1、一个人喝酒,静静地做自己。 Drink alone and be yourself quietly.
2、三更酒醒残灯在,卧听萧萧雨灯声。 The third watch wakes up with the residual lamp and lies listening to the sound of the rain lamp.
3、不求人生多富有,惟愿海水变成酒。 I don't want to be rich in life, but I want the sea water to become wine.
4、人喝酒就得醉,要不主人多惭愧。 If a man drinks, he must be drunk, or his master will be ashamed.
5、会喝半斤喝壹斤,这样哥们最贴心! Can drink half a catty drink a catty, so the most intimate brother!
6、似酒非关酒,闻香不是花。 Wine is not wine, but fragrance is not flower.
7、你不醉,我不醉,不醉便不归。 If you don't get drunk, I won't go back if I'm not drunk.
8、依篱对月饮酒,纤指抚弦消愁。 According to the fence to drink on the moon, fingers caressing strings to eliminate worry.
9、儿时只知酒味苦,后来才懂酒中情。 Later, I only know the bitterness of wine.
10、光阴如闪电难追,你我畅饮能几回? Time is like lightning, how many times can you and I drink?
11、哄哄老婆,恕恕罪。 Excuse me for coaxing your wife.
12、喝的是情投意合,心心相惜。 Drink is congenial, heart to heart.
13、喝着酒,抽着烟,快乐一天是一天。 Drinking wine, smoking, happy day is day by day.
14、喝过那么多酒,醉酒后没有人陪。 After drinking so much wine, no one to accompany after drunk.
15、喝酒不醉,白花钱。 If you don't get drunk, you'll spend money.
16、喝酒伤身,更伤感情。 Drinking can hurt your health and your feelings.
17、喝酒唯小醉,人生欢乐多! Drink only small drunk, happy life!
18、喝酒的人,都是有心事的人。 People who drink alcohol are people who have worries.
19、喝酒的女人,都有故事。 Women who drink have stories.
20、喝酒遇知己,一杯接一杯。 When you meet a confidant, drink after drink.
21、因酒生情,弱女也可成豪侠。 Because wine gives birth to love, a weak girl can become a hero.
22、在吗?出来饮酒。 are you there? Come out and drink.
23、天天爱喝酒,喝酒喝到蒙蒙醉。 I love drinking every day. I drink until I am drunk.
24、头发理得平,喝酒肯定行。 If you have smooth hair, you can drink.
25、女人喝酒,喝的是一种心境。 Women drink, drink is a mood.
26、女人柔情似水,水酒无限相融。 Women's tenderness is like water, and water and wine are intermingled.
27、对酒不觉暝,落花盈我衣。 I don't feel the dusk of wine, and the flowers are full of my clothes.
28、少年不识愁滋味,却知把酒强说愁。 Young people don't know the taste of sorrow, but they know how to make wine strong.
29、悲欢聚散一杯酒,南北东西万里程。 A cup of wine, North and south, East and West, thousands of miles.
30、想喝多少喝多少,不用害怕出丑。 Drink as much as you want, don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself.
31、想抽烟喝酒,完全不需要找借口。 If you want to smoke and drink, you don't need to make excuses.
32、感情铁,喝不歇。 Emotional iron, drink no rest.
33、我不喝酒,但我说过醉话。 I don't drink, but I talk drunk.
34、把酒倚西楼,长空一月钩。 The wine is leaning against the West Tower, and the sky is a month long hook.
35、放下所有的烦恼,喝酒去。 Let go of all your troubles and drink.
36、整两口呗? How about two?
37、春风十里,不如喝喝酒抽抽烟。 Spring breeze ten miles, it is better to drink, drink and smoke.
38、来人,帮我扶住那条马路。 Somebody, help me hold the road.
39、杯中的酒味,慢慢挥发出来。 The taste of wine in the cup slowly evaporates.
40、残阳黯黯,痛饮狂歌。 The setting sun is dim, drinking and singing.
41、泪水和酒,一咕噜,就喝下去了。 Tears and wine, a gulp, drink down.
42、熬最晚的夜,留最秃的头。 Stay the last night, leave the bald head.
43、男人要豪爽,喝酒要喝双。 Men should be forthright, and they should drink double.
44、离宴别会,你斟我酌。 I'll take care of it.
45、空酒瓶看着我,空酒瓶向我走来。 The empty bottle looked at me and the empty bottle came to me.
46、能喝不输,准当秘书。 If you can drink without losing, you must be a secretary.
47、花言巧语,劝友多喝点。 Good words persuade friends to drink more.
48、装在瓶里像水,喝到肚里闹鬼。 It's like water in a bottle. It's haunted when you drink it.
49、赢了不喝,输了耍赖。 If you win, you don't drink; if you lose, you cheat.
50、越是聪明人,越喜欢喝酒! The smarter you are, the more you like to drink!
51、酒不问好坏,但求尽兴。 Wine is not about good or bad, but for pleasure.
52、酒后吐真言,酒后谈心方知心。 When you drink, you speak truth; when you talk, you know your heart.
53、酒逢知己,显情露性。 When wine meets a confidant, he shows his feelings and reveals his nature.
54、酒饮微曛,花看半开。 Wine and drink, flowers half open.
55、酒,少喝活血,酒,喝多不得活。 Wine, drink less blood, wine, drink too much, not live.
56、醉是对喝酒起码的尊重! Drunk is the least respect for drinking!
57、野花红,嫌我穷,六两不喝你认怂。 Wild flower red, think I am poor, six two don't drink, you admit advice.
58、长夜漫漫,还是醉些的好。 It's a long night. It's better to be drunk.
59、问君能有几多愁,恰似一壶二锅头。 Ask you how much worry you can have, just like a pot of two pot.
60、饮酒,饮的是一种心情。 Drinking is a kind of mood.