1、一切行无常,生者必有尽,不生则不死,此灭最为乐。 All actions are impermanent, and the living will be exhausted. If they are not born, they will not die. This destruction is the most joyful.
2、一旦热爱生活,生活就会教你治愈一切的魔法。 Once you love life, life will teach you the magic of healing.
3、一根经验的荆棘抵得上忠告的茫茫荒原。 A thorn of experience is worth a wilderness of advice.
4、一辈子看似很长,可当你经历过了,你就真的很短很短。 Life seems very long, but when you have experienced it, you are really short.
5、不要把秘密告诉你的好朋友,因为好朋友也有好朋友。 Don't tell a secret to your good friend, because a good friend has a good friend.
6、不要畏惧结束,所有的结局都是一个新的开端。 Don't be afraid of the end. All endings are a new beginning.
7、争取一个人皈依真理,总比打发一个人下地狱好些。 It's better to fight for one's conversion to the truth than to send one to hell.
8、人生有几步是需要跑的,特别是当你年轻的时候。 There are several steps in life that you need to run, especially when you are young.
9、人生要成沉淀,要有定力,一个人定力不够会浮躁。 Life to become precipitation, to have the strength, a person will not be enough to be impetuous.
10、你不喜欢我,这是病,得治,一定要治。 You don't like me. It's a disease. It must be treated.
11、你无需开口,我和天地万物便通通奔向你。 You don't need to open your mouth, I and all things will run to you.
12、你的转身只需一秒,我的转身却需要一辈子。 It only takes one second for you to turn around, but it takes a lifetime for me to turn around.
13、你笑着说要忘记,我却找不到勇气离去。 You smile and say to forget, but I can't find the courage to leave.
14、你若要喜爱自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。 If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world.
15、到了一定的年纪,有了太多的心事,人就会变的寡言。 At a certain age, with too much worry, people will become speechless.
16、即使你有一千个理由难过,也要有一千零一个理由欢笑。 Even if you have a thousand reasons to be sad, you should have a thousand and one reasons to laugh.
17、原谅我就是这样的嘴硬爱逞强,心软爱多想。 Forgive me for being so hard mouthed, being brave and soft hearted.
18、友谊永远是一个甜蜜的责任,从来不是一种机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
19、只要爱过等过付出过,天堂里的笑声就不是传说。 As long as you have loved, waited, paid, the laughter in heaven is not a legend.
20、叶散的时候,我明白欢聚;花谢的时候,我明白青春。 When the leaves are scattered, I know how to get together; when the flowers are withered, I know how to be young.
21、后来这个词,囊括了太多面目全非却又不想改变的事。 Later, this word includes too many things that are beyond recognition but do not want to change.
22、君子约言,小人先言。非常经典,值得学习。 A gentleman's promise, a villain's first. Very classic, worth learning.
23、唯独你最得我心意,也只有你最不识抬举。 You're the only one who gets my heart most, and you're the only one who doesn't appreciate it.
24、唾沫是用来数钞票的,而不是用来讲道理的。 Saliva is used to count money, not to reason.
25、因为时间,我们才可以成长,有了时间,我们才懂得珍惜。 Because of time, we can grow, with time, we know how to cherish.
26、在光的世界里,时间恒久为零,没有变化。 In the world of light, time is constant and unchanged.
27、在这个现实与肮脏的社会里,不是我不狠,而是钱太硬。 In this reality and dirty society, it is not that I am not cruel, but that the money is too hard.
28、天与地的距离是多少,你和我的距离又是多少。 What is the distance between heaven and earth? What is the distance between you and me.
29、女人如花,亦如画;女人如花,亦如诗。 A woman is like a flower, like a picture; a woman is like a flower, like a poem.
30、如果要实现自己的梦想,就要有精卫填海的精神。 If you want to realize your dream, you must have the spirit of Jingwei reclamation.
31、家,甜蜜的家,天下最美好的莫过于家。 Home, sweet home, home is the best in the world.
32、就是老天都放弃你,自己也不要放弃自己。 Even if God gives up on you, don't give up on yourself.
33、当年华老去的时候,我定会记得我曾那么深深爱过你。 When I grow old, I will remember that I loved you so much.
34、当年燕子知何处,但苔深韦曲,草暗斜川。 At that time, swallows knew where, but the moss was deep and the grass was dark.
35、当我微笑着说我很好的时候,你应该对我说,安好就好。 When I smile and say I'm fine, you should say to me, just be well.
36、总想把生活过好,却发现越过越差,越过越累。 Always want to live a good life, but found over the worse, over the more tired.
37、想要获得快乐,不是增加财富,而是降低欲望。 To be happy is not to increase wealth, but to decrease desire.
38、成功就是坚持不住的时候,再坚持一下。 Success is to persist when you can't.
39、我可以选择放弃,但是我不能选择放弃! I can choose to give up, but I can't choose to give up!
40、我四处游走,飘忽于精神之上,经历石头和花朵。 I wander around, floating on the spirit, experiencing stones and flowers.
41、我已经不记得当初的回忆,因为那只是过眼云烟。 I don't remember the original memory, because it was just a passing memory.
42、我总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。 I always see the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair.
43、我没什么可让你快乐的,可我从来没想过让你难过。 I have nothing to make you happy, but I never want to make you sad.
44、我的爱有多深,我的牵挂和不舍便有多长。 How deep my love is, how long I care and don't give up.
45、找一个安静的角落,去抚平自己心中的伤痛。 Find a quiet corner to heal the pain in your heart.
46、时间在学生飞舞的笔尖上,绘成绚丽的未来。 Time in the student's flying nib, painted into a brilliant future.
47、时间渐渐带走了年少轻狂,也慢慢沉淀了冷暖自知! Time has gradually taken away young frivolity, but also slowly precipitation of warm and cold self-knowledge!
48、最好的生活是:时光,浓淡相宜;人心,远近相安。 The best life is: time, light and thick; people, far and near.
49、梦想是梦里的想法;理想是理性的想法。 Dreams are ideas in dreams; ideals are rational ideas.
50、正义是苦难者的希望和犯罪者的畏惧之所在。 Justice is the hope of the suffering and the fear of the criminals.
51、每个人都在努力,并不是只有你满腹委屈。 Everyone is working hard, not only you are full of grievances.
52、没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人不会让你流泪。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
53、没有永远的朋友,也没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益。 There are no forever friends, no forever enemies, only forever interests.
54、活得忙碌,活得充实,就不会有无聊的感觉。 Live busy, live full, there will be no boring feeling.
55、爱心是一座亮在黑夜的灯塔,使迷途航船找到港湾。 Love is a lighthouse in the night, which makes the lost ship find the harbor.
56、生活中没有过不去的难关,生命中也没有离不开的人。 There are no difficulties in life, and there are no people who can't live without them.
57、生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。 The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boredom.
58、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。 Once the road of life is chosen, we should go bravely to the end and never look back.
59、看淡得失,你才能找到生命的最佳平衡状态。 If you look down on gain and loss, you can find the best balance of life.
60、笑容,都显得牵强;话语,都觉得多余。 Smile, appear far fetched; words, feel redundant.
61、紫罗兰盛开着许多像小孩眼睛一样晶莹的浅蓝色花朵。 Violets are in full bloom with many light blue flowers as bright as children's eyes.
62、要使山谷肥沃,就得时常栽树。我们应该注意培养人才。 To make the valley fertile, you have to plant trees often. We should pay attention to cultivating talents.
63、要命的固逃肴涡裕常常把自己逼到死角。 Desperate stubborn and capricious, often forced to their own corner.
64、记忆是相会的一种形式,忘记是*的一种形式。 Memory is a form of meeting, forgetting is a form of freedom.
65、说出来的苦是软弱,埋藏在心里的苦叫做坚强。 The bitterness spoken is weakness, and the bitterness buried in the heart is called firmness.
66、请你再成熟一点,让我能够有更长的时间呆在你身边。 Please be more mature so that I can stay with you for a longer time.
67、贡献是爱心,勇于付出,你一定会收到不测之外的捐赠。 Contribution is love, dare to pay, you will receive unexpected donations.
68、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 Greed is the most real poverty, and contentment is the most real wealth.
69、这年,又是一个想你的夜,我们终究没有在一起。 This year, it's another night to miss you. We haven't been together after all.
70、鼓舞自己,让自己时刻保持,一颗上进的心。 Encourage yourself and keep yourself motivated.