1、他们可以为所欲为。 They can do whatever they want.

2、你想要一个公平的交易,你来错星球了。 You want a fair deal. You're on the wrong planet.

3、你看,你看,他们就是这样戏弄我们,甚至不加一点掩饰。 You see, you see, that's how they tease us, even without any cover up.

4、她说能量就如同某种连结网路。 She said that energy is like some kind of Internet.

5、好大的一棵树! What a big tree!

6、我们今天只能到此为止了,上校有命令不许夜间飞行的。 We can only stop here today. The captain has orders not to fly at night.

7、我们给他们医疗,教育,道路,但是没用,他们只爱玩泥巴。 We give them health care, education, roads, but it doesn't work. They just play with mud.

8、我们要让他们知道,他们并不能得到所有。 We need to let them know that they don't get everything.

9、我希望你知道,你刚又令你自己失去了一个顾客。 I want you to know that you just lost yourself another customer.

10、我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错? My fault? They attacked me first. How could it be my fault?

11、我骑马的技术可能不怎么样,但骑这个我可是天生的高手。 My riding skills may not be very good, but I'm a natural master.

12、放开这个生物,谁都别动他。 Let go of this creature. Don't touch him.

13、来啊,看你有什么能耐。 Come on, let's see what you can do.

14、杰克,欢迎进入你的新身体。 Jack, welcome to your new body.

15、欢迎来到潘多拉,很高兴你们能来。 Welcome to Pandora. I'm glad you're here.

16、直话直说吧,我不想要你的同情。 To put it bluntly, I don't want your sympathy.

17、第一次飞行终身相伴,事不宜迟。 The first flight is for life. It's not too late.

18、这里曾经是我们建的学校,现在这里只是一个贮藏库了。 This used to be our school, but now it's just a repository.

19、那个笨蛋快没命了。 That idiot is dying.

20、那我要做啥,跟它跳舞吗? What am I going to do, dance with it?