1、世界上只有骗子是真心的,因为他是真心骗你的。 In the world, only a liar is sincere, because he really deceives you.
2、人生就像是愤怒的小鸟,失败了总有几只猪在嘲笑。 Life is like an angry bird. There are always some pigs laughing at failure.
3、从来不曾拥有过什么。有的只是那颗永不服输的心。 Never had anything. There is only the heart that never admits defeat.
4、从来没有说忘就忘这回事,只有假装的冷漠和偷偷想念的心。 Never said forget to forget this matter, only pretend to be indifferent and secretly miss the heart.
5、伤害一个人的唯一,错过一个人的结束。 Hurt a person's only, miss a person's end.
6、你是我心头的一滴泪珠,孕育成爱的海洋。 You are a teardrop in my heart, bred into the ocean of love.
7、你永远看不见我眼里的泪,因为你不在时我才会哭泣。 You will never see the tears in my eyes, because I will cry when you are away.
8、你永远都不知道,我爱你爱得有好辛苦。 You never know, I love you so hard.
9、你生活在别人的眼神里,就迷失在自己的心路上。 You live in the eyes of others, and you are lost in your own heart.
10、你眼中有春与秋,胜过我见过爱过的一切山川与河流。 Spring and autumn are in your eyes more than all the mountains and rivers I have ever seen in love.
11、你睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间。 Think about me when you can't sleep. Don't waste your time.
12、再也不会傻傻的去追究、我是否还是你最在乎的那一个。 Will not be silly to pursue, whether I am still the one you care about most.
13、刚刚又没忍住,往宇宙里发送了想你的脑电波。 Just did not resist, sent to the universe to think of your brain waves.
14、别总是问我过得好不好?我要回答不好的话,这合适吗? Don't always ask me how I'm doing? If I have to answer something bad, is that appropriate?
15、叶青,你是我的挚爱。为了你,我长大,就去学芭蕾。 Ye Qing, you are my love. For you, when I grow up, I'm going to learn ballet.
16、哪有什么好脾气,我的好脾气,还不是因为我爱你。 No good temper, my good temper, not because I love you.
17、多希望你能懂我,即使我什么都不说。 I wish you could understand me, even if I didn't say anything.
18、女人是招商银行,男人则是建设银行。 Women are China Merchants Bank, and men are China Construction Bank.
19、如果一个人开始怠慢你,请选择离开。 If a person starts to neglect you, please choose to leave.
20、如果你会游泳的话,那就可以在我的爱河里畅游了。 If you can swim, you can swim in my love river.
21、如果可以的话,能不能来爱我。 If you can, can you love me.
22、嫁不嫁给我都不准出墙,墙里墙外只有一个我。 I'm not allowed to get out of the wall, there's only one me inside and outside the wall.
23、寂寞的房,灯光别开的太亮,到夜晚更无处躲藏。 Lonely room, light do not open too bright, to the night there is no place to hide.
24、幸福就是当相爱的人都变老的时候,还相看两不厌。 Happiness is when the people who love each other grow old, but also look at each other.
25、当眼泪留下来,伤已超载,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears are left behind, the injury has been overloaded, separation is another kind of understanding.
26、很爱很爱你,只有让你拥有爱情我才安心。 I love you very much. Only when you have love can I feel at ease.
27、得之坦然,失之淡然,争取必然,顺其自然。 Gain calmly, lose indifferent, strive for certainty, let it be.
28、心事这东西你捂着嘴,它就会从眼睛里跑出来。 If you cover your mouth with your heart, it will run out of your eyes.
29、心似淬火不能触摸,心如磐石不能打动。 The heart is quenched and can't be touched. The heart is like a rock and can't be moved.
30、我会一直陪在你身边,看着你和步入婚姻。 I will always be by your side, watching you and getting married.
31、我会喜欢你,直到我的数学满分。 I'll like you until I get a full mark in math.
32、我可以,在你身边直到地老天荒。 I can be by your side until the end of time.
33、我希望我的下一场恋爱,要么,不开始,要么,一辈子。 I hope that my next love, either, not to start, or, life.
34、我总是忘记自己的承诺,一遍一遍的对自己催眠! I always forget my promise and hypnotize myself again and again!
35、我想牵你的手,没有放开的念头。 I want to hold your hand. I don't want to let go.
36、我愿你好,即便后来你与我全然无关。 I wish you well, even if later you had nothing to do with me.
37、我永远都不会浪费每一秒钟能用来陪你的时间。 I will never waste every second I can spend with you.
38、我爱你,但原谅我就是不想回到你身边。 I love you, but forgive me for not wanting to come back to you.
39、我眼里容不得一粒沙子,同样也容不得你。 I can't hold a grain of sand in my eyes, nor can I tolerate you.
40、我等你,等你淡忘你心中的那个他。 I'm waiting for you, waiting for you to forget the one in your heart.
41、所谓甜蜜的负荷,即使再甜蜜,始终也是负荷吧。 The so-called sweet load, even if sweet, is always the load.
42、放弃了单纯,让我更清楚滴看清了这个世界。 Give up the simple, let me see the world more clearly.
43、时光让我忘了你,可是亲爱的,我舍不得将你忘记。 Time let me forget you, but dear, I am reluctant to forget you.
44、最好的感觉是想你想到哭,最好的享受是有你的陪伴。 The best feeling is to think of you crying, the best enjoyment is to have your company.
45、有分寸的人,享受孤单,不安分的人,另结新欢。 Proper people, enjoy lonely, restless people, get a new love.
46、有时候不需要太华丽的浪漫,简简单单的小幸福才是真。 Sometimes you don't need too gorgeous romance, simple little happiness is true.
47、有时候执着是一种重负或一种伤害,放弃却是一种美丽! Sometimes persistence is a heavy burden or a kind of injury, but giving up is a kind of beauty!
48、有那么一瞬间,我还是愿意相信你是喜欢我的。 For a moment, I still want to believe that you like me.
49、没有回得去的感情,没有回得去的你我。 There is no feeling to go back, there is no you and me who can go back.
50、没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。 There is no perfect fit for two people, only two hearts of mutual accommodation.
51、没有欲望是麻木不仁,欲望太多是精神病人。 No desire is insensitive, too much desire is a mental patient.
52、爱情演变的如此失败,只留下那深深的无奈。 Love evolution of such a failure, leaving only that deep helpless.
53、爱的时候让他*,不爱的时候让爱*。 Let him be free when he loves, and let love be free when he doesn't love.
54、真正的矛盾,不是她不理解你,而是你不会宽容她。 The real contradiction is not that she doesn't understand you, but that you won't tolerate her.
55、离开你并不是已经不爱你,希望你好。 It's not that I don't love you anymore. I hope you are good.
56、被你喜欢过,真的很难觉得别人有那么喜欢我。 I've been loved by you. It's really hard to think that others like me so much.
57、让我们坐在时间的长河边,望远絮絮细语,吟唱那人生之歌。 Let's sit by the long river of time, look far away, whisper and sing the song of life.
58、谁都没有真正的爱情,而只有一见钟情。 No one has real love, only love at first sight.
59、错的是我们,不要总是把事丢给那可悲的爱情。 The wrong thing is that we should not always leave things to the sad love.
60、陪我骑马喝酒走四方的人只能是你,除了你,我谁都不想要。 You are the only one who can accompany me to ride, drink and walk around. I don't want anyone but you.