1、一朵朵的初开梅花如赛美场的美女般争相展现自己的风姿! The blooming plum blossoms are competing to show their own demeanor like beauties in the beauty contest!
2、一面面荷叶茁壮成长,田田的叶子铺天盖地。 On one side, lotus leaves are growing vigorously, and the fields are covered with leaves.
3、不一会儿,雷公公带着自己的“战鼓”,拼命地在天上敲击。 After a while, Lei Gong Gong with his "drum", desperately beating in the sky.
4、各种各样的野花在山坡上争先恐后地绽开笑脸。 All kinds of wild flowers vied to bloom on the hillside.
5、向日葵在高傲的站着,摆出一副不可一世的样子。 Sunflower is standing haughtily, putting on a pair of invincible appearance.
6、四月的牡丹竞相开放硕大的花朵互相挤攘好不热闹。 The peonies in April are blooming and the huge flowers are crowding each other.
7、在暖暖的阳光的照耀下,梨花迎着微风,张开了笑脸。 In the warm sunshine, pear blossom facing the breeze, opened a smile.
8、地头上一片片红高梁,像一群群亭亭玉立的少女。 On the ground, a piece of red sorghum, like groups of graceful girls.
9、大沙漠浩浩渺渺,起伏不断,人在其间,顿时显得那么渺小。 The vast desert is vast and boundless, and the ups and downs are constant. People in the middle of it suddenly seem so small.
10、天空如一块纯净的蓝水晶,闪着醉人的光芒。 The sky is like a piece of pure blue crystal, shining with intoxicating light.
11、天空渐渐变暗,日落踏着晚霞而来。 The sky gradually darkened, and the sunset came with the sunset.
12、太阳花红着脸蛋羞答答地开放了。 The sun flower blushed and opened shyly.
13、寒风刺骨,梅花不畏严寒,用自己的笑脸装点世界。 The cold wind pierces the bone, plum blossom does not fear the cold, decorates the world with its own smiling face.
14、微风拂过,桃花如一张张小朋友的脸,灿烂的笑开了。 The breeze, peach blossom like a children's face, a brilliant smile opened.
15、日出的霎那间,漫天的霞光如同是倾盆而下的光雨。 In the twinkling of sunrise, the whole sky is like the rain of light.
16、早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。 In the morning, the sun was like a new daughter-in-law who had just gone out, and half of his face appeared shyly.
17、昙花羞涩地露出她可爱的手臂——花瓣,那是昙花开了。 Epiphyllum shy to show her lovely arm - petals, that is Epiphyllum opened.
18、春天到了,蔷薇绽放了他们的笑脸。 Spring is coming, and the roses are blooming their smiling faces.
19、春天来了,花儿伸伸懒腰,舒心的笑了。 Spring has come, the flowers stretch, comfortable smile.
20、春天来了,花儿笑了,鸟儿在唱歌。 Spring is coming, the flowers are laughing and the birds are singing.
21、春天来了,花园里处处鲜花,朵朵都绽开了笑脸,娇艳动人。 Spring has come, the garden is full of flowers, blossoming into a smile, charming and moving.
22、春色夜景撩人醉,唯有夜钓人心静如水。 Spring night scenery intoxicating, only night fishing, quiet as water.
23、春风像一把剪刀,裁出山川一片绿野。 Spring wind is like a pair of scissors, cutting out a green field.
24、春风吹,杏花露出了笑脸。 Spring breeze blowing, apricot blossom showed a smiling face.
25、晚霞映红了天空,仿佛是把天空涂抹了一层深深的燃料。 The sunset glow reddened the sky, as if smearing the sky with a deep layer of fuel.
26、朵朵梅花如同赴宴的姑娘,盛装潋滟,竞相开放。 Blossoming plum blossom like a girl to a banquet, dressed up, competing to open.
27、桂花慢慢地吐了吐舌头伸了伸腰,不一会儿争先恐后的开了。 Osmanthus slowly spit out the tongue, stretched out the waist, and soon vied to open.
28、桃花绽开了笑容,对着太阳羞红了脸。 Peach blossom opened a smile and blushed to the sun.
29、桃蹊李径年虽古,栀子红椒艳复殊。 Although the years of Taoxi and Ligong are ancient, gardenia and red pepper are gorgeous and complex.
30、梅花看着人们都匆匆忙忙,偷偷的笑了。 Plum blossom looked at people in a hurry, secretly smile.
31、江流之速间不容发,一错眼珠,它已经风掣电闪般远去了。 The speed of the river can't be seen from time to time.
32、海棠花开了,露出甜蜜的微笑。 Begonia bloom, showing a sweet smile.
33、温柔的风轻轻的抚摸着荷花,荷花左右摇摆着。 The gentle wind gently stroked the lotus, and the lotus swayed around.
34、火红火红的柿子,像灯笼般挂在枝头。 Red persimmon, like a * hanging in the branches.
35、牡丹花像一位亭亭玉立的少女,慢慢的绽开它的笑脸。 Peony like a graceful girl, slowly blooming its smile.
36、牵牛花醒来了,他伸了一个懒腰,开始了一天的快乐生活。 Morning glory woke up, he stretched a stretch, began a happy day.
37、玫瑰花中午的时候羞答答的低下了头,怕太阳公公看见自己。 Rose at noon, shyly bowed his head, afraid of the sun father-in-law to see themselves.
38、玫瑰花的花瓣在朝着太阳微笑。 The petals of the rose are smiling at the sun.
39、百合花开了,花朵绽放着美丽的笑脸,迎着风轻轻摆动。 Lilies bloom, flowers bloom with a beautiful smile, gently swinging against the wind.
40、盛开的梨花像孩童清纯的脸庞,充满快乐、天真。 Pear blossom in full bloom is like a child's pure face, full of happiness and innocence.
41、睡莲揉着朦胧的眼睛,仔细的打探着这个世界。 Water lily rubbed hazy eyes, carefully explore the world.
42、秋天像傍晚的星星,指引人们的行程。 Autumn, like stars in the evening, guides people's journey.
43、秋天里,红红的柿子像灯笼一样高高挂在枝头。 In autumn, red persimmons hang high on the branches like *s.
44、秋天里,蓝色的雏菊羞羞答答的在岸边悄然开放。 In autumn, the blue daisies open quietly on the shore.
45、秋风如同柔韧的梳子,把田野梳得井井有条。 The autumn wind is like a flexible comb, combing the fields in order.
46、红红的柿子像小灯笼,远远望去馋涎欲滴。 Red persimmon like a small *, from afar to salivate.
47、美丽的百合花,似一个优雅婉转的少女在风中起舞。 Beautiful lily, like a graceful girl dancing in the wind.
48、耀眼的阳光下,花儿灿烂的开放出美丽的笑脸。 Under the dazzling sunshine, the flowers are blooming with beautiful smile.
49、艳丽的蔷薇姑娘慢慢露出了笑脸。 The gorgeous rose girl slowly showed a smile.
50、芍药像故乡的小姑娘,从小就吃苦耐劳。 Peony is like a little girl in her hometown. She has been hard-working since childhood.
51、花园里,花朵们都绽开了笑容。 In the garden, the flowers were all smiling.
52、花开不同赏,花落不同悲,若问相思处,花开花落时。 Flowers different appreciation, flowers fall different sad, if asked Acacia, flowers bloom and fall.
53、茉莉花穿上了紫色的紫裙子,开始跳舞了。 The jasmine put on her purple dress and began to dance.
54、茫茫的草原像一张无边无际的地毯。 The vast grassland is like an endless carpet.
55、荷叶是美的,最吸引我的是它的心灵美,所以,我爱荷叶。 Lotus leaf is beautiful. What attracts me most is its beauty of soul. Therefore, I love lotus leaf.
56、荷花在池中翩翩起舞,雪白的衣服随风飘动。 Lotus dancing in the pool, white clothes fluttering with the wind.
57、荷花开了,像婷婷玉立的妙龄女子,端庄,素雅,真美丽。 Lotus opened, like Tingting Yuli young woman, dignified, elegant, really beautiful.
58、荷花绽放开了,就像一个舞蹈家随风飘荡跳着舞一样! Lotus blooming, like a dancer dancing with the wind!
59、蔷薇花羞羞答答地绽开了笑脸。 The rose blossomed shyly with a smile.
60、路边的野花像小姑娘一样羞羞答答的开了! Roadside wild flowers like a little girl shy open!