1、不再把生活过的太复杂,淡化名利,远离角逐。 Life is no longer too complex, dilute fame and wealth, away from the competition.

2、不是所有的人,都能掏心掏肺的互诉心声。 Not all people can talk to each other out of their hearts and lungs.

3、与其把眼泪挂在脸上,不如把微笑送给别人。 It's better to give a smile to others than to put tears on your face.

4、世界太黑,童话太假,人心太暗,我们太傻。 The world is too dark, fairy tales are too fake, people are too dark, we are too stupid.

5、世界是何等新鲜有希望,而我已日渐厌世。 How fresh and hopeful the world is, and I'm getting tired of it.

6、了解过去,活在当下,为将来做好准备! Understand the past, live in the present and prepare for the future!

7、人为希望而活,有了希望,才有生活的勇气。 Live for hope. Only with hope can we have the courage to live.

8、人生中,总有一些挫折,让我们情绪低落。 Life, there are always some setbacks, let us down.

9、人生太难了,希望未来的我们能变得更加优秀。 Life is too difficult, I hope we can become better in the future.

10、人生要经得起等待,阳光明媚,花自然会开。 Life should be able to stand the wait, sunny, flowers will naturally open.

11、你可以在金钱上贫穷,但绝不能在精神上贫乏。 You can be poor in money, but never in spirit.

12、你必须要暗自努力,才能在人前显得轻松如意。 You have to work in secret to be easy in front of people.

13、你给我的爱已不在,可我还在等着你回来。 The love you gave me is gone, but I'm still waiting for you to come back.

14、你若有颗不屈的灵魂,脚下便有片坚实的土地。 If you have an unyielding soul, you will have a solid land under your feet.

15、你要努力、你想要的,要你自己给自己。 You have to work hard, what you want, give yourself.

16、使我们的对手成就了我们,使我们更精进。 Make our opponents achieve us, make us more progressive.

17、出门在外,人心不能太好了,不过,也分人。 When you are out of town, you can't be too good at heart, but you can also divide people.

18、努力去尝试,勇敢面对,即使败得很惨。 Try hard and face it bravely, even if you lose miserably.

19、只有用心生活,才会活得忙碌,活得充实。 Only by living with heart can we live a busy and full life.

20、只要人生中有捷径,很快就会变成唯一的路。 As long as there is a shortcut in life, it will soon become the only way.

21、哄你开心,不是没事做,而是怕你伤心。 Coax you happy, not nothing to do, but afraid you sad.

22、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是受够了失望。 There are people who like loneliness, but they are fed up with disappointment.

23、失败,并不是说明你差,而是提醒你该努力了。 Failure does not mean that you are poor, but reminds you that it is time to try.

24、女人要是肯豁出去,绝对比男人走得远走得狠。 If a woman is willing to go out, she will go farther than a man.

25、如果你嫌她长得不漂亮,请先自己照照镜子。 If you don't think she is beautiful, please look in the mirror yourself.

26、如果能实现,那就不能称为真正的梦想! If it can be realized, it can't be called a real dream!

27、学会做人,学会做事,学会求知,学会感恩。 Learn to behave, learn to do things, learn to seek knowledge, learn to be grateful.

28、害怕恋爱,因为它是毒药,我中毒太深了。 I'm afraid of love because it's poison. I'm too poisoned.

29、岁不寒,无以知松柏;事不难,无以知君子。 If you are not cold, you can't know the pines and cypresses; if you are not difficult, you can't know a gentleman.

30、当下的时代,平静的心灵才是真正的奢侈品。 In the present era, a peaceful mind is the real luxury.

31、当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了。 Life is better when you decide you don't care.

32、总想把生活过好,却发现越过越差,越过越累。 Always want to live a good life, but found that the worse, the more tired.

33、愿你,含笑入眠,笑对朝阳,一天比一天优秀! Wish you, smile to sleep, smile to the Chaoyang, day by day better!

34、成功都永远不会言弃,放弃者永远不会成功。 Success will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed.

35、我不奢求什么大欢喜,一点点的小确幸也不错。 I don't expect any big joy, a little bit of small sure is good.

36、我们不能选择命运,但是我们能改变命运。 We can't choose destiny, but we can change it.

37、我们可以失去童年,但是千万不可以失去童心。 We can lose childhood, but we must not lose childlike innocence.

38、我们在同一酒桌,却听对方说着陌生的故事。 We are at the same table, but listen to each other tell strange stories.

39、我经得起多大赞美,就受得住多大诋毁。 I can stand as much praise as I can stand slander.

40、所有不被珍爱的人生,都应该高傲地绝版。 All life that is not cherished should be out of print with pride.

41、找到自己内在的爱力之后,才能真正地爱人。 Only when you find your inner love can you truly love.

42、无论你有多少知识,假如不用便是一无所知。 No matter how much knowledge you have, you know nothing if you don't use it.

43、日头没有辜负我们,我们也切莫辜负日头。 The sun has lived up to us, and we must not let it down.

44、有时候,我不是不理你,只是在等你先开口。 Sometimes, I'm not ignoring you, just waiting for you to speak first.

45、每一棵大树的成长都要接受阳光,也包容风雨。 The growth of every big tree must accept the sunshine and also contain the wind and rain.

46、每天提醒自己,不要忘记理想,不要忘记目标。 Remind yourself every day, don't forget the ideal, don't forget the goal.

47、每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。 Every time I think of you, I find myself smiling.

48、没有人能独自存活,我们不过是彼此的镜子。 No one can live alone. We are just mirrors of each other.

49、清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,大怒时睡觉。 Do things when awake, read when confused, and sleep when angry.

50、爱得深不如爱的真,爱得真不如爱得久。 It is better to love deeply than to love deeply, and to love really is better than to love long.

51、舍不得又怎样,到最后还不是说散就散。 Reluctant to do so, to the end is not to say scattered scattered.

52、虚心使人进步,进步使人骄傲,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty makes people progress, progress makes people proud, and pride makes people lag behind.

53、虽然你忘了给我翅膀,但您教我用理解飞翔。 Although you forgot to give me wings, you taught me to fly with understanding.

54、要坚信,每一天的阳光都不会辜负自己的笑容。 To firmly believe that every day's sunshine will not fail to live up to their own smile.

55、谦逊基于力量和底气,高傲基于空虚和无能。 Modesty is based on strength and confidence, while arrogance is based on emptiness and incompetence.

56、跟自己说声对不起,这些年一直没学会爱自己。 Say sorry to yourself, I haven't learned to love myself all these years.

57、这个世界上最宝贵的就两样东西,时间和人心。 The most precious things in the world are two things, time and people's heart.

58、铁皮公车是坚硬的,柔软的我们该去哪里呢。 The tin bus is hard and soft. Where should we go.

59、长啸一声,山鸣谷应;举头四顾,海阔天空。 With a long cry, the mountains are singing and the valley is responding.

60、长得漂亮是你们的优势,活得漂亮是我的本事。 Beauty is my advantage.