
2、一个人的成长,必须通过磨练! A person's growth must be tempered!

3、一切的事都能好了伤疤忘了疼,唯独恋爱不可。 Everything can be good, scar forget pain, only love can not.

4、一定要去见想见的人呐! In 2020, you must meet the people you want to see!

5、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate for it.

6、为了以后做喜欢的事,现在先做不喜欢的事。 In order to do what you like later, do what you don't like first.

7、习惯了寂寞之后,一个人就是全世界。 Used to loneliness, a person is the world.

8、人生不得行胸怀,虽寿百岁犹为无也。 Life can not line mind, although a hundred years old is still nothing.

9、人生苦短,不怕天天饿肚子,就怕不会找乐子。 Life is short. I'm not afraid of starving every day, but I'm afraid I won't have fun.

10、你一副不缺我的样子,我还怎么敢爱你。 How dare I love you even if you don't want me.

11、你嘲笑我一落千丈,我可怜你满足现状。 You laugh at me for falling, and I pity you to be satisfied with the status quo.

12、你是谁?世界从何而来?人死后还有灵魂吗? who are you? Where does the world come from? Is there a soul after death?

13、做女王,永远主宰自己,谁爱谁谁去,谁稀罕。 To be a queen, always dominate yourself, who loves who goes, who is rare.

14、再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。 No matter how cold the stone is, it will be warm after sitting for three years.

15、再好的机会,也要靠人把握,而努力至关重要。 No matter how good an opportunity is, it depends on people to grasp it, and efforts are crucial.

16、前往伟大的颠峰之路,必定崎岖。 The road to the great summit must be rugged.

17、受委屈的时候能坦然的一笑,这是一种大度。 It's a kind of magnanimity to smile when you are wronged.

18、坚志而勇为,谓之刚。刚,生人之德也。 Firm will and brave, that is, just. Just is the virtue of birth.

19、堆积的思念涌上心口,一时之间竟哽咽了喉。 The accumulation of missing surged into my heart and choked my throat for a moment.

20、多希望我跟你的过去,永远不会成为过去。 How I wish my past with you will never be the past.

21、大舍大得,小舍小得,不舍不得。 The big house is big, the small house is small, and I can't give up.

22、如果事与愿违,请相信一定另有安排! If things go against your wishes, please believe there must be other arrangements!

23、如果你晓得怎样利用人生,生命就是长的。 If you know how to use life, life is long.

24、对别人的怜悯,会成为对自己的宽恕。 Compassion for others becomes forgiveness for yourself.

25、当众反对你的主管,只能让你的日子不好过。 Opposing your supervisor in public can only make your life difficult.

26、得之坦然,失之淡然,顺其自然,争其必然。 If you get it calmly, if you lose it, you should let it go and fight for its inevitability.

27、想有个简单的地方,可以容纳我的心情。 Want to have a simple place, can accommodate my mood.

28、我做人有一条,就是要对自己的情感诚实。 I have one rule in my life, which is to be honest with my own feelings.

29、我对你的爱,就像拖拉机爬山坡哪样轰轰烈烈。 My love for you is just like a tractor climbing a hillside.

30、我观是南阎浮提众生,举心动念无不是罪。 In my opinion, it is a sin for Nan Yan to raise all living beings.

31、把命运打倒吧,尽力做人应该做的事情! Knock down your destiny and try your best to be a man!

32、把语言化为行动,比把行动化为语言困难得多。 It is much more difficult to turn language into action than to turn action into language.

33、收拾一下心情,开始下一个新的开始。 Pick up your mood and start a new start.

34、放弃之前,想想自己为何坚持了这么久。 Before you give up, think about why you've been holding on so long.

35、无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。 The flowers fall and the swallow returns.

36、时间没有等我,是你,忘了带我走。 Time didn't wait for me. It was you who forgot to take me.

37、春风堂上初来燕,细雨庭前新种花。 Spring breeze hall on the first to swallow, drizzle in front of the court to plant new flowers.

38、月步临窗,融一室灯光,柔享静谧。 The moon step near the window, melting a room light, soft enjoy quiet.

39、树木结疤的地方,也是树干最坚硬的地方。 The place where the trees are scarred is also where the trunk is the hardest.

40、梦想不实现,都是因为不够现实。 The dream does not come true, because it is not realistic.

41、每个人心中都有一团火,路过的人只看到烟。 There is a fire in everyone's heart. People passing by only see smoke.

42、每天拉黑一点点,生活快乐多一点。 A little black every day, more happy life.

43、水壶胆小易热,树身杆细易折,人心量小易怒。 The kettle is timid and easy to heat, the tree trunk is thin and easy to break, and the heart is small and easy to be angry.

44、永远都不要放弃自己,勇往直前,直至成功! Never give up on yourself, go ahead until you succeed!

45、沧海虽大,难载真情,天涯虽远,一步永恒。 Although the sea is big, it is difficult to carry the true feelings, although the horizon is far away, one step is eternal.

46、活着不是靠心情,而是靠心态。 To live is not by mood, but by mentality.

47、生命中,总有一些人,让我们不顺心。 In life, there are always some people who make us unhappy.

48、生命的进行不是直线,而是一种圆融。 The progress of life is not a straight line, but a kind of harmony.

49、生活不要安排太满,人生不要设计太挤。 Life should not be too full, life should not be designed too crowded.

50、生活是用来经营的,不是用来的计较得! Life is used to manage, not to care about!

51、生活的过程就是,走出黑暗,迈向成功。 The process of life is, out of the dark, towards success.

52、用感性感受生活,用理性思考人生! Feeling life, thinking about life with reason!

53、眼睛害病从手起,肚子害病从嘴起。 Eye diseases start with the hands, stomach diseases from the mouth.

54、窗含春色墨坐艳,笔吐豪情诗出新。 The window contains the spring color, ink sits gorgeous, the pen spits the lofty sentiment, the poem produces the new.

55、等你发现时间是贼了,它早已偷光你的选择。 When you find out that time is a thief, it has already stolen all your choices.

56、给爱说对不起,对自己说没关系,我还有回忆。 I'm sorry to love, but it doesn't matter to me. I still have memories.

57、给自己一抹微笑,从容自信,洒脱坚定。 Give yourself a smile, calm self-confidence, free and easy firm.

58、能原谅女人谎言的才是真正的男人。 It's the real man who can forgive women's lies.

59、舍与得,无非一种轮回,看破了,也就释然了。 Give up and get, no more than a kind of reincarnation, see through, also be relieved.

60、过自己的日子,走自己的路,结自己的缘。 Live your own life, go your own way, and make your own fate.

61、非低潮无以反思,非高潮无以谨慎。 There is no way to reflect on the low tide, and to be cautious if it is not a high tide.