1、一个人,你可以欣赏他的品性,却不必和他在一起。 A person, you can appreciate his character, but you don't have to be with him.

2、上帝的磨盘转动很慢,但是却磨得很细。 God's millstone turns slowly, but it grinds very fine.

3、为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。 In order to make the soul quiet, a person has to do two things he doesn't like every day.

4、为了使灵魂安宁,一个人每天至少该做两件他不喜欢的事。 In order to make the soul peaceful, a person should do at least two things he doesn't like every day.

5、人一般都不是他们想要做的那种人,而是不得不做的那种人。 People are generally not the kind of people they want to do, but the kind of people they have to do.

6、人世漫长得转瞬即逝,有人见尘埃,有人见星辰。 The world is long and fleeting. Some see dust and some see stars.

7、人并不能做他想做的自己,而只能做他不得不做的自己。 Man can't be what he wants to be, but can only be what he has to be.

8、人生如梦,你是希望枕着月亮还是六便士? Life is like a dream. Do you want to pillow the moon or sixpence?

9、人的每一种身份都是一种自我绑架,唯有失去是通向*之途。 Every identity is a kind of self kidnapping, and only loss is the way to freedom.

10、他像是生活在梦中,现实对他没有任何意义。 He seems to live in a dream. Reality has no meaning to him.

11、他对书的选择,表现出他怪诞性格不可调和的方方面面。 His choice of books shows the irreconcilable aspects of his grotesque character.

12、他生活在喧嚣的巴黎,却比底比斯沙漠的隐士更加孤独。 He lives in noisy Paris, but he is more lonely than the hermit in the Thebes desert.

13、他的缺点,被当作他的优点的必要补充而被接受。 His shortcomings were accepted as a necessary complement to his strengths.

14、作家更关心的是了解人性,而不是判断人性。 Writers are more concerned with understanding human nature than judging human nature.

15、作家更关心知悉人性,而非判断人性。 Writers are more concerned with knowing human nature than judging human nature.

16、凡人立身行事,务使每一行为堪为万人楷模。 Every man stands up and acts, so that every act can be a model for thousands of people.

17、只有女人才会反反复复做同一件事,而且热情不减。 Only women will do the same thing again and again, and their enthusiasm will not decrease.

18、在女人的生活中,别人的看法发挥着至关重要的作用。 In a woman's life, the views of others play a vital role.

19、她允许我爱她,这我就够幸福的了。 I'm happy enough that she allows me to love her.

20、她愿意为我做世界上任何事情,只有一件除外:不干涉我。 She is willing to do anything in the world for me except one thing: not interfering with me.

21、如果她需要,我一定要叫她能够找到我。 If she needs it, I must ask her to find me.

22、对不愿意搭理他的人,他总是显得很亲热。 He always seems very friendly to people who don't want to talk to him.

23、当人的外表和他的灵魂如此不相称,那是很苦恼的事情。 When a man's appearance is so incompatible with his soul, it is very distressing.

24、总以为前无古人,实际上却是陈词滥调。 I always think there is no precedent, but in fact it is a clich é.

25、感情有理智根本无法理解的理由。 Feelings have reasons that reason can't understand.

26、感情自有其理,理性难以知晓。 Emotion has its own reason, and reason is difficult to know.

27、我不想过去。唯一重要的,是永恒的现在。 I don't want to go there. The only important thing is the eternal present.

28、我不能希望她象我爱她那样爱我。 I can't hope she loves me as much as I love her.

29、我爱她远远超过了爱我自己。 I love her far more than myself.

30、我的性格有个缺点,就是无法真的讨厌能让我发笑的人。 I have a weakness in my character, that is, I can't really hate people who can make me laugh.

31、或许,要看到生活中的浪漫,你必须多少像个演员。 Perhaps, to see the romance in life, you must be more or less like an actor.

32、斯特里克兰是个可恶的人,但我还是认为他很伟大。 Strickland is a hateful man, but I still think he is great.

33、有些人很倒霉,他们哪怕在真情流露的时候也显得滑稽可笑。 Some people are unlucky. They look funny even when they show their true feelings.

34、有时候,一个人的外表和他的灵魂并不相称。 Sometimes a person's appearance is not commensurate with his soul.

35、有的人的胸膛上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。 Some people's chest has been stained with so many tears that I can't bear to sprinkle mine.

36、有的人胸膛。上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。 Some people's chest. With so many tears on my face, I can't bear to sprinkle mine again.

37、梦想什么时候开始都不晚。 It's never too late to start a dream.

38、每个人都想让宴会更热闹,所以嗓门比平常高。 Everyone wants to make the party more lively, so his voice is higher than usual.

39、比起分离的痛苦来,他宁愿忍受妒火的煎熬。 He would rather suffer from jealousy than the pain of separation.

40、活着真不容易,有时候,大自然竟折磨她的孩子,以此为乐趣。 It's not easy to live. Sometimes nature tortures her children for fun.

41、满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 There were sixpence all over the ground, but he looked up and saw the moon.

42、爱让一个人比原来的自己更丰富,同时又更贫乏。 Love makes a person richer and poorer than himself.

43、男人的心肠是那么软,女人的心机又是那么深。 A man's heart is so soft, and a woman's heart is so deep.

44、艺术是情感的体现,情之所至,人人都能理解。 Art is the embodiment of emotion, which everyone can understand.

45、苦难、不幸却往往使人变得心胸狭小,具有报复心理。 Suffering and misfortune often make people narrow-minded and have the psychology of revenge.

46、要我说,爱情中如果考虑自尊,只能说明你更爱自己。 Let me say that if you consider self-esteem in love, it can only show that you love yourself more.

47、要打人就要狠狠把他打一顿,这样你才有时间想接下来的对策。 If you want to hit someone, beat him up so that you can have time to think about the next countermeasures.

48、诉说灾祸很快就使人们腻烦,人们不愿看见忧伤的目光。 Telling disasters soon bored people, and people didn't want to see sad eyes.

49、这些人见面时冷冷淡淡,分手时更有一种如释重负的感觉。 These people are cold and light when they meet, and they feel relieved when they break up.

50、钟摆来回游荡,往复循环。那个圆圈从来都在重新启动。 The pendulum wanders back and forth and circulates back and forth. That circle is always restarting.