1、三心二意,扬鞭奋蹄,四面出击,勇争第一。 Two minds, whip and hoof, attack in all directions, fight bravely for the first.

2、不为后悔说如果不为失望说放弃不为痛心而流泪。 Don't say for regret that if you don't give up for disappointment, don't cry for pain.

3、不好随便说自我没时刻,时刻都是挤出来的。 It's not good to say that I don't have a moment, all the time is squeezed out.

4、不怕你没能力,怕你有了能力以后却忘记了努力。 I'm not afraid that you don't have the ability. I'm afraid that after you have the ability, you forget to work hard.

5、不是我不敢说实话,我只是怕你受不了这打击。 It's not that I dare not tell the truth. I'm just afraid you can't stand the blow.

6、不知道自己走向何方的人,大都是人生的匆匆过客。 People who don't know where they are going are mostly passers-by of life.

7、不要建筑堡垒来保护自己,因为孤立是危险的。 Don't build fortresses to protect yourself, because isolation is dangerous.

8、不要追求什么结果,每个人结果都一样,就是死亡。 The result is that everyone wants nothing but death.

9、亲爱的自己,未来的日子里请不要轻言放弃。 Dear myself, please don't give up in the future.

10、人与人最小的差别是智商,最大的差别是坚持。 The smallest difference between people is IQ, the biggest difference is persistence.

11、人最大的对手,往往不是别人,而是自己的懒惰。 People's biggest opponent is often not others, but their own laziness.

12、人生中,最主要的课程就是学习放下,我会努力的。 Life, the most important course is to learn to put down, I will work hard.

13、人生没有什么事放不下去,痛了自然就会放下。 There is nothing in life that can't be put down. If it hurts, it will be put down.

14、人这一辈子真的不长,每个人都应该为自己而活。 People's life is really not long, everyone should live for themselves.

15、从业有缘,借福感恩,坚定信念,行销一生。 Business fate, thanks for the blessing, firm faith, marketing life.

16、你为我设下了幸福的陷阱、等着我尚演幸福的悲剧。 You have set a happy trap for me, waiting for me to play a happy tragedy.

17、你就是你,你不是别人,先做自己,再做别人。 You are you. You are not others. Be yourself first, then others.

18、做一个花开不败A女人,像仙人掌一样A坚强。 To be an invincible woman, as strong as cactus.

19、创新是发展的助推器,诚信是和谐的润滑剂。 Innovation is the booster of development, integrity is the lubricant of harmony.

20、只有千万块失败的基石,才能涛就成功的金子塔。 Only tens of thousands of failure cornerstone, can Tao be the gold tower of success.

21、只要你成为奋发向上的人,地球上就少了一个懒汉。 As long as you become a person who works hard, there will be a lazy man on the earth.

22、命运掌握在自己手里,命运的好坏由自己去创造。 The destiny is in one's own hands, and the good or bad fortune is created by oneself.

23、唯有在事前做好准备工作,才不至于有勇无谋。 Only when we make preparations in advance, can we not be brave and resourceless.

24、因为没人记得住第二名所以我要努力去当第一! Because no one remembers the second place, I will try my best to be the first!

25、在职场中,可以理解为有发展目标才能成功。 In the workplace, it can be understood that only with development goals can we succeed.

26、多彩的生活不在万花洞里,而在奋斗者自己手中。 Colorful life is not in the cave of flowers, but in the hands of the strivers.

27、夫所以读书学问,本欲开心明目,利于行耳。 Therefore, reading and learning, the original desire to be happy, bright eyes, conducive to ear.

28、失败的人只有一种,就是在抵达成功之前放弃的人。 There is only one kind of failure, that is, the one who gives up before reaching success.

29、好几次差点忍不住的落泪,却不知道感触些什么。 Several times, I almost couldn't help tears, but I didn't know what to feel.

30、如果不能成为豹子,那就成为高贵的梅花鹿。 If you can't be a leopard, you'll be a noble sika deer.

31、如果你明白你去的方向,全世界都会为你让路。 If you know where you are going, the world will make way for you.

32、如果删掉所有关于他的事,那说明他伤你伤的好深。 If you delete all about him, it means that he hurt you so much.

33、宁愿为自己做过的后悔,也不愿为自己没做的遗憾。 I'd rather regret what I did than regret what I didn't do.

34、对自己有要求,对未来有期待,人生才会绽放光彩。 If you have requirements for yourself and look forward to the future, your life will bloom with brilliance.

35、属于自己德不要放弃、想要得到德必须努力。 Don't give up your own virtue. If you want to get it, you must work hard.

36、希望会使你年轻,因为希望和青春乃是同胞兄弟。 Hope will make you young, for hope and youth are brothers.

37、往前一步是路,往后一步亦是路,你要怎么选。 One step forward is the road, and the next step is the road. How do you choose.

38、很多事,唯有当距离渐远时,才能回首看清它。 Many things, only when the distance gradually away, can look back to see it.

39、我所浪费的今天,是昨天死去的人都渴望的明天。 What I want to die yesterday, what I want to die tomorrow.

40、或许路途遥远,但请你披盔戴甲,一路勇往直前! Maybe it's a long way to go, but please put on your helmet and armor and march forward bravely all the way!

41、拥有着恋人的称呼,却过着比朋友还要陌生的生活。 Having the appellation of lover, but living a strange life than friends.

42、无法兑现的诺言,一定要提前向有关人员解释清楚。 The promise that cannot be fulfilled must be explained to the relevant personnel in advance.

43、无论结果是什么,我们终将成为更优秀的自己。 No matter what the result is, we will eventually become better ourselves.

44、时间,让深的东西越来越深,让浅的东西越来越浅! Time, let the deep things become deeper and deeper, let the shallow things become more and more shallow!

45、有的路,你必须一个人走,这不是孤独而是选。 Some roads, you must walk alone, this is not lonely, but choice.

46、每一个让你难堪的现在,都有一个不够努力的曾经。 Every embarrassment to you now, there is a not enough effort once.

47、没有任何一个男人,可以游手好闲赢得女人的欣赏。 There is no man who can loaf around and win women's appreciation.

48、活着不是要用眼泪博得同情,而是用汗水赢得掌声。 To live is not to win sympathy with tears, but to win applause with sweat.

49、活着,就要善待自己,别跑到别人的生命里当插曲。 To live, you should be kind to yourself, don't run into other people's life when the episode.

50、生命不在于活的长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 Life doesn't consist in the long and short life, but in the early and late epiphany.

51、生活总会给你另一个机会,这个机会叫明天。 Life will always give you another chance. This chance is called tomorrow.

52、用爱心浇灌娇嫩的花朵,用双手托起明天的太阳。 Water the delicate flowers with love and hold up the sun tomorrow with both hands.

53、真正的男人,眼里写满了故事,脸上却看不出沧桑。 A real man, with stories in his eyes, can't see the vicissitudes on his face.

54、给自己一个坚持的理由,让优秀成为一种习惯。 Give yourself a reason to insist and make excellence a habit.

55、能够把自己压得低低的,那才是真正的尊贵。 To be able to lower oneself is the real dignity.

56、至诚而不动者,未之有也;不诚,未有能动者也。 Those who are sincere and do not move are not there; those who are not sincere are not active.

57、若结局非你所愿,请在尘埃落定前奋力一搏。 If the end is not what you want, please fight hard before the dust settles.

58、认真能把事情做对,用心却可以把事情做到完美。 Serious can do things right, but heart can make things perfect.

59、这个世界没有什么公平与不公平,只有能力。 There is nothing fair and unfair in this world, only ability.

60、鼓励是面包,在饥饿时吃上一块,就不会让人饥饿。 Encouragement is bread. If you eat a piece when you are hungry, you will not be hungry.