1、一个人的智慧不仅在头脑里,也在手指上。 A man's wisdom is not only in his head, but also in his fingers.
2、一腔孤勇你别怕,最起码你还有自己。 Don't be afraid of being alone. At least you have yourself.
3、不必因昨天的眼泪,湿了今天的太阳。 Don't wet today's sun with yesterday's tears.
4、不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。 No matter how long the night is, the day will come.
5、不经历几次跌倒,我们永远学不会飞翔。 We will never learn to fly without experiencing several falls.
6、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。 Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause.
7、不要抱着过去不放,拒绝新的观念和挑战。 Don't cling to the past and reject new ideas and challenges.
8、世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。 The most tiring thing in the world is to live in hypocrisy.
9、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 In the world, there are only people who can't think, and there is no impassable way.
10、人们痛恨的不是改变,而是被改变。 What people hate is not change, but change.
11、人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 People must believe in themselves. This is the secret of success.
12、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The establishment of a great cause of life is not to know, but to do.
13、人生长路漫漫,往后余生我想与你为伴。 Life has a long way to go. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
14、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 Any restriction starts from your heart.
15、你必须坚强因为没有人会懂你到底有多痛。 You have to be strong because no one will understand how painful you are.
16、你最好全神贯注,因为我会全力以赴。 You'd better concentrate because I'll do my best.
17、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。 What you have to do, how much pressure you have to bear.
18、勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。 Diligence is the passport to success.
19、只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会。 Only those who keep looking for opportunities will seize them in time.
20、只有自己足够强大,才会有用的话语权。 Only when you are strong enough can you have a useful voice.
21、只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。 As long as you have confidence, you will never be defeated.
22、只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。 As long as there is tomorrow, today will always be the starting line.
23、只要这一秒不绝望,下一秒一定会有希望。 As long as this second does not despair, there will be hope for the next.
24、困难像弹簧,你强它就弱,你弱它就强。 Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, you will be weak. If you are weak, you will be strong.
25、多为成功找方法,不为失败找理由。 More for success, not for failure to find a reason.
26、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has ups and downs. Pat the dust and go on.
27、天下饿不死手艺人,也只是饿不死而已。 If you are hungry, you will not die. You are just hungry.
28、如果不读书,行万里路也不过是个邮差。 If you don't read, you're just a postman.
29、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。 If the heart is not like the sea, how can we have the same career as the sea.
30、希望你成熟稳重、绝处逢生、越活越优秀。 I hope that you are mature and stable, and you will never be able to survive. The more you live, the better you will be.
31、心灵纯洁的人,生活充满甜蜜和喜悦。 Life is full of sweetness and joy for a pure soul.
32、忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。 Forget about failure, but remember the lessons of failure.
33、成功可招引朋友,挫败可考验朋友。 Success attracts friends, defeat tests them.
34、成功,从失败的土壤中顽强生出。 Success comes from the soil of failure.
35、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。 The only weakness we will not correct is weakness.
36、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。 If we have accepted the worst, there will be no loss.
37、把努力变成一种习惯,而不是一时热血。 Make hard work a habit, not a passion.
38、拼就是用尽你有的,去换你想要的。 Spell is to use up what you have, to change what you want.
39、掉下水里不会死,一直呆在水里才会死。 If you fall into the water, you will not die. If you stay in the water, you will die.
40、斩断自己的退路,才能更好地赢得出路。 Cut off their own retreat, in order to better win the way out.
41、有毅力的人,能从磐石里挤出水满。 A man of perseverance can squeeze water out of a rock.
42、有钱的人更有钱,这往往是一种必然。 It is often inevitable that the rich have more money.
43、未来一片迷茫,我只好带上坚强勇敢去闯。 The future is so confused that I have to take a strong courage to break through.
44、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every effort, there will be double rewards.
45、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。 Tell yourself once a day: I'm really good.
46、没有人可以打倒我,除非我自己先趴下! No one can beat me unless I get down first!
47、爱一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船。 To love someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a boat at the airport.
48、生命,不是叹息过去,而是瞻望未来。 Life is not a sign of the past, but a vision of the future.
49、生活其实很简单,过了今天就是明天。 Life is very simple. Today is tomorrow.
50、生活就是一场逃亡,不能坐以待毙。 Life is a flight. You can't wait to die.
51、生活的苦,衬托出努力与选择的必要。 The bitterness of life sets off the necessity of effort and choice.
52、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。 Pay attention to the winners, not the losers.
53、累了,也要努力清醒着怎么能就此沉沦。 Tired, but also to try to wake up how can this sink.
54、美丽让男人停下,智慧让男人留下。 Beauty makes men stop, wisdom makes men stay.
55、能找到理由难过,就一定能找到理由快乐。 If you can find a reason to be sad, you must find a reason to be happy.
56、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 The road that oneself chooses, kneel also want to walk it.
57、花的生命虽然短暂,但它毕竟拥抱过春天。 Although the life of flower is short, it has embraced spring after all.
58、路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求人。 It's a long way to go. I'll go up and down.
59、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。 The end of the road is still the road, as long as you are willing to go.
60、选择重于努力,成败在于选择之间。 Choice is more important than effort. Success or failure lies in choice.