1、一个人的失眠,一个人的空间,一个人想念。 One's insomnia, one's space, one's missing.
2、一分钟,总有那么60秒在想你。 One minute, there are always 60 seconds in thinking about you.
3、不在的分分秒秒,都是思念在作祟。 Every minute of my absence is haunted by my missing.
4、不求荣华富贵,但求与你温馨到老。 Do not seek glory, wealth, but with you warm to old.
5、与你相偎相依,与你荣辱与共。 Close to you and share weal and woe with you.
6、世界上最容易被忘记的东西,就是爱情。 The most easily forgotten thing in the world is love.
7、二两桃花酿做酒,万杯不及你温柔。 Two liang peach blossom wine, ten thousand cups less than you gentle.
8、人生恰如三月花,倾我一生一世念。 Life is like a flower in March. I will spend my whole life thinking about it.
9、你不必对我有亏欠,以后谁在你身边就对谁好一点。 You don't have to be in debt to me. You'll be nice to anyone who's by your side in the future.
10、你所在之处,就是我心目中的天涯海角。 Where you are, is the end of the earth in my mind.
11、你是我的旧爱,但我更想让你成为我的新欢。 You are my old love, but I want you to be my new love.
12、你永远也不知道我为了你改变了多少。 You never know how much I changed for you.
13、你看不见,不代表我不存在。 Just because you can't see doesn't mean I don't exist.
14、原来只要心动了,什么标准条件都是放屁。 As long as the heart, what standard conditions are farts.
15、原谅我的太贪心,陪你情窦初开,还想陪你两鬓斑白。 Forgive me too greedy, with your love, but also want to accompany you gray temples.
16、只要我想你,我的心便坠入蜜的海洋。 As long as I miss you, my heart will fall into the sea of honey.
17、可能还会遇见你,或许在路上,或许在梦里。 May also meet you, perhaps on the road, perhaps in a dream.
18、在雨里走路其实挺好的、只是湿了鞋子。 Walking in the rain is actually very good, only wet shoes.
19、天冷了,没人疼爱的孩子该加衣服了,照顾好自己。 It's cold. It's time for children who are not loved by others to add clothes and take good care of themselves.
20、女士你是不是迷路了?因为天堂离这里好长一段路呢。 Are you lost, ma'am? Because heaven is a long way from here.
21、宽阔的海边,有一幅深邃的画面。 The broad sea, there is a deep picture.
22、对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 The first impression of you is unforgettable for a long time.
23、就算全世界背叛你,我也会站在你背后背叛全世界。 Even if the world betrays you, I will stand behind you and betray the world.
24、岁岁平安有什么用,我要岁岁有你。 What's the use of peace? I want you all the year round.
25、心痛,怎么会心痛?我以为心痛只是种形容。 Heartache, how can heartache? I thought heartache was just a description.
26、念想畅游于层叠的记忆里,一瞬之间泪水泛滥。 Want to swim freely in the memory of layers, tears flood in an instant.
27、思念像苦药,竟如此难熬,每分每秒。 Missing is like bitter medicine. It's so hard, every minute.
28、我不再年轻,只剩和你并肩生活的热情。 I'm no longer young. I'm only passionate about living side by side with you.
29、我不是会温柔的人,但我愿意为你做尽温柔事。 I'm not a gentle person, but I'm willing to do everything gentle for you.
30、我心都放你那里了,你还在乎我这个人干什么。 I put my heart there, you still care what I do.
31、我忘了告诉你,在我眼里,全世界都是你的背景。 I forgot to tell you, in my eyes, the world is your background.
32、我想余生伴你,哪怕只是朋友。 I want to be with you for the rest of my life, even if it's just a friend.
33、我愿和你十指相扣,百年相守。 I'd like to be with you for a hundred years.
34、我把前半生写在纸,后半生写在你的生命里。 I write the first half of my life on paper, the second half in your life.
35、我有一个超能力,超级喜欢你。 I have a superpower. I like you so much.
36、我的软我的甜,仅对你一个人可见。 My soft, my sweet, only you can see.
37、我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。 I said I love you, but I didn't say I only love you.
38、所谓心有灵犀,你中有我,我中有你。 The so-called heart has a soul, you have me, I have you.
39、放弃不下就继续坚持着吧,至少心里不会空荡荡的。 Give up not to continue to insist on it, at least the heart will not be empty.
40、是否紧闭眼眶,眼角的泪就不会轻易地落下。 Whether close eye socket, the tear of canthus won't fall easily.
41、晚什么安,我巴不得你想我到夜不能寐。 What's the night? I wish you thought I couldn't sleep at night.
42、晚是全世界的晚,安是只给你的安。 Night is the night of the whole world. ANN is only for you.
43、有你的日子我度年如日,没有你的日子我度日如年。 I spend my days like days with you, and days without you like years.
44、未经允许,擅自个性喜欢你,不好意思了? I like you without permission. Sorry?
45、每次说对不起时,都是发自内心的。 Every time I say I'm sorry, it comes from the heart.
46、没收了我的童年,涂抹了我的天真。 Confiscates my childhood, smears my innocence.
47、没有什么做不到的事,对于真正的爱情来说。 There is nothing that can't be done for true love.
48、深刻的感受,从爱恋到依恋,直至眷恋一世。 Deep feelings, from love to attachment, to attachment to life.
49、游客是你,风景是我,无可避免让你经过。 The tourists are you and the scenery is me. You can't avoid passing by.
50、爱情有时很简单,无非就是你崇拜我,我宠爱你。 Love is sometimes very simple, but you worship me, I love you.
51、爱情,就是习惯了另一个人的习惯。 Love is getting used to another person's habit.
52、秋刀鱼的滋味,猫和你都想了解。 The taste of saury, cat and you want to know.
53、穷尽半生荒唐,只为余生有你。 It's ridiculous to spend half of your life just for the rest of your life.
54、终于挽着你的手,去敬各位来宾的酒。 Finally, take your hand and offer the wine to all the guests.
55、给我一张床,我要跟你睡到世界灭亡。 Give me a bed, and I'll sleep with you until the world dies.
56、缠绵的你的影,成就我眼中的景。 The lingering shadow of you makes the scene in my eyes.
57、若你一贫如洗,我也愿意做你最后的行李。不离不弃。 If you are destitute, I will be your last luggage. never abandon.
58、遇见你是偶然,爱上你是毅然,伴你一生是必然。 Meeting you is accidental, falling in love with you is determined, with your life is inevitable.
59、那一抹惨淡的斜阳,拉开我们永远无法跨越的距离。 That a touch of bleak setting sun, we will never be able to cross the distance.
60、青春最美的不是梦,而是陪你追梦的人。 Youth is not the most beautiful dream, but to accompany you to pursue the dream of people.