

3、七夕心相惜,愿你更美丽。 Tanabata heart cherish, wish you more beautiful.

4、万里河山如梦,不如你青丝如瀑。 Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains like a dream, not as you Qingsi waterfall.

5、三更梦醒,你是檐上落下的星。 Wake up in the morning, you are the star falling from the eaves.

6、不想当小仙女了,想当你女朋友。 I don't want to be a fairy. I want to be your girlfriend.

7、不许你们暗恋他,全世界只有我可以! You are not allowed to fall in love with him. I am the only one in the world!

8、世界荒诞无边,还好爱拯救一切。 The world is absurd. Fortunately, love saves everything.

9、事情总要分先后,你先,全世界后。 Things have to be done first, the world first.

10、人海十万里,我只想要你。 Thousands of people, I just want you.

11、今生有你,再多的苦我愿意与你承担。 With you in this life, I am willing to bear more hardships with you.

12、从认识你,就没想过换人。 I haven't thought of changing people since I met you.

13、住在心里的女孩,以后也要住进家里。 The girl who lives in her heart will live at home in the future.

14、余光是你,余生也是你。 Yu Guang is you and the rest of your life is you.

15、你保护世界,我保护你。 Protect the world, protect you.

16、你再不来,我要下雪了。 If you don't come again, it will snow.

17、你就是盛开着的,漫山遍野的温柔。 You are in full bloom, gentle all over the mountains.

18、你是我的鬼迷心窍,只有我自己知道。 You are my obsession, only I know.

19、你是我见一个爱一个里面最爱的一个。 You are the one I love the most.

20、你生来就值得被爱,这点你无需质疑。 You were born to be loved, and you don't have to question that.

21、你的出现,令我的人生熠熠生辉。 Your presence makes my life shine.

22、凡夫俗子,你不想尝尝仙女的味道啊。 Ordinary people, you don't want to taste fairy.

23、好不容易才相遇,用来吵架多可惜。 It's a pity to have a fight.

24、如果能回头,我愿陪你重新来过。 If I can go back, I would like to accompany you to come again.

25、已是人海孤鸿,你似清晨朝暮。 It's a lonely sea of people. You are like morning and evening.

26、心是我的,可里面装的全是你。 My heart is mine, but it's full of you.

27、恩酒是烈的,风是暖的,你是最好的。 Well, the wine is strong, the wind is warm, and you are the best.

28、情不知所起,一往而情深。 I don't know where I'm going, but I'm deeply in love.

29、想你的时候就睡觉,会梦见你。 When I miss you, I will sleep and dream of you.

30、想着你睡不着,这是爱情的味道。 Think you can't sleep, this is the taste of love.

31、愿你我,一牵手,到白头。 Wish you and me, hand in hand, to the white head.

32、我不想*人间,我只想*你。 I don't want to harm the world, I just want to harm you.

33、我不相信幸福,我相信你。 I don't believe in happiness, I believe in you.

34、我发现你不适合谈恋爱,适合结婚。 I found that you are not suitable for love, suitable for marriage.

35、我只想每个落日,身边都有你。 I just want to have you around every sunset.

36、我带伞了,能不能借点你头顶的雨。 I have an umbrella with me. Can I borrow some rain on your head.

37、我是可爱的女孩子,你是可爱。 I am a lovely girl, you are lovely.

38、我是真的,真的,真的爱你! I really, really, really love you!

39、我爱你傻瓜,没有你我会发疯的。 I love you, fool, I would go crazy without you.

40、我爱你,一生一世陪着你。 I love you and stay with you all my life.

41、我爱你,今生今世我们一定要甜蜜幸福! I love you, this life we must be sweet and happy!

42、我爱你,爱意绵绵今生伴! I love you. I love you forever!

43、我要高冷,然后只暖你一个人。 I want high cold, and then only warm you.

44、所幸遇你,从此山河旖旎,都不及你。 Fortunately, I met you. From then on, the beautiful mountains and rivers are not as good as you.

45、拥有你,好事齐,生活好,爱情蜜。 Have you, good things, good life, love honey.

46、江南春不如你,横水秋也不如你。 Jiangnanchun is not as good as you, hengshuiqiu is not as good as you.

47、没有你的日子,身处闹市也觉得孤独。 Without you, I feel lonely in the downtown.

48、爱上你,我本意,幸福到,心欢喜。 Falling in love with you, I mean to be happy.

49、爱你在天天,你的身影充盈我的视线。 I love you every day.

50、爱你!愿我们生生世世不分离! Love you! May we never separate from each other!

51、爱你,是我的心甘情愿。 Love you, is my willing.

52、爱的真心已发出,请签收! Love has been sent out, please sign!

53、白头偕老不辜负,才是幸福。 It is happiness to grow old together and live up to it.

54、相扶到老情不变,才是浪漫。 It's romantic to help each other until the old love remains unchanged.

55、相爱必深情,深爱能秀诗。 Love must be deep, love can show poetry.

56、给守你加个期限是:一世。 To keep you add a deadline is: I.

57、缘分来了就是你,今生注定我爱你。 Fate is you, this life is destined to love you.

58、谈恋爱这种事,和你在一起才有趣。 It's fun to be in love with you.

59、逃不掉的,还是逃进我心里吧。 If you can't escape, you'd better escape into my heart.

60、风花雪月不等人,要献便献吻。 The wind, the flowers, the snow and the moon wait for no one.