1、一个敏感的人,大多都不幸福,因为太在乎。 A sensitive person, most of them are not happy, because they care too much.
2、人活着就一定会失去东西,而这些常常伴随着痛苦。 People will lose things when they live, and these are often accompanied by pain.
3、从相识到陌路,我们最终走到缘分的岔路口。 From acquaintance to stranger, we finally come to the fork of fate.
4、你把别人想得太复杂,是因为你也不简单。 You think of others too complex because you are not simple.
5、你的眼睛下雨了,淋湿我所有的骄傲。 Your eyes rain, wet all my pride.
6、你若离开,心跳会停,面无表情。 If you leave, your heart will stop and your face will be expressionless.
7、你说世间什么最难熬,徒手摘星,还是爱而不得。 What do you say is the most difficult thing in the world, picking up the stars with your bare hands, or love but not.
8、其实爱很简单,一句关心,一句问候就够了。 In fact, love is very simple, a care, a greeting is enough.
9、冷静深邃,却无比丰富是夜晚的海洋。 Calm and deep, but extremely rich, is the sea of night.
10、即使你的嘴唇在笑,你的瞳仁却没有办法笑。 Even if your lips are smiling, your pupils can't smile.
11、即使我待你千万般好,也不及她对你的会心一笑。 Even if I treat you as well as I can, I'm not as good as her smile.
12、喜新厌旧总会变成喜旧厌新,真是折磨人。 Being fond of the new and hating the old will always turn out to be fond of the old and disgusted with the new, which is really a torment.
13、因为我梦里有他,所以即使我在哭也别吵醒我。 Because I have him in my dream, don't wake me up even if I'm crying.
14、夜深人静想你的时候,你在谁身边说我爱你? When I miss you in the dead of night, who do you say I love you?
15、如果下雪不打伞,是不是我们就可以一路走到白头。 If it snows without an umbrella, can we go all the way to the white head.
16、如果你有鸭梨,把它放冰箱里,它就会变成冻梨。 If you have a pear, put it in the refrigerator and it will turn into a frozen pear.
17、如果爱迟到了,下一个路口,我们会在那里。 If love is late, the next intersection, we will be there.
18、如果过去还残留让时间,来做一个记号。 If there's still time left in the past, let's make a mark.
19、就算我是一只癞蛤蟆,我也坚决不娶母癞蛤蟆。 Even if I was a toad, I would never marry a mother toad.
20、得不到回应的热情,要懂得适可而止。 If you don't get a response, you need to know enough.
21、情,亲情……我们之间无所不有,却唯独没有爱情。 Love, family love We have everything but love.
22、感情发展到不同时期,就要做不同事。 When feelings develop to different periods, we should be different colleagues.
23、我一直在寻觅,寻觅,我们都有的那个结局。 I've been looking for, looking for, the ending we all have.
24、我不怕万人阻挡,我只怕自己投降。 I'm not afraid of being stopped by ten thousand people. I'm only afraid of surrendering myself.
25、我以为我不理你,你会难过,原来是我在难过。 I thought that I ignore you, you will be sad, I was sad.
26、我们慢慢的成为陌生人,是不是太可笑了。 We slowly become strangers, is not too ridiculous.
27、我们相爱,却不能相守,留下的只有遗憾。 We love each other, but can not be together, leaving only regret.
28、我怕我会死在自己毫不现实的幻想里。 I'm afraid I'll die in my own unrealistic fantasy.
29、我没有坚强的防备,也没有后路可以退。 I don't have a strong defense, and I don't have a way back.
30、我给的宽容,并不是毫无限度的。 My tolerance is not unlimited.
31、我肝肠寸断,竟换不回你的一点喜欢。 I'm so heartbroken that I can't get back your little love.
32、握不住的沙不如扬了它,养不熟的狗不如炖了它。 If you can't hold the sand, you'd better raise it. If you don't have a good dog, you'd better stew it.
33、既然不能好好跟我一生,就不要辜负青春。 Since you can't live up to my life, don't let down your youth.
34、日久不一定见人心,也有可能是蘑菇。 It may be mushroom.
35、时间你别走太快,我年少的梦还没醒过来。 Time you don't walk too fast, my young dream has not woken up.
36、有时,当你外表在笑的时候,内心是否在哭? Sometimes, when you smile on the outside, are you crying inside?
37、每当摩天轮转动一圈,世界就是多一对幸福恋人。 Every time the ferris wheel turns, the world is a couple of happy lovers.
38、游走在悲欢离合的边界,迷途失望在心的旅途。 Wandering in the boundary of joys and sorrows, lost and disappointed in the heart of the journey.
39、满满的,我的周围没有了朋友,只剩下我一个人。 Full, I have no friends around me, only me.
40、爱一个人有多辛苦,被爱的人永远不会懂。 How hard it is to love a person, the one who is loved will never understand.
41、男人有钱容易变得自大,女人有钱容易变得强势。 Men with money tend to be arrogant, women with money tend to become strong.
42、眼泪走失以后,相惜为伴的就只是坚强。 After the loss of tears, pity for the company is just strong.
43、虽然你没有说分手,但这样的结局比分手还心痛。 Although you did not say goodbye, but such an ending is more heartbreaking than breaking up.
44、认真的人,最可怜,动心的人,最可悲。 Serious people, the most pitiful, moving people, the most pathetic.
45、请记住,幸福不是目的地,而是行进中的漫漫旅程。 Remember, happiness is not a destination, but a long journey.
46、谁会为了谁的爱情。放弃谁的誓言? Who will be for whose love. Whose oath to give up?
47、迷恋上妖,妖的不择手段只为了保护自己。 Infatuated with the demon, the demon's unscrupulous means only to protect themselves.
48、钱还是会流向不缺钱的人,爱也会流向不缺爱的人。 Money will still flow to those who do not lack money, and love will flow to those who do not lack love.
49、雨水化开了我的眼泪p清风诠释了我的悲伤。 Rain opened my tears, the breeze explained my sadness.
50、青春、再怎么挥霍,也躲不过一句世态炎凉。 Youth, no matter how profligate, also can not avoid a word of the world.