1、一个人总是想在今生遇见他。 A person always wants to meet him in this life.
2、一片暗藏悲伤,却坚强的海洋。 A sea of sadness but strength.
3、万事自有安排,不必过分感慨。 Everything has its own arrangement. Don't be too emotional.
4、不乖,想被喜欢的人训。 Don't be obedient. I want to be scolded by people I like.
5、不喜欢别人就不要给别人希望。 Don't give hope to others if you don't like them.
6、不是没人要,而是要求高。 It's not that no one wants it, it's that demanding.
7、不能陪我笑就不要让我哭。 Don't make me cry if you can't laugh with me.
8、丢掉回忆,做个没心没肺的女人。 Lose memories and be a heartless woman.
9、从前、已被,格式化! Before, has been, format!
10、从此人山人海,不问归期。 Since then, there have been a lot of people, no return date.
11、从此以后,你我安然,岁月静好。 From then on, you and I are safe, time is quiet.
12、他们才高八斗,可是很丑。 They are talented but ugly.
13、他爱A万劫不复,没有退路。 He loves forever, there is no way back.
14、你嘴再这么甜,小心我强吻你。 If your mouth is so sweet, be careful if I kiss you.
15、你若不离不弃,我必生死相随。 If you do not leave me, I will live with you.
16、你走了真好,不然总担心你要走。 It's nice of you to leave, or you'll always worry about leaving.
17、使用忧郁,描写一段哀伤的文字。 Use melancholy to describe a sad passage.
18、保护你、疼你、爱你。 Protect you, love you, love you.
19、做个俗人,谈笑风生不动情。 To be a layman is to talk and laugh.
20、再见面,只想说一句,还好吗。 Meet again, just want to say, OK.
21、只要你不认输,就有机会! As long as you don't give up, you have a chance!
22、哭过之后,把从前一笔消除。 After crying, eliminate the previous stroke.
23、因为有爱。所以无畏。所以艰辛。 Because there is love. So fearless. So it's hard.
24、在我的未来里、你缺席了。 In my future, you are absent.
25、坐着想以前,站着想以后! Before sitting, after standing!
26、她说,她爱我,那么那么地爱。 She said, she loves me so much.
27、对你的感情,我当然不会随便。 Of course, I will not be casual about your feelings.
28、希望你过得好,并让我一无所知。 I hope you have a good life and let me know nothing.
29、当初那么喜欢,现在这么释然。 I like it so much at the beginning, but now I'm so relieved.
30、往后余生对自己要好一点。 Be nice to yourself for the rest of your life.
31、恩则孝养父母,义则上下相怜。 Grace means filial piety to parents, while righteousness means mutual affection.
32、愿你笑口常开,闲时记得想想我! I wish you always smile and remember to think about me in your spare time!
33、我不能,也永远不会,对你厌倦。 I can't, and will never, get tired of you.
34、我也曾在别人面前炫耀过你的好。 I have shown off your kindness in front of others.
35、我咄咄逼人,嘴不饶人。 I'm aggressive and don't talk.
36、我太喜欢一把拉到怀里的拥抱。 I love a hug that I hold in my arms.
37、我想和你一房两人三餐四季。 I'd like to have a room with you for three meals and four seasons.
38、我想在心上,文上你的名字。 I want to write your name in my heart.
39、我相信这个世界永远那么美。 I believe the world will always be so beautiful.
40、我要告诉全世界,我是为你而来。 I want to tell the world that I'm here for you.
41、有阴影的地方,必定有光。 Where there is shadow, there must be light.
42、望着这狼藉一片,我苦笑着。 Looking at this mess, I smiled bitterly.
43、活着的每一天都要开心的笑。 Live every day to be happy smile.
44、眼泪坚持了太久,没人会理解。 Tears persist for too long, no one will understand.
45、碧落黄泉任我与子同归。 Let me go home with my son.
46、笑脸给多了,惯的全是病! More smiling faces, used to be sick!
47、等待,带来的只是寂寞。 Waiting, bring only loneliness.
48、给你最后的疼爱,是手放开。 The last love for you is to let go.
49、绝情一笔,我葬在等待里。 I was buried in the waiting.
50、脸大有什么关系,脸美就行了。 What does face matter? Beauty is all.
51、若要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 If you want to work hard, grind an iron pestle into a needle.
52、说过的承诺,为何总是落空! Said the promise, why always fails!
53、谁敢动他一尺,我必还谁一丈。 Whoever dares to move him, I will return him.
54、谁能告诉我,是对还是错。 Who can tell me whether it's right or wrong.
55、趟过一些河,才知道跋涉。 After crossing some rivers, I know how to trudge.
56、这么厉害咋不上天呢? Why can't it be so awesome?
57、那冰凉的触感,是否让你心痛。 That cold touch, whether it makes your heart ache.
58、醉后才知酒浓,爱过方知情重。 Only when you are drunk can you know that the wine is strong, and only when you are in love can you know that it is heavy.
59、长不过执念,短不过善变。 Long is not persistent, but short is fickle.
60、骗人好简单,骗自己,好难。 It's easy to cheat, it's hard to cheat yourself.