1、一个人生活,一个人也可以快活。 A man can be happy when he lives alone.
2、万事讲诚信,万事好成功。 Everything is good, everything is good and successful.
3、不怕创业显能,就怕一事无成。 He is not afraid of starting a business and showing his ability, but he is afraid of nothing.
4、不是每一次努力都会有结果,但每一次努力都在成长。 Not every effort will have results, but every effort is growing.
5、不要和别人攀比,这样你会活的很轻松,人最大的敌人是自己。 Don't compare with others, so you will live very easy, people's biggest enemy is yourself.
6、不论你是贫穷还是富有,都要奋斗不息。 No matter you are poor or rich, you have to struggle.
7、人生漫长,总会有人同你一起历经漫长岁月。 Life is long, there will always be someone with you through the long years.
8、人生路上常有风雨,凡事需要坚强不屈。 There is always wind and rain on the road of life, everything needs to be strong and unyielding.
9、今天,我一定全心全力扮演好自己的角色。 Today, I will play my part with all my heart.
10、今日的执着,会造成明日的后悔。 Today's persistence will cause tomorrow's regret.
11、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。 You can be very personal, but sometimes be restrained.
12、你喜欢的人这么优秀,你就别堕落。 If the person you like is so excellent, don't degenerate.
13、你要不顾一切让自己变得漂亮,即使是在那些糟糕的日子里。 You have to do everything to make yourself beautiful, even on those bad days.
14、信誉泰山重,诚实每一分。 Reputation Taishan heavy, honest every cent.
15、做决定的时候绝对不能忧郁、不能优柔寡断。 Never be blue and indecisive when making decisions.
16、做自己的主人,做生活的强者。 Be your own master and be a strong man in your life.
17、做许多事情的捷径,就是一次只做一件一件事。 The shortcut to many things is to do one thing at a time.
18、先做小事,先赚小钱。这是为了累积坐大事,赚大钱的条件。 Do small things first, make small money first. This is to accumulate the conditions for making big money.
19、凝聚产生力量,团结孕育希望。 Cohesion produces strength, unity breeds hope.
20、别人在犹豫,我们在继续,所以我们有结果。 Others are hesitating, we are continuing, so we have results.
21、别依赖,没有免费的肩膀。 Don't rely on it. There's no free shoulder.
22、别试图改变我,你唯一能做的只有顺从或离开。 Don't try to change me, the only thing you can do is to comply or leave.
23、努力不一定成功,不努力一定不成功。 If you try hard, you won't succeed if you don't.
24、厚德载物,自强不息,努力学习,勇夺第一。 We should strive to learn hard and win the first place.
25、可能就在某个瞬间,你就颠覆了好多自己以前认为的观念。 Maybe in a moment, you subvert a lot of ideas you used to think about.
26、向月亮出发,即使不能到达,也要站在群星之中。 Set out to the moon, even if you can't reach it, you should stand among the stars.
27、命运如同玻璃,最辉煌时最易破碎。 Fate is like glass, most easily broken at its best.
28、因为看轻,所以快乐;因为看淡,所以幸福。 Because look down, so happy; because look down on, so happy.
29、坚其志,苦其心,劳其力,事无大小,必有所成。 To strengthen its will, to suffer its heart, to work its strength, is to achieve nothing.
30、大事坚持原则,小事学会变通。 Adhere to the principle of major events, and learn to adapt to minor matters.
31、大地的光芒是太阳给予的,而你的光芒需要自己照耀! The light of the earth is given by the sun, and your light needs to shine by yourself!
32、如果把成才比作登天,自学便是成才的天梯。 If success is compared to going to heaven, self-study is the ladder to success.
33、帮助别人得到他想要的,自己就会梦想成真。 Help others get what they want, and their dreams will come true.
34、当你批判别人时,你并不是在定义他,而是在定义你自己。 When you criticize others, you are not defining them, you are defining yourself.
35、当我对你越来越礼貌时,我们或许就越来越陌生了。 As I become more polite to you, we may become more and more unfamiliar.
36、愤怒是吹熄心灵明灯的狂风。 Anger is the wind that blows out the lamp of the mind.
37、成功者,冲动承载着理性;失败者,理性背负着冲动。 Success, impulse carries rationality; failure, reason carries impulse.
38、我不害怕任何的变化,我要做的是面对变化的准备。 I'm not afraid of any change. What I have to do is prepare for change.
39、我们可以没钱,可以没事业,但就不能没信心。 We can have no money, we can have no career, but we can't lose confidence.
40、我现在没那资本去糟蹋,以后必定有那资本去挥霍! I don't have the capital to waste now, but I must have that capital to spend in the future!
41、把努力当成你的一种习惯,而不是一时的热血。 Take effort as a habit, not a moment of blood.
42、拼,是苦,是难,是累,但最后赢得必是硕果累累! It's hard, it's hard, it's tired, but it must be fruitful to win in the end!
43、挺拔的树,是阻击风雨的胜者,因此才有了人们的感叹。 Tall and straight trees, is the winner of the wind and rain, so people sigh.
44、改变之所以难,是因为内心推动力不够。 Change is difficult because there is not enough inner motivation.
45、放飞青春之线,让梦想的风筝越飞越远。 Fly the line of youth, let the kite of dream fly far away.
46、昼与夜是黑白世界,哭与笑是苦乐人生。 Day and night are the world of black and white, while crying and laughing are bittersweet life.
47、有时候,成功者只是坚持梦想不放弃的人。 Sometimes, a winner is just someone who sticks to his dream and doesn't give up.
48、正人之骄,骄傲的是内心的风骨。 The pride of a man is the character of his heart.
49、每一发努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every effort, there will be a double reward.
50、每个人都有脑袋,但不是每个人都有智慧! Everyone has a head, but not everyone has wisdom!
51、没有退路的时候,是正式崛起的最佳时期。 When there is no retreat, it is the best time to officially rise.
52、用功不求太猛,但求有恒。 Hard work is not too fierce, but perseverance.
53、用潇洒的外表,伪装脆弱的心灵。 Use natural and unrestrained appearance, camouflage fragile mind.
54、能让你精致的,除了化妆品,最厉害的是知识、努力和爱。 What can make you delicate, besides cosmetics, is knowledge, effort and love.
55、苍天旨意著书命,诸子虔诚扶道颠。 Heaven intended to write books, and all the scholars helped daodian piously.
56、若是全身充满汗水,便无心产生眼泪。 If the whole body is full of sweat, there is no intention to produce tears.
57、诚信友爱,和谐社会的一个动人音符。 Honesty and fraternity, a moving note of harmonious society.
58、走过了,错过了。抓住了,失去了。 Passed, missed. Got it, lost it.
59、路漫漫其修远,我将上下求索,直到精疲力尽。 It's a long way to go, and I'll go up and down until I'm exhausted.
60、非学无以广才,非静无以成学。 If you don't learn, you can't broaden your talents; if you are not quiet, you can't become a scholar.