1、一只只雪白的小精灵,从云中悠悠地飘落下来,雪精灵飘在孩子们手上。 One by one snow-white elves, falling from the clouds leisurely, snow elves floating in the hands of the children.
2、一场大雪过后,落光了叶子的杨树上,好像穿了一身银白的衣裳。 After a heavy snow, the fallen leaves of poplar, as if wearing a silver dress.
3、一场秋雨一场凉啊,伴随着阵阵寒风,秋天好像直接略过,冬天来了。 An autumn rain, a cool ah, with bursts of cold wind, autumn seems to skip directly, winter is coming.
4、今天,又下雪了,只一瞬间,万里*就变成了粉妆玉砌的世界。 Today, it's snowing again. In a moment, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains have become a world of powder and jade.
5、冬天像可爱的小孩子,用他那天真的心去带给他人欢乐带给别人幸福。 Winter is like a lovely child, with his naive heart to bring others joy and happiness.
6、冬天来了,寒风中冷的瑟瑟发抖。 Winter is coming, shivering in the cold wind.
7、冬天的夜晚一片寂静,不像夏天有动物的叫声,只有大风的吼声! The winter night is quiet, not like the sound of animals in summer, only the roar of strong wind!
8、冬天给大地带来了无限美景,带来了无穷的发现,我爱洁白如玉的冬天! Winter brings infinite beauty and discovery to the earth. I love winter as white as jade!
9、冬日的阳光是璀璨的,冬日的阳光是精神的,冬日的阳光是温暖的。 Winter sunshine is bright, winter sunshine is spiritual, winter sunshine is warm.
10、冬日的雨,像情人的泪,在沉郁的天空落下,很少有人敢于触及。 Winter rain, like lover's tears, falls in the gloomy sky, few people dare to touch.
11、冬日里的暖阳,将会融化冰雪,逼走寒气照耀大地,永放光芒。 The warm sun in winter will melt the ice and snow, drive away the cold and shine on the earth forever.
12、冬雪总是悄悄地在夜间飘洒,又静静地消失在这清晨日出的霞光中。 Winter snow is always quietly in the night, and quietly disappeared in the morning sunrise.
13、冰冰凉凉的雪花落在我的脸上,摸起来有些扎手。 Ice cold snowflakes fall on my face, feel some tie.
14、初冬的早晨是一个美丽、奇妙的早晨。 The early winter morning is a beautiful and wonderful morning.
15、初冬的早晨,是一种宁静的美。 Early winter morning, is a kind of quiet beauty.
16、哇!冬天好冷啊!风刮在脸上好痛啊!像刀刮在脸上。 WOW! How cold it is in winter! How painful the wind is on my face! Like a knife in the face.
17、哎,冬天太冷了,真希望冬天快点过去,春天快快来到我们身边! Ah, winter is too cold. I hope winter will pass quickly and spring will come to us soon!
18、岁暮天寒的冬天来了,虽然寒风凛冽,但徐徐升起的太阳温暖着人心。 The cold winter is coming. Although the wind is cold, the sun slowly rises to warm people's hearts.
19、早上起来寒风刺骨,好冷啊,感觉冬天好像要到了。 It's chilly in the morning. I feel like winter is coming.
20、早晨,大雪飘舞的冬,街道上空空的,这好像是雪的天堂。 In the morning, in the winter of heavy snow, the streets are empty, which seems to be a paradise of snow.
21、暖暖的冬阳洒在桌上,洒在那碗馄饨上,洒在我的心里。 Warm winter sun on the table, on the bowl of wonton, on my heart.
22、洁白的雪花细如牛毛,又仿佛一根根肉眼微不可查的银丝。 The white snowflakes are as thin as cattle hair, and they are like silver wires that can't be checked by naked eyes.
23、看着看着,我仿佛也变成了一朵小小的雪花,融入了这白色的海洋。 Looking at, I seem to have become a small snowflake, into the white ocean.
24、这雪,在空中舞蹈,宛如银蝶飞舞,好似梨花瓣,悄声无息地落着。 The snow, dancing in the air, is like silver butterflies, like pear petals, falling quietly.
25、雪一直下着,花坛里积满了白雪,雪厚厚的,又松又软。 The snow had been falling, and the flowerbeds were covered with snow, thick, loose and soft.
26、雪儿来到了人间,令我们陶醉。雪儿来到了人间,给我们带来了欢乐。 Xueer came to the world and intoxicated us. Xueer came to the world and brought us joy.
27、雪又下大了,风还没有停,雪花就像一位巧手姑娘剪的,晶莹剔透。 It's snowing heavily again. The wind hasn't stopped. The snowflakes are just like those cut by a skillful girl. They are crystal clear.
28、雪白的世界除了白还是白,好像是画家的一幅画,一幅白色的画。 In addition to white, the snow-white world is white, like a painting of a painter, a white painting.
29、雪终于停了,茫茫的田野一片雪白,房舍、群山披上了银装。 The snow finally stopped, the vast fields were white, and the houses and mountains were covered with silver.
30、雪花不停的飞舞着,像棉花,似柳絮,如杨花,漫天飞舞。 Snowflakes keep flying, like cotton, catkins, poplars, flying all over the sky.
31、雪花们在天空中翩翩起舞,纷纷飘下,整个世界都变得洁白、美丽起来。 Snowflakes are dancing in the sky, floating down one after another, the whole world has become white and beautiful.
32、雪花仿佛是个神奇的魔术师,给万物披上了洁白的袍子。 Snow seems to be a magic magician, to all things put on a white robe.
33、雪花像小精灵一样在空中舞蹈着,轻轻飘到我的脸上,凉丝丝的。 Snowflakes dance in the air like elves, gently floating to my face, cool.
34、雪花宝宝们淘气了一个晚上,像魔术师一样把整个城市变白了。 Snowflake babies mischievous for a night, like magicians, the whole city turned white.
35、雪花洁白如银,大地银装素裹,世界变成了银白色的了。 Snowflakes are as white as silver, the earth is covered with silver, and the world has become silvery white.
36、雪花还在纷纷扬扬的往下落,有的落在我的小脸上,好凉好凉。 Snowflakes are still falling, some fall on my little face, so cool.
37、雪轻轻地飘着,我趴在窗子上往外望,只见屋外白茫茫的一片。 Snow gently floating, I lie on the window to look out, only to see a vast expanse of white outside the house.
38、雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般。 Snow, like catkins general snow, like reed general snow, like dandelion general.
39、雪,晶莹透明,给人冰清玉洁的感觉,它默默无闻的滋润着大地。 Snow, crystal clear and transparent, gives people the feeling of pure and clean, it moistens the earth in obscurity.
40、风轻轻一吹,树上的积雪落了下来,它们堆在一起,像一座座银山。 When the wind blows gently, the snow on the trees falls down. They pile up like silver mountains.