1、一个国家的才人,好比矿藏里的黄金。 A country's talents are like gold in its mines.

2、一个理解的句子,胜过不懂的百句。 A sentence that understands is better than a hundred that do not understand.

3、不会捕鱼的人,只会把河水弄浑。 Those who can't fish will only muddle the river.

4、不惊动鸡,取其蛋。 Don't disturb the chicken. Take its eggs.

5、不自作聪明便是最聪明。 It is wisest not to be clever.

6、与智人同行,必是智慧。 It is wisdom to walk with the wise.

7、世界上没有再比智慧更令人敬仰的东西。 There is nothing in the world more admirable than wisdom.

8、个人的智慧只是有限的。 Personal wisdom is limited.

9、产生天才的土壤比天才还要难打。 The soil of genius is harder to fight than genius.

10、人的智慧就是快乐的源泉。 Human wisdom is the source of happiness.

11、使用武装暴力,不如温和良策。 The use of armed violence is not as good as a moderate policy.

12、健康是智慧的条件,是愉快的标志。 Health is the condition of wisdom and the symbol of happiness.

13、具富得的人提仪案,具智慧的人做结论。 A man of wealth brings up a case, and a man of wisdom makes a conclusion.

14、即是群兽之王狮子,也被兔子以智征服。 Even the lion, the king of beasts, was conquered by the rabbit with wisdom.

15、只要机智,兔子能推着大象走。 As long as the wit, the rabbit can push the elephant.

16、在好领导眼中,没有人不中用。 In the eyes of good leaders, no one is useless.

17、大丈夫肚里能装箭和矛。 He can carry arrows and spears in his belly.

18、富贵藏在才能里,不在财产中。 Wealth is hidden in talent, not in property.

19、岩鼠在地上奔跑,也有十八种跑法。 There are also 18 ways for rock rats to run on the ground.

20、恒心架起通天路,勇气打开智慧门。 Persevere to build the road to heaven, courage to open the door of wisdom.

21、才智是人的精神武器。 Intelligence is man's spiritual weapon.

22、才智是实验的女儿。 Intelligence is the daughter of experiment.

23、才气就是长期的坚持不懈。 Talent is long-term perseverance.

24、才能是从工作的热情中成长起来的。 Ability grows from the passion of work.

25、打破常规的道路指向智慧之宫。 The road to breaking the rules points to the palace of wisdom.

26、技艺是无价之宝,知识是智慧的明灯。 Technology is priceless, knowledge is the light of wisdom.

27、智慧之子,使父亲欢乐。 The son of wisdom makes his father happy.

28、智慧再多,不等于勇气足够。 No amount of wisdom is enough courage.

29、智慧只能在真理中发现。 Wisdom can only be found in truth.

30、智慧在市场上买不到。 Wisdom cannot be bought in the market.

31、智慧好比头发,每个人都有。 Wisdom is like hair. Everyone has it.

32、智慧是人的财富。 Wisdom is man's wealth.

33、智慧是命运的征服者。 Wisdom is the conqueror of fate.

34、智慧是智者财富。 Wisdom is the wealth of the wise.

35、智慧能把重担子变轻。 Wisdom can lighten the burden.

36、智慧起源于愚蠢的废墟上。 Wisdom comes from the ruins of stupidity.

37、智慧首先教人们辨别是非。 Wisdom first teaches people to distinguish right from wrong.

38、最好的天赋是才智,最大的不幸是无知。 The best talent is intelligence, and the worst misfortune is ignorance.

39、有才能的人就在于了解别人身上的才能。 A talented person is one who understands the talents of others.

40、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。 Love and wisdom cannot be both.

41、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。 The bud of love is the end of wisdom.

42、理想的书籍,是智慧的钥匙。 The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

43、白发并不等于是智慧。 White hair is not wisdom.

44、美貌和智慧很少结合在一起。 Beauty and wisdom seldom combine.

45、老鼠钻进地洞内,落得猫儿竖儿朵。 The mouse got into the burrow and the cat stood on top of it.

46、耍猴人对付猴子不需要用鞭子。 A monkey man doesn't need a whip to deal with monkeys.

47、聪明不在年岁上,智慧藏在脑子里。 Wisdom is not in age, but in mind.

48、聪明在市场上买不到。 Cleverness can't be bought in the market.

49、聪明里面有智慧,高山背后有高山。 There is wisdom in wisdom, and there is a mountain behind it.

50、能说会道不算贤者,能干会做才是贤者。 Being able to speak and understand is not a sage. Being able to do is a sage.

51、能足智者,天不能穷。 A wise man cannot be poor.

52、良好的人生是受行动和智慧指导的。 A good life is guided by action and wisdom.

53、要吃美味佳肴,也要聚会讨论。 To eat delicious food, we also need to meet and discuss.

54、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。 Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.

55、谨慎和自制是智慧的源泉。 Prudence and self-control are the source of wisdom.

56、过去的一切都是智慧的镜子。 Everything in the past is a mirror of wisdom.

57、远见卓识,向好朋友也借不来。 You can't borrow from a good friend.

58、青稞的价格定好后,麦和豌豆自有价。 After the price of highland barley is set, wheat and pea have their own prices.

59、顺水行舟一人易,逆水划船十人难。 It's easier to sail with the water than to row against it.