1、万物更新,旧疾当愈,长安常安。 All things are renewed, old diseases are healed, and Chang'an is safe.

2、世事不如我意,你如我意。 The world is not my way, you are my way.

3、人间的夜,熬一次少一次。 Human night, one less time.

4、你像瘟疫,让我避而远之。 You are like a plague, let me stay away.

5、你心里那座城,终究属于谁。 Who is the city in your heart.

6、你是我安稳岁月里的节外生枝。 You're the green shoots of my years.

7、你的幸福,我独家拥有。 Your happiness, I have exclusive.

8、你要幸福,我还在等你。 You want happiness, I'm still waiting for you.

9、信我,爱你是我一生所愿。 Believe me, love you is my life wish.

10、俭用亦能够用,求足何时知足。 Frugal use can also be used, when to be satisfied.

11、做最真实,最漂亮的自己。 Be the most real and beautiful self.

12、偶尔心动,惯性拒绝,习惯孤独。 Occasionally heart, inertia refused, accustomed to loneliness.

13、关于你的一切。我暂时无权过问。 Everything about you. I have no right to ask for the time being.

14、剪断你的情话你的谎话。 Cut off your love story, your lie.

15、勇敢的代价,是自己先放下。 The price of courage is to let go first.

16、受不了我,就趁早离开吧。 I can't stand it. Let's leave early.

17、听别人的故事,流自己的泪。 Listen to other people's stories and shed your own tears.

18、哥不是不回头,是回头率太高。 I don't want to look back. I have a high rate of looking back.

19、哭到喉咙沙哑,还得拼命装傻。 Cry to hoarse throat, still have to pretend to be stupid desperately.

20、因为有你,我感觉自己好幸福。 Because of you, I feel happy.

21、婚姻不容易,不要轻易的放弃。 Marriage is not easy, do not give up easily.

22、学着好好爱一个人,爱每一个人。 Learn to love one person, love everyone.

23、对你的放弃,总是拖泥带水。 Give up to you, always drag on.

24、待你手捧鲜花,我定貌美如花。 When you hold flowers in your hands, I will be beautiful as flowers.

25、待我弦断音垮,许你青丝白发。 When my string breaks, you may have grey hair.

26、怎么死的?还不是穷死的。 How did you die? Not yet poor.

27、情情爱爱,没有人民币实在。 Love, love, no RMB.

28、想向你借钱,这样你就会追我了。 I want to borrow money from you, so you can chase me.

29、愿天佑我爱,独我依然。 May God bless my love, and I alone remain.

30、成功由大量的失望铸就。 Success is built on a lot of disappointment.

31、我为你撑伞,你却为他冲向雨中。 I hold an umbrella for you, but you rush to the rain for him.

32、我以哥哥的身份爱了你两年。 I love you for two years as my brother.

33、我何得何能,得你全心全意。 What can I do? I need your whole heart.

34、我多问一句,你就会逃避。 If I ask you one more question, you will escape.

35、我想要找的,在你的身上都有。 What I want to find is in you.

36、我愿和你十指相扣,百年相守。 I'd like to be with you for a hundred years.

37、我曾拥有你,真叫我心酸。 I used to have you, which makes me sad.

38、我若是游子,你便是人间。 If I am a wanderer, you are the world.

39、或许日出尚早,但总会有朝阳。 Maybe the sunrise is still early, but there will always be a sunrise.

40、所有失望都来自“我以为”。 All disappointment comes from "I thought.".

41、明知是梦,心却还是会痛。 Knowing it's a dream, my heart still hurts.

42、暑假到来,炫迈爷爷不要停。 Don't stop when summer vacation comes.

43、最假不过爱情,最凉不过人心。 The most false is love, the coldest is heart.

44、步子迈得太大,会扯着蛋。 Step too big, will pull the egg.

45、熟悉的歌谣里,藏着童话的影子。 In the familiar ballads, there is the shadow of fairy tales.

46、熬夜是青春痘之母,伤不起。 Staying up late is the mother of pimples.

47、爱情不是买卖,不是公平的比赛。 Love is not a business, not a fair game.

48、牛不训不会耕,马不练不能骑。 Cattle can't plow without training, and horses can't ride without training.

49、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。 The bull's eye is higher than the dog's.

50、男人,你可以花心请别变心。 Man, please don't change your mind.

51、看着迩远离,多么锝可惜。 It's a pity to see you far away.

52、确认过眼神、我遇上对的人。 Make sure you see the right person.

53、行路人,用足音代替叹息吧! Passers-by, use foot sound instead of sigh!

54、距离借助时间打败爱情。 Distance beats love with time.

55、那一生,你荒凉了我的情。 That life, you desolate my feelings.

56、青春岂不惜,行乐非所欲。 Youth is not at all. Pleasure is not what you want.

57、飞蛾扑火,有几人能做到。 Moths to put out fire, several people can do it.