1、一个今天胜过两个明天。蓝天属于你,白云属于你,东南西风属于你。 One today is better than two tomorrows. Blue sky belongs to you, white clouds belong to you, southeast wind belongs to you.

2、一弯新月高高挂在墨蓝色的天空,清澈如水的光辉普照着大地。 A crescent moon high in the dark blue sky, clear as water shining on the earth.

3、一条彩虹,从绿葱葱的田野里升起来,直通到天上,真像一座绚丽的天桥。 A rainbow, rising from the green fields, straight to the sky, really like a gorgeous overpass.

4、不后悔,莫过于做好三件事:一是知道如何选择;二是明白如何坚持;三是懂得如何珍惜。 There are three things to do without regret: one is to know how to choose; the other is to know how to insist; the third is to know how to cherish.

5、不要太过失望,当下的挫折日后一定会成为华丽的转折,危机越深,反转就越是精彩? Don't be too disappointed. The current setback will surely become a gorgeous turning point in the future. The deeper the crisis is, the more wonderful the reversal will be?

6、人活着就应该像齐天大圣,疯过,爱过,恨过,闯过,拼过,努力过,但从没怕过。 People should live like the sage, crazy, love, hate, break through, fight, strive, but never fear.

7、人生不如意事十之八九,真正有格局的人,既能享受最好的,也能承受最坏的。 Life is not as good as nine out of ten things. People who really have a pattern can enjoy the best and bear the worst.

8、你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。 The gap between who you are and what you want to be is what you do.

9、你是什么样的人,就容易遇到什么样的人。做最好的自己,才能遇到最好的别人! You are what kind of person, you are easy to meet what kind of person. Be the best you can meet the best people!

10、初升的月亮挂在山顶上空,虽然像云朵一样苍白,但是每一刻都在变得更加明亮。 The rising moon is hanging over the top of the mountain. Although it is as pale as a cloud, it is getting brighter every moment.

11、只见,烟花直冲天空,渐渐地舒展开来,形成了无数朵时而红,时而黄,时而绿的繁花。 I saw, fireworks straight into the sky, gradually spread out, forming countless flowers, sometimes red, sometimes yellow, sometimes green.

12、可惜我不能像食欲来了就去买吃的那样,喜欢了就去追你,我的胃比我有勇气。 It's a pity that I can't go shopping for food as soon as my appetite comes. If I like it, I'll chase you. My stomach has more courage than me.

13、各种各样的蠢事,在每天阅读好书的作用下,仿佛烤在火上的纸一样渐渐燃尽。 All kinds of stupid things, under the effect of reading good books every day, burn out like paper baked on the fire.

14、听别人说再多的道理,都不如自己熬过的领悟;你要明白,快乐是共享,苦难是自扛。 No matter how much truth others say, it's not as good as your own understanding. You should understand that happiness is sharing, and suffering is self-supporting.

15、回去的旅程隔着无数的季节,无数坠落的经历。 The journey back across countless seasons, countless falling experience.

16、在工作的时候,要压住自己的情绪,保持心平气和,用正确的态度对待它。 At work, to suppress their emotions, maintain calm, with the right attitude towards it.

17、夏天的夜晚十分安静,只有青蛙的叫声,一切显得那么安谧。 Summer night is very quiet, only frog calls, everything seems so quiet.

18、大雨已经打掉了两片蔷薇花瓣,花儿无力地垂着头,显得更加娇嫩。 The heavy rain had already knocked off two rose petals, the flowers drooped their heads powerlessly and looked more delicate.

19、天地之大,人太渺小,不要奢望太多,能够拥有一道属于自己的风景就不错了。 The world is big, people are too small, don't expect too much, can have a scenery of their own is good.

20、天地之大,人太渺小,不要奢望太多,能拥有一道属于自己的风景就不错了。 The world is big, the person is too small, do not expect too much, can have a scenery of their own is good.

21、太阳一年操劳到头,忙到冬天,就筋疲力尽,几乎放不出热力来了。 The sun worked hard to the end of the year, busy in winter, it was exhausted, almost unable to release heat.

22、孔雀开屏时,犹如一把碧纱宫扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射着光彩,好像无数面小镜子。 When the peacock opens its screen, it looks like a blue gauze palace fan. The eye spots on the tail feathers reflect the luster, like countless small mirrors.

23、峰峦叠嶂,碧水如镜,青山浮水,倒影翩翩,两岸景色犹如百里画廊。 The scenery on both sides of the river is like a hundred Li Gallery.

24、巨大的烟花在空中绽放,花瓣如雨,纷纷坠落,人们似乎触手可及。 Huge fireworks in the air, petals such as rain, have fallen, people seem to be within reach.

25、彼岸花,花开花落,花叶永不相见,路转角,心中的痛,错过注定永远。 On the other side of the flower, flowers and leaves will never meet, road corner, heart pain, Miss destined forever.

26、想洗澡吗?不要到外面等待下雨;想成功吗?不要空等机遇的到来。 Want a bath? Don't wait outside for rain; want to succeed? Don't wait for opportunities to come.

27、我成长过程渐渐偏离真实轨迹,最早是从谎言开始的。 I grew up gradually deviated from the true track, the earliest is from the lie.

28、我站在楼顶上,看见新修的环城路就像一条飘绕在城外的玉带,又长又宽。 Standing on the top of the building, I saw that the newly built ring road was like a jade belt floating around the city, long and wide.

29、挺过这段难熬的时间,相信糟糕的日子熬过去了,剩下的就是好运气。 Through this difficult time, I believe that the bad days have passed, and the rest is good luck.

30、新生的绿草,笑眯眯地软瘫在地上,像是正和低着头的蒲公英的小黄花在绵绵情话。 The new green grass, smilingly soft paralysis on the ground, like the small yellow flower of dandelion with low head in continuous love talk.

31、春光明媚,春意盎然,绿茵遍野,嫩草像绿宝石一般发出悦目的光彩。 The spring is bright and full of spring, and the green fields are everywhere. The tender grass is like emerald and emits pleasant luster.

32、春天,春天的太阳该画什么颜色呢?噢,画个彩色的。因为春天是个多彩的季节。 What is the color of spring? Oh, draw a color one. Because spring is a colorful season.

33、最好的关系,是相处不累。那个可以让你卸下伪装,忘掉心机的人,才值得你相处一生。 The best relationship is not tired. The person who can let you take off your disguise and forget your mind is worth your whole life.

34、有酒就去喝,有爱就去爱,一生那么短,再拘谨几下就真的过去了。 If there is wine to drink, love to love, life is so short, and then a few more rigid really passed.

35、杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗? The buds on the branches of Chinese fir are already quite fat, tender and shining in the sky. Do you think spring will be far behind?

36、淘气的小星星在蓝幽幽的夜空划出一道金色的弧光,像织女抛出一道锦线。 Mischievous little stars in the blue sky out of a golden arc, like the weaver throw a brocade line.

37、清晨,拉开窗帘、推开窗户。微风吹来,一阵清新、幽香、淡雅的泥土气息迎面而来。 In the morning, open the curtains and open the Windows. Breeze blowing, a fresh, delicate, elegant smell of soil face to face.

38、满天红云,满海金波,红日像一炉沸腾的钢水,喷薄而出,金光耀眼。 The sky is full of red clouds and sea gold waves. The red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, spurting out and shining with gold.

39、爱是一种牵挂,无论步迹到哪里,心却系在那披肩秀发的发梢。 Love is a kind of care, no matter where the steps are, the heart is tied to the hair tip of the shawl and hair.

40、生命是单独的个体,无论怎样的血肉交融,我们必须独自面对世界的风雨。 Life is a separate individual, no matter how flesh and blood blend, we must face the wind and rain of the world alone.

41、生活的美来源于你对生活的热爱,友情的纯真来源于你对朋友真诚的相待。 The beauty of life comes from your love for life, and the purity of friendship comes from your sincere treatment of friends.

42、相信自已。不要妄加评判自已,也不会把自已交给别人评判,更不会贬低自已。 Believe in yourself. Don't judge yourself, you will not give yourself to others to judge, and you will not belittle yourself.

43、秋天的清晨,我背着书包,迎着轻轻的秋风,踏着片片落叶,迈着轻盈的步伐走到学校。 In the early morning of autumn, I was carrying my schoolbag, facing the light autumn wind, stepping on pieces of fallen leaves, walking with a light pace to school.

44、草在结它的种子,风在摇它的叶子。我们站着不说话,就十分美好。 The grass is setting its seeds, and the wind is shaking its leaves. It's wonderful for us to stand and not talk.

45、记忆像是掌心里的水,不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌干净。 Memory is like the water in the palm. No matter you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow through your fingers drop by drop.

46、酸甜苦辣我自己尝喜怒哀乐我自己扛。我就是自己的太阳。无须凭借谁的光。 I taste the bitterness, bitterness and bitterness by myself. I am my own sun. No need to rely on whose light.

47、金鸡张开翅膀站在太阳下,就像凤凰朝阳,浑身金亮金亮的,美丽极了。 The Golden Rooster stands in the sun with its wings outstretched, just like the phoenix rising sun. It's golden and beautiful all over.

48、静谧的深夜,仰头看着天空的弯月,心情豁然开郎。 Quiet night, looking up at the sky, the mood suddenly open Lang.

49、风,轻悠悠地吹拂着竹林,竹叶在微微地颤动着,真像一张张细长的嘴巴在喃喃细语。 The wind, light and leisurely blowing the bamboo forest, bamboo leaves in a slight vibration, really like a long and thin mouth in murmuring.

50、黄昏,一弯新月悄悄升起,在它的周围,还有几颗星星发出微弱的光亮。 At dusk, a crescent moon rises quietly. Around it, there are a few stars that give out faint light.