1、一个羊过河,十个羊照样。 One sheep crosses the river, so do ten sheep.

2、一千个嘴把式,顶不上一个手把式。 A thousand mouth postures are not worth one handlebar.

3、一样事儿百样做。 One thing can be done in a hundred ways.

4、一步实际行动比一打纲领更重要。 One step of practical action is more important than a dozen programs.

5、不要做说话的巨人、行动的矮子。 Don't be a talking giant or a moving dwarf.

6、东山看着西山高,看着容易做着难。 The east mountain looks at the west mountain high, looks easy to do is difficult.

7、事情办得出色,也即事情办得及时。 When things are done well, they are done in time.

8、会说的不如会听的,会听的不如会做的。 What you can say is better than what you can listen to. What you can hear is better than what you can do.

9、劈柴不照纹,累死劈柴人。 If you don't cut wood according to the pattern, you'll be tired to death.

10、喊破嗓子,不如做出样子。 It's better to make an appearance than to shout.

11、在平坦地方不会走,便不会爬*。 If you can't walk in a flat place, you can't climb a ladder.

12、外出旅行,语言最要紧。 Language matters most when you travel.

13、大狗爬墙,小狗看样。 The big dog climbs the wall, the dog looks like.

14、大言不惭的人总是行动最少的人。 He who speaks louder is always the one who acts least.

15、大鸡上灶,小鸡看样。 When the big chicken goes to the stove, the chicken looks like it.

16、好把式不在嘴会说。 It's not a good way to talk.

17、巧匠手里无弃物。 A craftsman has nothing to throw away.

18、师傅领进门,修练在个人。 The master leads the door, the practice is in the individual.

19、我们的行动就是我们的最后审判人。 Our actions are our final judge.

20、摸清情况再行动。 Find out the situation before you act.

21、最大的危险是无所行动。 The greatest danger is inaction.

22、有力的理由造成有力的行动。 A strong reason makes a strong action.

23、未加一番思考,不要信口开河。 Don't talk without thinking.

24、烈火中炼金,语言上看人。 Alchemy in the fire, people in language.

25、熟能生巧,巧能生妙。 Practice makes perfect, skillful makes wonderful.

26、行动才能成功,教练改变人生。 Action makes success, coach changes life.

27、行动是必需品,思辨是奢侈品。 Action is a necessity, while speculation is a luxury.

28、行动是果实,言语只是叶子。 Actions are fruits, words are leaves.

29、行动是知识之佳果。 Action is the fruit of knowledge.

30、行动比言语响亮,百说不如一干。 Actions speak louder than words.

31、行动比语言更响亮。 Actions speak louder than words.

32、行动被人们遗忘,结果却将永存。 Actions are forgotten, but the results will last forever.

33、要行动,不要言词。 Action, not words.

34、言善非难,行善为难。 It's hard to say good, but hard to do good.

35、订目标,做计划,大量的行动。 Set goals, make plans, do a lot of action.

36、讲在口,做在手。 Speak in the mouth, do in the hand.

37、话语只是叶子,行动才是果实。 Words are just leaves, actions are fruits.

38、语言不是蜜,却可粘住一切东西。 Language is not honey, but it can stick to everything.

39、语言是一朵花,谚语是一束花。 Language is a flower, proverb is a bunch of flowers.

40、辞令的灵魂就是行动。 The soul of speech is action.