1、一心一意播撒爱,一腔热血奉献在。 Spread love wholeheartedly and dedicate one cavity of blood.

2、为减少病人的疾苦,尽心尽力。 In order to reduce the sufferings of patients, we should do our best.

3、今天,我们致敬所有医师!尽管不曾相识,但,终生感谢! Today, we salute all doctors! Although I didn't know each other, thank you all my life!

4、他们是世界上的白衣天使,是治愈、保障我们身体健康的人。 They are the angels in white in the world. They are the people who heal and protect our health.

5、他们普通又特殊,平凡却伟大。 They are ordinary and special, ordinary but great.

6、付出是满足,给予是快乐! Giving is satisfaction, giving is happiness!

7、以心为灯,愿作生命的守护天使。 Take the heart as the lamp, and be the guardian angel of life.

8、你们奉献的是宝贵的青春,换来的是无数家庭幸福的微笑。 What you offer is precious youth, in exchange for the smile of countless happy families.

9、你们辛苦了,你们是最棒的。 You work hard, you are the best.

10、初为父母的喜悦,有他们关怀。 The joy of being a parent for the first time has their care.

11、医学不是万能的,但感恩你们竭尽所能。 Medicine is not everything, but thank you for doing everything you can.

12、医生哪里有病人,哪里就有她们都身影。 Where doctors have patients, they are everywhere.

13、医生是冬日的腊梅,坚强不屈,默默绽放。 The doctor is wintersweet, strong and unyielding, blooming silently.

14、医生是夏日的骄阳,微笑迷人,热情如火。 The doctor is a hot summer sun with a charming smile and enthusiasm.

15、医生是春天的露珠,纯净清澈,关怀备至。 The doctor is the dew of spring, pure and clear, with great care.

16、医生,他们救死扶伤的高尚情操是我们学习的榜样。 Doctor, their noble sentiment of saving lives is an example for us to learn.

17、善待医师就是善待生命,多一份理解,道一声感谢! To be kind to doctors is to be kind to life, to have more understanding and to say thanks!

18、她们奉献的是一丝温情,一份关爱,一滴汗水,一份真情。 What they offer is a trace of warmth, a love, a drop of sweat, a true love.

19、实至名归,人民的好医生,永远记的你们。 It's worthy of your name, good doctor of the people, who will always remember you.

20、希望你们在救人的同时也别忘了休息,能够好好地照顾自己。 I hope you can not forget to rest and take good care of yourself while saving people.

21、忠于职责日理万机似觉少,廉洁行医额外一分也嫌多。 It seems that there are few opportunities to be loyal to their duties, and there are too many extra points for honest medical practice.

22、您亲切的态度,温暖的话语,无一不给做为患者的我带来了希望。 Your kind attitude and warm words have brought hope to me as a patient.

23、感谢你们负重前行,给我们岁月静好,辛苦了。 Thank you for carrying on the load and giving us years of quiet and hard work.

24、感谢医路有你,为我们的健康保驾护航! Thank you for your help to protect our health!

25、感谢每一位白衣天使,谢谢你们的无畏付出!一路平安! Thank you for every angel in white, thank you for your fearless efforts! bon voyage!

26、找不到不为你喝彩的理由,你是那样的勤劳。 There is no reason not to cheer for you. You are so diligent.

27、找不到不为你感动的理由,你是那样的无私。 I can't find the reason why I can't be moved by you. You are so selfless.

28、找不到不为你赞叹的理由,你是那样温柔。 I can't find the reason why I can't praise you. You are so gentle.

29、把健康快乐送给了患者,把劳累疲惫留给了自己。 Give health and happiness to patients, and leave fatigue and fatigue to yourself.

30、把干净整洁送给了病人,把污秽脓血留给了自己。 He gave the patient clean and tidy, and left the filth and pus to himself.

31、把苦累怨留给自己,将乐安康送给病人。 Leave the bitterness and bitterness to yourself, and give the patient the joy and health.

32、折翼的天使降落人间,魔法依旧附体,灵光显现人间。 The angel with folded wings lands on the earth, and the magic is still attached to the body, and the spirit light appears on the earth.

33、白衣天使,病人的依靠。 Angel in white, the patient's support.

34、致敬所有的逆行者们,愿你们平安健康快乐永远。 Salute all the rebellious. May you be safe, healthy and happy forever.

35、诚心加细心,一心为病人。 Sincere and careful, dedicated to patients.

36、谢谢您医生,还给患者一颗健康跳动的心。 Thank you, doctor, and give the patient a healthy beating heart.

37、身体力行,以德服人;苦口婆心,以理服人。 We should practice ourselves and convince others by virtue; we should be diligent and convinced by reason.

38、逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。 Time flies, day and night.

39、鲜花送给最美的好医生。 Flowers for the most beautiful doctor.