1、一朵朵花苞像是急切想要展示舞姿的演员。 The flower buds are like actors eager to show their dancing posture.

2、公园的花儿开了,绽开了美丽的笑容,欢迎你的来到。 The flowers in the park are blooming, with a beautiful smile. Welcome to your coming.

3、公园里的花像一位笑颜初开的少女,向我发出了亲切的问候。 The flowers in the park, like a young girl with a smiling face, sent out a kind greeting to me.

4、公园里的花开了,露出了灿烂的笑脸。 The flowers in the park opened, showing a brilliant smile.

5、厦门是一座美丽的岛屿,也是一座干净的海滨城市。 Xiamen is a beautiful island and a clean coastal city.

6、向日葵在中午的时候,摇摆着自己的脸庞。 Sunflower at noon, swaying his face.

7、向日葵摇动着自己的圆脸,在和我打招呼。 Sunflower shakes its round face and greets me.

8、向日葵摇头微笑着,望不尽太阳起处的红色天涯。 Sunflower shakes his head and smiles. He can't see the red horizon where the sun rises.

9、啊!那夕阳的海,那碧绿的海,那金黄的海。 Ah! The sunset sea, the green sea, the golden sea.

10、圆月渐渐升高,她那银盘似的脸,流露着柔和的笑容。 The full moon gradually rose, her silver like face, showing a soft smile.

11、夏天的晚霞像妙手绘制的丹青,精美绝伦。 The sunset in summer is like the painting by skillful hands, which is exquisite.

12、夕阳将余辉洒在平静的海面上,闪着红彤彤的光。 The setting sun sprinkles the afterglow on the calm sea surface, flashing the bright red light.

13、夕阳接近江水了,江面上突然像燃烧起一片金色的火焰。 The setting sun is approaching the river, and suddenly a golden flame is burning on the river.

14、大海和落日的交界地,夕阳下的剪影如此美丽。 At the junction of the sea and the setting sun, the silhouette under the setting sun is so beautiful.

15、如果你累了,可以止步看夕阳,人生路上我陪你看夕阳西下。 If you are tired, you can stop to watch the sunset. I will accompany you to watch the sunset on the way of life.

16、山下开满了粉红色的杜鹃花,向着太阳露出迷人的微笑! The mountain is full of pink azaleas, showing a charming smile to the sun!

17、山荼花羞羞答答地绽开了笑脸。 The mountain tea flower opens a smile shyly.

18、昙花等到九点大家都入睡后,才悄悄地露出久违的笑容。 Epiphyllum wait until nine o'clock, we all fall asleep, then quietly show a long lost smile.

19、春天来了,杜鹃花高兴的迎接着春天的到来。 Spring is coming, rhododendrons are happy to welcome the arrival of spring.

20、春天来了,梨花在枝头上展颜欢笑。 Spring has come, pear blossom on the branches of the exhibition Yan laugh.

21、春姑娘来了,桃花高兴地笑红了脸,显得更加妩媚动人。 Spring girl came, peach blossom happy smile red face, appear more charming moving.

22、春风吹拂,艳阳高照,娇艳的玫瑰花羞红了脸。 The spring breeze blows, the sun shines brightly, the delicate rose blushes.

23、晚上九点左右,昙花悄悄地张开了笑脸。 At about nine o'clock in the evening, Epiphyllum quietly opened a smiling face.

24、晚霞的形状像一朵朵像被染了色的小雪花,美丽极了! The shape of the sunset glow is like a flower after another, like a small snowflake dyed with color. It is very beautiful!

25、枝头上的嫣红,和飘落在草地上的秋黄,浅浅的触动着心绪。 The bright red on the branches and the autumn yellow falling on the grass touch the mood.

26、枯黄的枫叶像翩翩飞舞的蝴蝶,有一种别样的凄美。 The withered and yellow maple leaves are like flying butterflies, which have a different kind of sad beauty.

27、桃树上盛开了一张张粉色的笑脸。 Peach trees are blooming with pink smiling faces.

28、桃树绽开了笑脸,开出了鲜花。 Peach trees are blooming with smiles and flowers.

29、江水被落日映得赤红一片,如烈焰熊熊燃烧。 The river was red by the setting sun, burning like a flame.

30、油菜花是春天的象征,我爱油菜花,更爱这万紫千红的春天。 Rape flower is the symbol of spring, I love rape flower, more love this colorful spring.

31、海棠花在微风中摇曳着身姿。 Crabapple flowers swayed in the breeze.

32、海棠花,它亭亭玉立,像威武的将军! Begonia flower, it is graceful and graceful, like a mighty general!

33、海滩日落美景,红彤彤的夕阳,就是画在了天空。 Beach Sunset beauty, red sunset, is painted in the sky.

34、游龙山上的牡丹花露出灿烂的笑容。 The peony flowers on Youlong mountain show a brilliant smile.

35、满天星那素雅的小白花星星点点地缀满在浅绿色的枝叶丛中。 All over the sky star that simple and elegant small white flowers dotted with light green branches and leaves.

36、漂亮的玉兰花被风婆婆抚过,翩翩起舞。 The beautiful magnolia was caressed by mother-in-law Feng and danced.

37、瀑布又好像滚滚巨龙,以排山倒海之势从天呼啸飞泻。 The waterfall, like a rolling dragon, roared down from the sky in a torrent.

38、瀑布如凌空垂下的万米白练,一泻而下,蔚然大观。 The waterfall is like ten thousand meters of white practice hanging in the air, and it is a grand view.

39、牡丹花绽开了笑脸,似乎是一个美丽的少女,跳着舞。 Peony bloomed a smile, it seems that a beautiful girl, dancing.

40、牵牛花张开大嘴哈哈大笑着向我们打招呼。 Morning glory opens its mouth and laughs to say hello to us.

41、玫瑰花像个高贵的妇人,在夜色中息放着致命的魅力。 The rose is like a noble woman with a fatal charm in the night.

42、玫瑰花的绽放就好似远方的姑娘在朝我们微笑! The rose blooms like a girl in the distance smiling at us!

43、玫瑰花的花瓣好像一个跳舞的姑娘。 The petals of a rose are like a dancing girl.

44、石竹花从纷乱的杂草中探出头,它们粉红色的笑脸真好看! Carnation from the chaos of weeds, their pink smile really good-looking!

45、秋天是甜的舍不下的蜜,似能戒掉又经不住索取。 Autumn is a sweet honey that can't be given up. It seems that it can't bear to ask for it.

46、秋天,果子成熟了,而向日葵却垂下了头。 In autumn, the fruit is ripe, but the sunflower is drooping.

47、秋姑娘带来了丰收,带来了喜悦,带来了快乐。 Autumn girl brought a bumper harvest, brought joy, brought happiness.

48、秋风像少女的呢喃声从田野中吹过。 The autumn wind is like a girl's whispering sound blowing through the fields.

49、秋风像把大扇子,刮得满地黄叶子。 Autumn wind like a big fan, blowing all over the Rehmannia leaves.

50、秋风如同慷慨的画家,将五彩颜色填满瓜果庄稼。 Autumn wind, like a generous painter, fills the crops with colorful colors.

51、艳丽的蔷薇绽开了灿烂的笑脸。 The gorgeous rose bloomed a brilliant smile.

52、芍药,我没有看到你娇美的容颜,却看到了你高贵的品质。 Peony, I did not see your beautiful face, but saw your noble quality.

53、花儿们欣赏着春天的音乐。 The flowers are enjoying the music of spring.

54、花园里的花都无精打采地将头低垂下去。 The flowers in the garden drooped their heads listlessly.

55、花园里花如害羞的姑娘都露出笑脸。 The shy girls in the garden all smile.

56、荷花“出污泥而不染”是你高尚的品格,美丽的荷花我爱你。 Lotus "out of the mud but not dye" is your noble character, beautiful lotus I love you.

57、路边的野花开了像小姑娘笑开了脸。 The wild flowers on the side of the road opened like a little girl with a smile.

58、迎春花就像小孩似的,样子就像胖嘟嘟的小孩。 Jasminum nudiflorum looks like a child, like a chubby child.

59、野花像美丽的少女,开在大山下,如火如荼。 Wild flowers, like beautiful maidens, are in full swing at the foot of the mountain.

60、黑夜就像一颗黑色的珍珠,在漆黑的夜色里发出熠熠的光芒。 The night is like a black pearl, shining in the dark.