1、一句那就这样吧,道尽了多少人的失落与绝望。 That's it. How many people's loss and despair have been done.
2、不知道现在做的有没有意义,至少先确定自己不是什么都没做。 I don't know if what I'm doing is meaningful. At least make sure that I'm not doing nothing.
3、不要哭诉!这是人生自己的选择! Don't cry! This is life's own choice!
4、与其渴望站在太阳下,不如,在黑暗里发光。 It's better to shine in the dark than to stand in the sun.
5、业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随! Industry in diligence, waste in play, action in thinking, destroyed in with!
6、也许你攀登一世,也没有登上顶峰。 Maybe you've climbed a lifetime and you haven't reached the top.
7、人生唯一不改变,是不停的改变。 The only thing that doesn't change in life is constant change.
8、人生就应用七彩涂抹,生活应用踏实铺陈,日子应用充实贯穿。 Life on the application of colorful daub, life application practical presentation, the day application of enrichment throughout.
9、人生总需要淋一些雨,吹一些风,方可珍惜阳光明媚的时候。 Life always needs to be drenched in some rain and blowing some wind to cherish the sunny time.
10、人生的命运,无论是幸运或多舛,都要坚韧精进。 The fate of life, no matter how lucky or how hard it is, must be tough and progressive.
11、什么叫业务?做业务就是交朋友,朋友越多业绩越好。 What is business? To do business is to make friends. The more friends you have, the better your performance.
12、你总是这样轻言放弃的话,无论多久都只会原地踏步。 If you always give up so easily, no matter how long it will only stay in place.
13、你未来的模样,就藏在现在的努力里。 Your future appearance is hidden in the present effort.
14、你给自己一个高度,世界总会还你一个尺度。 You give yourself a height, the world will always give you a scale.
15、你能多快搞定自己的情绪,你就能多快的得到成功。 How quickly you can handle your emotions, how quickly you can succeed.
16、别人有的你可能没有,你有的别人也未必有。 You may not have what others have, and others may not have what you have.
17、即使是不成熟的尝试,也胜于胎死腹中的策略。 Even the immature attempt is better than the strategy of stillbirth.
18、只要努力去做最好的自己,一生足矣。 As long as you try to be the best of yourself, life is enough.
19、命运不会去偏爱谁,就要看你能够追逐多久,坚持多久。 Fate will not favor who, it depends on how long you can chase and how long you persist.
20、喜欢学习的人很多,但天天学习的人不多。 There are many people who like to learn, but not many people study every day.
21、因为心中有向往,所以才一直去追。 Because there is yearning in the heart, so I have been chasing.
22、在最平凡的生活里,谦卑和努力。 In the most ordinary life, humility and hard work.
23、在有生之年,要学会生气勃勃地创办事业,痛快淋漓地享受生命。 In one's lifetime, we should learn to set up a business with vigor and vitality and enjoy life vividly and vividly.
24、增员增组增人才,壮大组织满堂彩。 Increase the number of staff, increase the group, increase the talents, and strengthen the organization.
25、增员是根,活动为枝,业绩是果。 Increasing staff is the root, activity is the branch, and achievement is the result.
26、多认识顾客喜欢的一种知识,就多一次成功的机会。 If you know more about a kind of knowledge that customers like, you will have a more chance of success.
27、失败与挫折只是暂时的,成功已不会太遥远! Failure and frustration are only temporary, success will not be too far away!
28、女人有了事业,即便没有爱情,至少还有钱。 Women have a career, even if they have no love, at least they have money.
29、客户能上门约见你,就成功了一半。 If a client can come to see you, it's half done.
30、寿险事业,有你有我有他;营销职涯,为己为人为司。 Life insurance business, you have me, you have him; marketing career, for yourself, for the company.
31、小企业看老板,中企业看制度,大企业看文化。 Small enterprises look at the boss, medium-sized enterprises look at the system, and large enterprises look at culture.
32、并非神仙才能烧陶器,有志的人总可以学得精手艺。 It is not only immortals who can burn pottery, but those who have a will can always learn fine craftsmanship.
33、当你越来越漂亮时,自然有人关注你。 When you are more and more beautiful, naturally someone will pay attention to you.
34、当别人不把你放在眼里,与其生气,不如争气。 When others don't pay attention to you, it's better to strive for success than to be angry.
35、成功不在难易,而在于是否采取行动。 Success lies not in the difficulty, but in taking action.
36、成功永远是给有准备的,准备的。 Success is always prepared and prepared.
37、所有的励志,基本上目标都是挣钱。 The goal of all motivation is basically to make money.
38、打开失败旁边的窗户,也许你就看到了希望。 Open the window next to failure, and you may see hope.
39、把事情变复杂很简单,把事情变简单很复杂。 It's easy to make things complicated. It's very complicated to make things simple.
40、攻守并重,全员实动,活动目标,服务导向。 We should attach equal importance to attack and defense, make full use of all staff, target activities and service orientation.
41、无需告诉别人,你有多苦,你有多难,你有多累。 There is no need to tell others how hard you are, how hard you are, and how tired you are.
42、既然来到这个世上,就要活得漂亮。 Now that you come to this world, you have to live a beautiful life.
43、时间,抢的是金子,浪费的是水。 Time, grab is gold, waste is water.
44、最好的状态大概就是,默默努力,实现每一个自己吹过的牛逼。 The best state is probably, silent efforts to achieve each of their own bragging force.
45、有“心”就有“新”,有“新”就有“薪”。 If there is "heart", there will be "new", and if there is "new", there will be "salary".
46、有志之人立长志,无志之人常立志。 A man with a will makes a long will, and a man without a will will will.
47、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。 There are thousands of difficulties for those who have no will.
48、有阳光的地方,一定会有我们未曾想到的精彩。 Where there is sunshine, there will be wonderful things we have never thought of.
49、梦想聚团队,团队铸梦想,激情快乐人。 The dream gathers the team, the team casts the dream, the passion joyful person.
50、每一门日进斗金的生意,也许刚开始的时候,都不足以养活自己。 Every business that makes money every day may not be enough to support itself at the beginning.
51、每个女孩最喜欢的歌背后,都有一个没讲述的故事。 Behind every girl's favorite song, there is a story that hasn't been told.
52、没有人会输给命运,所有人都是输给了自己! No one will lose to fate, everyone is lost to themselves!
53、生活不应等待别人安排,而要自己争取和奋斗。 Life should not wait for others to arrange, but strive for and struggle for it.
54、生活再苦,也不要失去信念,因为美好将在明天。 No matter how hard life is, don't lose faith, because the beautiful will be tomorrow.
55、用积极乐观的心态面对一切,相信你的人生会更美好。 Face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude and believe that your life will be better.
56、瞎子点灯,或许不是一种愚蠢,亦或是一种智慧,甚至气度。 Perhaps it is not a kind of stupidity, or wisdom, or even bearing, to light a lamp for the blind.
57、能增员,业绩好;有组织,寿命长。 Can increase staff, good performance; organized, long life.
58、能看得到别人的邪奸,却看不到自己的愚痴。 You can see the evil of others, but you can't see your own foolishness.
59、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望! This second does not give up, the next second has hope!
60、这些逆境与磨练,才会让你真正学会谦恭。 These adversity and temper, will let you really learn humility.