1、一份陪伴,就是一份心意。 A companion is a heart.

2、一片叶子,飘零一份心情。 A leaf, floating a mood.

3、不用见日月,你就是星辰。 You don't have to see the sun and the moon, you are the stars.

4、不轰轰烈烈,但真真切切。 It's not spectacular, but it's real.

5、为你而改变,你爱我就爱! Change for you, you love me!

6、人生有你,永远都有期盼。 Life with you, always have expectations.

7、人间太吵了,来我心里吧。 The world is too noisy, come to my heart.

8、从头发到脚,都是完美的。 From hair to feet, it's perfect.

9、从认识你,就没想过换人。 Ever since I met you, I never thought about changing people.

10、以整个宇宙,换一颗红豆。 Exchange the whole universe for a red bean.

11、但闻君可知,汝心此一人。 But I can see that you are a man in your heart.

12、你来我陪你,你走我送你。 I'll accompany you when you come. I'll see you off when you go.

13、几度细思量,情愿相思苦。 After a few careful consideration, I am willing to suffer from Acacia.

14、别后唯所思,天涯共明月。 After the only thought, the horizon of the moon.

15、动人的情话,只为你诉说。 Moving love words, just for you.

16、只想牵你手,漫步人生路! Just want to hold your hand, walk the road of life!

17、君曾一相邀,行至奈何桥。 You once invited me to Naihe bridge.

18、和情人亲个嘴,心花怒放。 Kiss your lover, and your heart is in full bloom.

19、因一见钟情,许一厢情愿。 Because of love at first sight, Xu Yixiang is willing.

20、因为太想你,梦里全是你。 Because I miss you so much, you are in my dream.

21、天地有穷时,相思无尽头。 When the world is poor, there is no end to Acacia.

22、对你的思念,千杯不能解。 Miss you, a thousand cups can not solve.

23、对我来说,你是最珍贵的。 To me, you are the most precious.

24、山河旧且远,红豆赠佳人。 The mountains and rivers are old and far away, and red beans are presented to beautiful women.

25、心有千千结,只有你能解。 Heart has thousands of knots, only you can solve.

26、情不知所起,缘不问何灭。 I don't know where to start, but why not ask.

27、愿得一人心,白首不相离。 Catch one's heart, never be apart.

28、愿我所爱之人,生生平安。 Peace be to those I love.

29、憧憧似有梦,此心谁人知。 Longxiang seems to have a dream, this heart who knows.

30、我们相信,我们永远一起。 We believe that we will always be together.

31、我所念念人,所隔远远方。 The people I miss are far away.

32、我的故事,都是关于你啊! My stories are all about you!

33、我的未来里,余生都是你。 For the rest of my life, it's you.

34、执子之手,共你一世风霜。 Holding the hand of your son, you will have a lifetime of wind and frost.

35、抱着你,我被快乐捆绑着。 Holding you, I am bound by happiness.

36、拥有你,只愿一生不分离。 Have you, just want to live without separation.

37、星河滚滚,你是人间理想。 Stars rolling, you are the human ideal.

38、有一种味道,叫爱情甜蜜。 There is a taste, called love sweet.

39、有一种默契,叫心照不宣。 There is a tacit understanding called tacit understanding.

40、有爱,才让家庭更加和谐。 Love makes the family more harmonious.

41、海有舟可渡,山有路可行。 There are boats to cross the sea and roads to mountains.

42、火烧不毁金,刀割不断情。 Fire can't destroy gold, but knife can't destroy love.

43、爱一生一世,需要一辈子。 It takes a lifetime to love.

44、爱给了你,余生却没有你。 Love to you, but not you for the rest of my life.

45、牵挂你,时时刻刻放不下。 I care about you all the time.

46、电闪雷响,让我在你身旁。 Let me be by your side.

47、相去万余里,各在天一涯。 To go more than ten thousand miles, each in the end of the day.

48、相牵一辈子,爱你永不变! Lead a lifetime, love you never change!

49、真诚的爱恋,只为你守候。 Sincere love, just waiting for you.

50、眼里有你,所以满眼幸福。 I have you in my eyes, so my eyes are full of happiness.

51、给我一秒钟,我会想起你。 Give me a second and I'll think of you.

52、而今百年渡,回首是凄凉! But now a hundred years, looking back is desolate!

53、蝶来风有致,人去月无聊。 The wind comes from the butterfly, and the moon is boring.

54、输了你,赢了世界又如何? How about losing you and winning the world?

55、这一生,我将紧握你的手。 In this life, I will hold your hand.

56、遇见你,我的人生都亮了。 Meet you, my life is bright.

57、那些小缺点,让你很别致。 Those little faults make you unique.

58、陌上人如玉,公子世无双。 A stranger is like a jade, and there is no one like him in the world.

59、陪我好吗?不久,一辈子。 Will you stay with me? Soon, for a lifetime.

60、雨雾漫了山腰,你迷了我。 The rain and fog are all over the mountainside. You are fascinated by me.

61、青山看不厌,流水趣何长。 I can't bear to see the green mountains, but the water is so interesting.