1、一个人真正需要的财富就那么一点点,其余的都是用来炫耀的。 A person really needs a little wealth, and the rest is used to show off.

2、一个人真正需要的财富就那么一点,其余的都是用来炫耀的。 There is only a little wealth a person really needs, and the rest is used to show off.

3、一定要能在回首前尘时感叹:至少我没有庸庸碌碌过一生。 Must be able to look back on the past and sigh: at least I didn't live a mediocre life.

4、不要让其他人说他们比你强。 Don't let others say they are better than you.

5、事情总是出乎意料! Things are always unexpected!

6、人生就像一盒巧克力,打开之前你无法知道会吃到什么味道。 Life is like a box of chocolates. You can't know what you'll eat until you open it.

7、人的一生都会花很多时间在无聊的事情上。 People spend a lot of time on boring things in their life.

8、人真正需要的财富只有那么一些,剩下的只不过是用来炫耀罢了。 There is only so much wealth that people really need, and the rest is just for showing off.

9、什么意思,难道我以后就不能成为我自己了吗? What do you mean, can't I be myself in the future?

10、从那天开始,如果我要去哪里,我就跑着去。 From that day on, if I was going anywhere, I would run.

11、他们就是不相信,有些人跑步什么都不为。 They just don't believe that some people run for nothing.

12、以往的失意与得意,迷惘与清晰,都显得不那么重要了。 Previous frustrations and complacency, confusion and clarity are less important.

13、你和别人没有任何的不同。 You are no different from others.

14、你和别人没有任何的不同,阿甘的妈妈从小就给阿甘一种自信。 You are no different from others. Forrest Gump's mother has given him a kind of self-confidence since childhood.

15、只有做傻事的人才被称为傻瓜。 Only those who do stupid things are called fools.

16、如果你相信我,我就会在你需要的时候一直陪着你。 If you believe me, I will always be with you when you need it.

17、如果你需要,我就在你身边。 If you need, I'll be by your side.

18、如果有什么需要,请告诉我。 If you need anything, please let me know.

19、如果有什么需要,请告诉我,我就在离你不远的地方。 If you need anything, please let me know. I'm not far from you.

20、妈妈总是对我说,每天都会有奇迹。有些人并不认同,但这是真的。 My mother always told me that there will be miracles every day. Some people don't agree, but it's true.

21、妈妈总是说死亡是生命的一部分。 Mother always says death is a part of life.

22、妈妈总是说死亡是生命的一部分,我真的希望不是这样。 Mom always said that death is a part of life. I really hope not.

23、妈妈说过,要往前走,就得先忘掉过去。我想,这就是跑的用意。 Mother said that if you want to move forward, you must first forget the past. I think that's the purpose of running.

24、它让我如鱼得水。 It makes me feel like a fish in water.

25、布巴是我最好的好朋友,我还知道,好朋友不是那么容易找到的。 Bubba is my best friend. I also know that good friends are not so easy to find.

26、度假就是去别的地方,一去不回。 A vacation is to go somewhere else and never return.

27、我不知道我为何爱你,但我就是爱你。 I don't know why I love you, but I love you.

28、我不聪明,但我知道什么是爱情。 I'm not smart, but I know what love is.

29、我只是个可怜的白痴,如今我却得照顾全人类。 I'm just a poor idiot, but now I have to take care of all mankind.

30、我困了就睡,饿了就吃,想去一个地方就跑着去。 I sleep when I'm sleepy, eat when I'm hungry, and run wherever I want to go.

31、我想那一刻,他和上帝和解了。 I think at that moment, he reconciled with God.

32、我是个信守承诺的人。 I'm a man of my word.

33、我永远可以回顾过去,然后跟自己说,起码我的人生过的并不乏味。 I can always look back and tell myself that at least my life is not boring.

34、我相信你会把握你的命运,你要凭借上帝赋予你的做到最好。 I believe you will control your destiny and do your best with what God has given you.

35、放下包袱,继续前进。 Put down your baggage and move on.

36、日子犹如龟行,我几乎以为时间在倒流。 Days are like turtles. I almost think time is flowing backwards.

37、每天都会有奇迹。有些人并不同意,但这是真的。 There are miracles every day. Some people disagree, but it's true.

38、牛毛细雨,瓢泊大雨。 Cattle drizzle, pouring rain.

39、糟糕的事难免会发生。 Bad things happen.

40、这世界唯一的不变就是变,你不能等到一切准备就绪再出发。 The only constant in the world is change. You can't wait until everything is ready.

41、通过一个人的鞋,足以了解他是个怎样的人。 Through a person's shoes, it is enough to understand what kind of person he is.

42、通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。 You can know a lot about others through their shoes.

43、那些胆敢残害荼毒我同伴之人,我将向你们大施报复。 I will avenge those who dare to harm and poison my companions.