1、一切来的,都会过去,一切过去的,将永不会回来。 Everything that comes will pass, and everything that passed will never come back.

2、下次见面我一定要拥抱你,用尽全身力气。 Next time I see you, I will hug you and try my best.

3、不是不敢打扰,只是不知道还能用什么身份去打扰。 Not afraid to disturb, just do not know what identity can be used to disturb.

4、不羡慕年轻人的唯美浪漫,羡慕年老时的相互搀扶。 I don't envy young people's aestheticism and romance, and I envy the mutual support in old age.

5、不要因为走的太远,而忘记当初自己为什么出发。 Don't forget why you started because you have gone too far.

6、不要等待运气,奉献自己。 Don't wait for luck, give yourself.

7、世界上最不能欠下的是感情,最不能疏忽的是缘分。 The world's most can not be owed is the feelings, the most can not be ignored is fate.

8、世界太暗,人心太黑。 The world is too dark, the heart is too dark.

9、世间风景千般,文字情节万般,我只独爱你那一个。 There are thousands of sceneries and plots in the world. I only love you.

10、举头三尺有神明,我抬头并没有神明,只有黑夜惶惶。 There is a God three feet up, I look up, there is no God, only night panic.

11、之所以看着别人的故事流泪、心痛,只是因为我没有故事。 The reason why I look at other people's stories, tears, heartache, just because I have no story.

12、习惯了是个很强大的词,可以代替所有一言难尽。 Used to is a very powerful word, can replace all words.

13、他始终有那种寡淡的神情,很遥远,又很孤寂。 He always has that kind of indifferent look, very far away, and very lonely.

14、伤痛促使我们成长,任由孤单继续流浪。 Pain makes us grow up and let us go on wandering alone.

15、你到底爱不爱我,我虽然不想这么问,可是这是最真的。 I don't want to ask whether you love me or not, but this is the most true.

16、你可能了解我身体上的痛,不及心疼的万分之一么。 You may understand that my physical pain is less than one thousandth of my heartache.

17、你嫁给俄就把自己赌给了俄,俄怎么舍得让你输呢! When you marry Russia, you bet yourself on Russia. How can Russia be willing to let you lose!

18、你的世界以后没我了,没关系,你要自己幸福。 It doesn't matter that you don't have me in your world. You should be happy yourself.

19、你过得很好,好得我不想再去打扰。 You have a good time. I don't want to disturb you any more.

20、像我这种怕麻烦又怕痛的人,还是单身比较适合我。 For people who are afraid of trouble and pain like me, being single is more suitable for me.

21、冰握久了,泼杯凉水都觉得温暖。 Hold the ice for a long time, pour a cup of cold water feel warm.

22、分了舍不得放不下,不分又太委屈太心酸,爱而不得才最伤。 Divided reluctant to put down, not too wronged, too sad, love and not only the most hurt.

23、听一路的歌曲有喜有悲,看一世的风景。 Listen to the songs along the way, have joy and sorrow, see the scenery of a lifetime.

24、善良的人总是带著笑容,让人忘记,他们其实也会受伤。 Kind people are always smiling, let people forget, they will also be hurt.

25、嘴硬爱逞强心软爱多想,古代诗词多感叹! Hard mouth love to be brave, soft heart love to think, ancient poetry more exclamation!

26、回忆只会让人心痛,告别回忆,迎接未来。 Memories can only make people heartache, farewell memories, to meet the future.

27、在落叶纷飞的秋天,每一处风景都令人徒生伤感。 In the autumn of falling leaves, every scenery is sentimental.

28、多少人对你说,不能没有你,可他们在哪儿。 How many people tell you that you can't live without you, but where are they.

29、失恋教会了我坚强,你教会了我虚伪,现实教会了我残酷。 Lovelorn taught me strong, you taught me hypocrisy, reality taught me cruelty.

30、女生最熬不起的就是时间,所以千万别辜负了她的等待。 What a girl can't afford is time, so don't let her wait.

31、好好活着,好好休息。 Live well, rest well.

32、如果相思是毒,你已让我无药可救。 If acacia is poison, you have left me incurable.

33、孤独之前是迷茫,孤独之后是成长。 Before loneliness is confusion, after loneliness is growth.

34、对不爱我们的人,不能付出,一旦付出,就罪孽深重。 For those who don't love us, we can't pay. Once we pay, we are sinful.

35、岁月很长,人海茫茫,不要回头,不要将就。 Years are long, the sea is vast, do not look back, do not make do with.

36、带著一根烟,浪迹天涯。 With a cigarette, wandering the world.

37、开始学着不要人陪,假装孤单也是一种美。 Beginning to learn not to accompany, pretending to be lonely is also a kind of beauty.

38、弱化不了的沉默,就这样让我难以释怀。 Can not weaken the silence, so I can not let go.

39、微笑的面孔下,藏着多少不为人知的悲伤。 Under the smiling face, there are many unknown sadness.

40、想往后余生都是你,但是你却已是别人的风景。 I want to be you for the rest of my life, but you are someone else's scenery.

41、我不想用离开的方式,教会你如何去珍惜。 I don't want to use the way of leaving to teach you how to cherish.

42、我不是令人温暖的女子,没有你爱的样子。 I'm not a warm woman. I don't look like you love me.

43、我们的天涯,会是怎样一番景象。 What will our horizon be like.

44、我们的爱情,是没有结局的剧。 Our love is a drama with no ending.

45、我会努力的把你从回忆里抹去。 I will try to erase you from the memory.

46、我想变成一个小太阳,温暖着你那灰暗的心。 I want to become a small sun, warm your gray heart.

47、我想说千言万语,却说了句祝你幸福。 I want to say a thousand words, but I wish you happiness.

48、我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关。 I wish you well, even if you have nothing to do with me.

49、我把最深沉的秘密藏在心底,你不懂我,我不怪你。 I hide the deepest secret in my heart. If you don't understand me, I don't blame you.

50、我是你的过眼云烟,你寥寥一语,我却念念不忘很多年。 I am your past, you are a few words, but I never forget for many years.

51、我有酒,你有故事。余生很贵,每天都要尽兴。 I have wine, you have stories. It's expensive for the rest of your life. Have fun every day.

52、我爱的人的爱人,拜托你好好照顾我爱的人。 The lover of the one I love, please take good care of the one I love.

53、我百毒不侵,孤独成性,只因我身后无一人。 I'm invincible and lonely because there's no one behind me.

54、我陷的比你早,你爱的比我少。 I fall in earlier than you, you love less than me.

55、放手会不甘心,不舍得,可是不放,伤的最深却是自己。 Let go will not be reconciled, not willing, but do not put, the deepest injury is their own.

56、无论友情还是爱情,都讨厌被放在可有可无的位置。 No matter friendship or love, all hate to be placed in dispensable position.

57、时间带走了一切,唯独留下我。 Time takes everything away, leaving me alone.

58、春暖花开。你们要明媚如初远离不痛不痒的所谓。笑的傲然。 in the warm spring , flowers are coming out with a rush. You have to be as bright as ever, away from the so-called painless. Smile proud.

59、是不是我离开了就开心了。记住我爱过你。 I'm happy when I leave. Remember I loved you.

60、暮然回首,曾经爱过一只狗。 Looking back, I once loved a dog.

61、最近,我已经累到生无可恋了,会不会过劳死。 Recently, I have been too tired to love. Will I die of overwork.

62、有些故事还来不及真正开始,就被写成了昨天。 Some stories were written yesterday before they really started.

63、有些音乐会听到落泪,湿润那些斑驳的记忆里的伤痕。 Some concert heard tears, moist those mottled memory scars.

64、有你的陪伴,我会有安全感。牵着你的手一起等黎明。 With your company, I will feel safe. Hold your hand and wait for the dawn.

65、有时候沉默,也是一种多余的解释。 Sometimes silence is a redundant explanation.

66、枕上还残留着你的气息,我又想起了你。 There is still your breath on the pillow. I think of you again.

67、没了心的爱,何必强求;人若不爱,何必强留! No heart of love, why force; if people do not love, why force stay!

68、渐渐的学会看开了,不会再那么傻傻的伤心了。 Gradually learn to open up, will not be so silly sad.

69、爱一个人,有时候总有些悲哀。 Love a person, sometimes there is always some sorrow.

70、爱情不是终点,陪伴才是归宿。 Love is not the end, company is the end.

71、爱情只是个笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己。 Love is just a joke. It kills others and hurts yourself.

72、甜言蜜语,说给左耳听。 Sweet talk to the left ear.

73、相遇,是一种美丽,像一座小城向晚,映着夕阳的绚烂。 Meeting is a kind of beauty, like a small city, reflecting the gorgeous sunset.

74、祭恋曾经的种种,染红手心。 Sacrifice once all kinds of love, red palm.

75、离开你以后我得了忧郁症,医生说是因为我太过想你。 After I left you, I got depression. The doctor said it was because I missed you too much.

76、被假象迷惑住的眼睛,永远看不到真相。 The eyes bewildered by the illusion can never see the truth.

77、要多寂寞,才能让自己悲伤。 Want more lonely, can let oneself sad.

78、见过玫瑰的男人,怎么会爱上路边的,野花。 Men who have seen roses, how can they fall in love with the roadside, wild flowers.

79、过去多么美,活着多么狼狈。 How beautiful the past is, how miserable it is to live.

80、过去过不过的过去都会过去,曾经忘不掉的曾经都是曾经。 In the past, but the past will be in the past, once unforgettable once was once.

81、这个世界上谁也伤不了谁的心,人只能伤自己的心。 In this world, no one can hurt anyone's heart, people can only hurt their own heart.

82、非让现实给你一巴掌,你才知道现实有多残忍。 Only when reality slaps you can you know how cruel reality is.