1、一个人只要有意志力,就能超越他的环境。 As long as a person has willpower, he can transcend his environment.

2、一切都会过去,一切都将重新开始。 Everything will pass and everything will start again.

3、一切都可以重新开始,希望就在前方。 Everything can start all over again, hope is ahead.

4、不必恭维,不必讨好,爱你的人自然会给你拥抱。 Don't flatter, don't flatter, people who love you will give you a hug.

5、不管什么时候,学习都不晚。 No matter when, it's not too late to study.

6、不要向上天抱怨你的不公,因为上天根本不认识你。 Don't complain to God about your injustice, because God doesn't know you at all.

7、不要等待机会,而要创造机会。 Don't wait for opportunities, create them.

8、业精于勤,荒于嬉。行成于思,毁于随。 Industry is better than diligence, but less than play. Action is accomplished by thinking, but destroyed by following.

9、中年一个女人更需要好心情,学会调节放松最重要。 A middle-aged woman needs to be in a good mood. Learning to adjust and relax is the most important thing.

10、为自己的弱点和别人争辩,你必须明确弱点是你的。 To argue with others for your own weakness, you must make it clear that your weakness is yours.

11、九分喜欢,一分尊严;可以很爱你,也可以没有你! Nine points like, one point dignity; Can love you very much, also can not have you!

12、亲爱的自己,你要相信爱情并不是你的全部! Dear yourself, you should believe that love is not all of you!

13、亲爱的自己,你要自信一点,失去你是别人的损失! Dear yourself, you should be more confident, losing you is the loss of others!

14、人在旅途,-定要让自己活的很优雅! People on the journey - must let their own life is very elegant!

15、人生之道往往是坷坎的。 The way of life is often bumpy.

16、人生没有后悔,我们只能尽力去不让自己后悔。 There is no regret in life, we can only try our best not to regret.

17、什么情况下都要爱自己。 Love yourself under all circumstances.

18、今日拼搏努力,他朝谁与争锋! Today's hard work, who is he fighting for!

19、任何人如果不能教育自己,也就不能教育别人。 If anyone can't educate himself, he can't educate others.

20、但凡辛苦,都是礼物。 All hard work is a gift.

21、你只管努力,剩下的交给时间。 You just work hard and leave the rest to time.

22、你越来越优秀的时候,就会遇见越来越好的人。 As you get better and better, you will meet better and better people.

23、做对的事情,比把事情做对重要。 Doing the right thing is more important than doing it right.

24、别轻易放弃梦想,别在最能吃苦的年纪选择安逸。 Don't give up your dream easily. Don't choose to be comfortable at the age when you can bear the most hardships.

25、努力是光,成功是影,没有光哪儿来影? Effort is the light, success is the shadow. Without light, where is the shadow?

26、勤学又勤问,不怕头脑笨。 If you study hard and ask frequently, you are not afraid of being stupid.

27、十七岁全力以赴,十八岁好好庆祝! 17 years old go all out, 18 years old celebrate!

28、发呆,是唯一不用付费的宇宙漫游。 Daze, is the only free space roaming.

29、只有努力奔向更好的地方,才会遇见更好的你。 Only strive to a better place, will meet a better you.

30、只要充分相信自己,没有抵达不了远方! As long as you fully believe in yourself, you can't reach the distance!

31、各界精英大展宏图夺英魁,莘莘学子汇聚一堂学本领。 The elites from all walks of life have made great efforts to win the first place in Britain, and a large number of students have gathered to learn their skills.

32、命运,不会亏待正在努力变好的你。 Fate will not treat you who are trying to be better.

33、复杂的事情要简单做。 Complex things need to be done simply.

34、多尝试给别人讲题,能讲清楚题,才意味着真正弄懂了。 Try to give others more questions, can speak clearly, it means really understand.

35、大丈夫宁可玉碎,不能瓦全。 A man would rather be broken than broken.

36、失望到极致的时候,我真的会用后退来保护自己。 When I am disappointed to the extreme, I will really use retreat to protect myself.

37、奋斗不一定能带来成功,但是一定能带来成长。 Struggle does not necessarily bring success, but it certainly brings growth.

38、女人,你可以傻,可以糊涂,但是千万别相信男人的话。 Women, you can be silly, can be confused, but do not believe men's words.

39、如若难把功名进,也算知书识礼人。 If it's difficult to put the merit into the book, it's also a person who knows the book and the rites.

40、妄自尊大与妄自菲薄,都是严重的错误。 Arrogance and self contempt are both serious mistakes.

41、字可以不漂亮,但一定要工整。 Words may not be beautiful, but they must be neat.

42、学习并不等于模仿某种东西,而是掌握技巧和方法。 Learning is not to imitate something, but to master skills and methods.

43、学会生活,学会学习,学会合作。 Learn to live, learn to learn, learn to cooperate.

44、山有泉水才美,人有技能才好。 Only when there is spring in a mountain can it be beautiful, and only when people have skills can it be good.

45、崇高的目标造就崇高的品格,伟大的志向造就伟大的心灵。 Lofty goal makes lofty character, great ambition makes great mind.

46、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。 Endurance is better than brains.

47、想哭就哭,想笑就笑。不要因为世界虚伪,你也变得虚伪。 Cry if you want, laugh if you want. Don't become hypocritical because the world is hypocritical.

48、感情不必拿来感慨,深情何必拿来显摆。 Feelings don't need to be filled with emotion, but deep feelings don't need to be shown.

49、愿你历经山河,觉得人间值得。 May you go through mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it.

50、成功不是凭梦想和希望,而是凭努力和实践。 Success depends not on dreams and hopes, but on efforts and practice.

51、我若不坚强,谁替我勇敢。 If I am not strong, who is brave for me.

52、所谓学不懂,是为自己的不思进取找借口。 The so-called learning not to understand, is to find an excuse for their own do not want to forge ahead.

53、抱怨命运不如改变命运,抱怨生活不如改变生活。 It's better to change fate than to complain about fate, and it's better to change life than to complain about life.

54、教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。 Education is a process of gradually discovering one's own ignorance.

55、旁观者的姓名,永远爬不到比赛的计分板上。 The name of the bystander will never be on the scoreboard of the game.

56、是时候该放下一切,重新开始了。 It's time to put everything down and start all over again.

57、有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚。 Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a will, there is a way.

58、没有不进步的人生,只有不进取的人。 There is no life without progress, only people without progress.

59、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。 No saliva and sweat, no tears of success.

60、温柔要有,但不是妥协。 Gentleness needs to have, but not compromise.

61、用希望迎接太阳,用笑声相伴时光,用快乐涂满心房。 Welcome the sun with hope, accompany time with laughter, and fill your heart with happiness.

62、男人感情就是这样,像水龙头一样说关就关了。 Men's feelings are like this, like the tap said off.

63、知行合一,方可成就事业。 Only the unity of knowledge and action can make a career.

64、知足,上进,不辜负野心。 Contentment, progress and ambition.

65、积之平时,获之瞬间。 The time of accumulation is the moment of gain.

66、纪律是*的第一条件。 Discipline is the first condition of freedom.

67、自信女人总能给人恰到好处的美感。 Confident women always give people the right beauty.

68、艰苦奋斗的结果是幸福。 The result of hard work is happiness.

69、蜗牛靠着毅力,才能爬到安全的地方。 Snails rely on perseverance to climb to a safe place.

70、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder to success. The more you do, the higher you climb.

71、要学好多动脑,要学深须认真。 If you want to learn a lot, use your brain, and learn deeply, you must be serious.

72、要铭记在心;每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 Keep it in mind; Every day is the best day of the year.

73、认识世界,享受自然。 Know the world and enjoy nature.

74、读书不离口,写字不离手。 Read with your mouth and write with your hands.

75、读书使人成为完善的人。 Reading makes one perfect.

76、读书有三到,谓心到眼到口到。 There are three ways to read, that is, from heart to eye to mouth.

77、谁说事业是男人的专利,女人也可以拥有自己的事业天地。 Who said that career is the patent of men, women can also have their own career world.

78、路,要一步一步足踏实地地往前走,才能获得成功! Road, step by step to move forward, in order to achieve success!

79、铁不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。 If iron is not ground, it will rust; if man does not learn, he will lag behind.

80、非博学无以致远,非笃行无以明志。 If you are not erudite, you can't go far, if you are not conscientious, you can't make your ambition clear.