1、一个科学家不能有任何偏见,我们不能被情绪而驱动。 A scientist can't be biased. We can't be driven by emotions.

2、事实上,我们应该庆幸找到了他。 In fact, we should be glad we found him.

3、人类给我们带来了消息。 Man has brought us news.

4、人这一辈子,有时就得靠一次疯狂的举动才能扭转乾坤! People in this life, sometimes have to rely on a crazy move to turn things around!

5、你们两个别闹了,把这里搞得跟托儿所似的。 Stop it, you two. It's like a nursery.

6、你就像个婴儿,只会乱叫,不知所措。 You're like a baby. You just scream and don't know what to do.

7、因为你有一颗坚强的心,无所畏惧。但是很愚蠢,像个孩子。 Because you have a strong heart, fearless. But it's stupid, like a kid.

8、地球人永远都学不会,你们不用心去感受。 People on earth will never learn. You don't feel it with your heart.

9、如果你们想活命,就一定要有坚毅的态度。 If you want to live, you must have a firm attitude.

10、很显然,外交努力已经失败了。 Obviously, diplomatic efforts have failed.

11、我一点都不自满,相信我。 I'm not complacent at all, believe me.

12、我只是想为了应该奋斗的事而奋斗。 I just want to fight for what I should fight for.

13、我必须相信我的身体才能去做任何困难的事。 I have to trust my body to do anything difficult.

14、我想你可能不明白我在说什么,但是…谢谢你。 I don't think you understand what I'm talking about, but thank you.

15、我解剖过一只青蛙。 I dissected a frog.

16、我试着用心体会这种微妙的关系。 I try to feel the subtle relationship with my heart.

17、要是我像个孩子,那么,那或许你该教教我。 If I'm like a child, maybe you should teach me.

18、试着查出那些蓝猴子到底想要什么? Try to find out what the blue monkeys want?

19、该死,不用道谢,杀戮不需要道谢。 Damn, no thanks. No thanks for killing.

20、这些家伙就像是一只公牛,但又带有些温柔。 These guys are like bulls, but with a little gentleness.