1、上帝绝不会只赋予你使命,而不给你时间去完成。 God will not only give you a mission, but not give you time to complete it.
2、不承诺做不到的事,承诺了的事一定要做到。 If you don't promise what you can't do, you must do what you promise.
3、为了将来的美好而牺牲了的人都是尊石质的雕像。 Those who sacrifice for the future are stone statues.
4、为别人鼓掌的人,也是在给自己的生命加油。 People who applaud others are also cheering for their own lives.
5、人生总要有等待和希望,而时间总会带给人惊喜。 Life always has to wait and hope, and time always brings surprise.
6、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。 Life is short. If we waste our time, it will be too long.
7、什么才是快乐的生活,就是现在不用担心待会! What is a happy life, that is, don't worry about it later!
8、仅有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天。 Only bear the wind and rain of the journey, can we finally hold the rainbow sky.
9、从来都不是错来找你,有的只是你招来了错处。 It's never been a mistake to come to you, there's just something wrong with you.
10、付出了不一定有回报,但不付出永远没有回报。 Pay does not necessarily have a return, but do not pay will never return.
11、付出并不一定有结果。坚持可能会导致失去更多。 Giving doesn't necessarily lead to results. Persistence can lead to more loss.
12、你不努力的今天是昨天死去的人渴望的明天。 What you don't work hard today is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday yearn for.
13、你可以坚持自己的理想,但不需固执自己的想法。 You can stick to your ideals, but you don't have to be stubborn.
14、做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。 Be the protagonist of your own life, not the spectator of others' life.
15、充满自信的缺陷,远比缺乏自信的美更富魅力。 The defect of self-confidence is far more charming than the beauty of lack of self-confidence.
16、其实世上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。 In fact, there is no road in the world. If people walk more, they will become roads.
17、勇敢寓于灵魂之中,而不单凭一个强壮的躯体。 Courage is in the soul, not just in a strong body.
18、即使手上筹码已不多,气势已经薄弱也不能认输。 Even if there are not many chips in hand and the momentum is weak, we can not admit defeat.
19、只有一个人能界定你一生的成就,那就是你自己。 Only one person can define what you have achieved in your life, and that is yourself.
20、只要你停驻,这个世界就会舍弃你独自奔跑。 As long as you stop, the world will abandon you to run alone.
21、命运像玻璃,越明亮,越闪光,越容易破碎。 Fate is like glass, the brighter, the brighter, the more easily broken.
22、在绝望中寻找希望,不是垂死挣扎,只是不放弃。 Looking for hope in despair is not a dying struggle, just don't give up.
23、坚强有什么用,再坚强他也不会回头看你一眼。 What's the use of being strong? No matter how strong he is, he won't look back at you.
24、坚持不懈,持之以恒,奋力拼搏,成就梦想。 Persevere, persevere, strive to achieve the dream.
25、如今,看到那些像你的人,还是会下意识的回头。 Now, see those like you, or subconsciously back.
26、如果我们不赋予事情的意义,一切意义都是扯淡。 If we don't give meaning to things, all meanings are bullshit.
27、姑娘,即使泪水横流,也要抬起你那高傲的头。 Girl, even if tears flow, you should raise your proud head.
28、年轻人理当奋发图强,岂可苟且偷安,不思进取。 Young people should work hard and strive to be strong. They should not be complacent and unwilling to make progress.
29、幽壑鱼龙悲啸,倒影星辰摇动,海气夜漫漫。 The deep valley fish dragon wails, the reflection star shakes, the sea air night is long.
30、当世界约好一起下雨,我们在心里约好一起放晴。 When the world agreed to rain together, we agreed to clear up together in our hearts.
31、当你只有一个目标时,整个世界都会给你让路。 When you have only one goal, the whole world will make way for you.
32、怯懦是你最大的敌人,勇敢则是你最好的朋友。 Cowardice is your greatest enemy, courage is your best friend.
33、恨我不坚强太多的心酸,每走一步忘记了伪装。 Hate me not strong, too much heartache, every step forgot to disguise.
34、想要与大树平等对话,前提是自己也长成树。 If you want to have an equal dialogue with big tree, the premise is to grow into a tree.
35、成功的方法多种多样,别不接受你看不惯的方法。 There are many ways to succeed. Don't refuse to accept the methods you don't like.
36、我们的人生必须励志,不励志就仿佛没有灵魂。 Our life must be inspirational. If we don't inspire, we will feel as if we have no soul.
37、我成不了优秀的别人,但我可以做最好的自己。 I can't be a good person, but I can be my best.
38、我的不开心、我的难受、我都尽量留给了自己。 My unhappiness, my pain, I try to leave myself.
39、我需要强有力的人士,哪怕这个人是我的对手。 I need strong people, even if this person is my opponent.
40、把努力当成你的一种习惯,而不是一时的热血。 Take effort as a habit, not a moment of blood.
41、持续不断地劳动是人生的铁律,也是艺术的铁律。 Continuous labor is the iron law of life and art.
42、既然一切都会过去,那我们一定要抓住现在的。 Since everything will be over, we must seize the present.
43、梦想是个天真的词,实现梦想是一个残酷的词。 Dream is a naive word, realizing dream is a cruel word.
44、每个人都是无知的,只是无知的领域不同罢了。 Everyone is ignorant, but the field of ignorance is different.
45、没有过不去的坎,让自己跨越的姿势美一点。 There is no can not go over the ridge, so that their posture across a bit more beautiful.
46、活着不是靠泪水,搏取同情而是靠汗水获得掌声。 To live is not by tears and sympathy, but by sweat to get applause.
47、流水在碰到抵触的地方,才把它的活力解放。 Only when the water meets the conflict can it liberate its vitality.
48、生命的意义在于燃烧自己的同时,能否照亮自己。 The meaning of life lies in whether it can illuminate itself while burning itself.
49、生活不会亏待努力的人,也不会同情假勤奋的人。 Life will not treat hard-working people badly, and will not sympathize with those who are fake and diligent.
50、生活是一面镜子,你对它微笑,它就对你微笑。 Life is a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile at you.
51、男人可以说自己很累,但不可以说自己不行。 Men can say that they are tired, but can not say that they can not.
52、相信自己,相信伙伴。把握先机,容易成功。 Believe in yourself, trust in your partner. Grasp the opportunity, easy to succeed.
53、老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。 The old man has great ambition. In his old age, the martyrs are full of ambition.
54、虽然辛苦,但我还是会选择那种滚烫的人生。 Although hard, but I will still choose that kind of hot life.
55、要敢于应对自我的缺点,不断改善才能不断提升。 We should dare to deal with our own shortcomings and constantly improve in order to improve.
56、说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢。 If you tell a lie, you should make up ten lies to make up for it.
57、读书使人充实,思考使人深邃,交流使人清醒。 Reading enriches people, thinking deepens them, and communication sobers them up.
58、贪婪,是最真实的贫穷;满足,是最真实的财富。 Greed is the most real poverty; contentment is the most real wealth.
59、长在我们大脑左右的耳朵,往往左右我们的大脑。 The ears that grow on the left and right sides of our brains often affect our brains.
60、青春最美丽的不是梦,而是与你一起追梦的人。 Youth is not the most beautiful dream, but with you to pursue the dream of people.