1、一朵雏菊在微风中羞涩地绽开笑脸。 A daisy smiles shyly in the breeze.

2、公园里的樱花笑得真美! Cherry blossoms in the park are so beautiful!

3、公园里,百花都争先恐后的开放。 In the park, hundreds of flowers are scrambling to open.

4、冬天到了满山的梅花一起跳起舞来了啦。 In winter, the plum blossoms all over the mountain are dancing together.

5、冬天来了,满山的梅花笑的合不拢嘴! Winter is coming, the plum blossoms all over the mountain smile!

6、去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。 In this door last year, peach blossom faces are red.

7、向日葵为了迎接太阳,张开了好看的笑脸。 Sunflower in order to meet the sun, opened a good-looking smile.

8、向日葵和小草好像在争论着什么。 Sunflower and grass seem to be arguing about something.

9、在时光里享受温暖,在流年里忘记花开。 Enjoy the time in the flow of time.

10、城边流水桃花过,窗外春风杜若香。 Peach blossoms on the edge of the city, the spring breeze outside the window is Du Ruoxiang.

11、夏天来了,荷花的笑脸更灿烂了。 Summer has come, lotus smile more brilliant.

12、夏日雨后,荷花向着太阳展开笑脸。 After the summer rain, lotus faces the sun with a smile.

13、太阳花笑眯眯的朝着我点头。 Sunflower nodded to me with a smile.

14、太阳花绽开了灿烂的笑脸。 Sunflowers are blooming with a bright smile.

15、寒冬里,梅花像雪白的雪花静静的开了。 In the cold winter, the plum blossom opened quietly like snow white snow.

16、广玉兰在绿叶间悄悄地露出小脑袋。 Magnolia grandiflora is quietly showing its small head among the green leaves.

17、春天到了,山茶花慵懒的张开了手臂。 Spring has arrived, camellia flower lazily opened its arms.

18、春天到了,杏花羞涩地绽开了笑脸。 Spring has arrived, apricot blossom shyly smile.

19、春天到了,梅花又笑逐颜开地开放了。 Spring has arrived, and the plum blossom is blooming again.

20、春天悄悄地飞来了,桃花张开了笑脸。 Spring came quietly, peach blossom opened a smile.

21、春天来了,梨花在枝头上展颜欢笑。 Spring has come, pear blossom on the branches of the exhibition Yan laugh.

22、春天来了,花儿笑了,鸟儿在唱歌。 Spring is coming, the flowers are laughing and the birds are singing.

23、春天来了,迎春花害羞地绽放黄色的薄纱。 Spring has come, jasmine shyly blooms yellow tulle.

24、春天,花儿舒展开花瓣伸了一个懒腰。 In spring, the flowers spread and the petals stretched.

25、春姑娘轻吹一口气,杏花姑娘笑开了脸。 Spring girl blowing a breath, apricot girl smile open face.

26、春风来了,叫醒了迎春花,迎春花笑了。 Spring breeze comes, wake up Jasminum nudiflorum, Jasminum smile.

27、晚上九点左右,昙花悄悄地张开了笑脸。 At about nine o'clock in the evening, Epiphyllum quietly opened a smiling face.

28、朵朵梅花都绽开了灿烂的笑脸。 Plum blossoms are blooming a brilliant smile.

29、校园花坛里的月季花羞涩地绽开笑脸。 The rose flowers in the campus flower bed are shyly smiling.

30、桃花复含宿雨,杨柳更带朝烟。 Peach blossom with rain, willow more with smoke.

31、桃花绽开了笑容,对着太阳羞红了脸。 Peach blossom opened a smile and blushed to the sun.

32、海棠花在微风中摇曳身姿,翩翩起舞。 Begonia flowers swayed in the breeze, dancing.

33、海棠花开了,露出甜蜜的微笑。 Begonia bloom, showing a sweet smile.

34、海棠花张开笑脸,争先恐后地开了。 Begonia flowers open a smiling face, competing to open.

35、满树的梨花赶集似的正在竟相开放。 The pear blossoms full of trees are blooming like a fair.

36、牡丹花醉了,火红的脸盘让人痴呆。 Peony drunk, red face let people dementia.

37、牡丹花随着舞动婀娜的身姿。 Peony flowers dance with graceful posture.

38、牵牛花举起紫色的扇子翩翩起舞。 Morning glory dances with its purple fan.

39、玫瑰花在清晨露出了灿烂的笑脸。 The rose has a bright smile in the morning.

40、玫瑰花的花瓣羞答答的绽放了。 The petals of the rose bloomed shyly.

41、种子从泥土里探出了脑袋。 The seed poked its head out of the soil.

42、美丽的月季花开了,露出它那开心的笑脸。 The beautiful rose blossoms, showing its happy smile.

43、美丽的花儿展开了她那迷人的笑脸。 The beautiful flowers unfolded her charming smile.

44、艳丽的蔷薇仿佛美人出浴般的开放了。 The beautiful rose is as open as a beauty out of the bath.

45、花儿们绽开了灿烂的笑脸。 The smiling faces of the flowers are blooming.

46、花儿绽放出了美丽的笑颜。 The flowers bloom with a beautiful smile.

47、花园里五颜六色的鲜花绽开了笑容。 The colorful flowers in the garden were in full bloom.

48、花园里花儿盛开,向游客点头微笑。 Flowers are blooming in the garden, nodding and smiling to the tourists.

49、草丛中开满了各种各样无忧无虑的野花。 The grass is full of all kinds of carefree wild flowers.

50、草丛中开满了各种各样无所畏惧的野花。 The grass is full of all kinds of fearless wild flowers.

51、蔷薇花绽开了笑脸,喜迎每一位来宾! Rose blooms a smile, welcome every guest!

52、蔷薇花露出了迷人的笑脸。 Rose flowers show a charming smile.

53、路边的野花开了像小姑娘笑开了脸。 The wild flowers on the side of the road opened like a little girl with a smile.

54、金黄一片花如海,千株万株迎风开。 A golden flower like the sea, thousands of trees open in the wind.

55、金黄的油菜花苍老了容颜。 The golden rape flower looks old.

56、阳光照耀着桃花,桃花绽开了笑脸。 The sun is shining on the peach blossom, and the peach blossom is blooming with a smile.

57、隔壁艳丽的蔷薇笑吟吟的开放了! Next door, the gorgeous roses open with a smile!

58、雪花飞舞报冬到;腊梅朵朵迎寒笑。 Snowflakes fly to report winter; wintersweet blossoms to welcome the cold smile.

59、鲜花像娇羞的小姑娘一样盛开了。 The flowers are blooming like a shy little girl.

60、鲜花随风轻舞,略带娇羞,又尽显妩媚。 Flowers dancing with the wind, slightly shy, but also full of charm.