1、一别之后,二地相悬。 After one farewell, the two places hang together.

2、一日不见,如三月兮。 One day is like March.

3、一日不见,如三秋兮。 One day is like autumn.

4、三生三世,歌尽桃花。 Three lives three generations, the song makes peach blossom.

5、为君憔悴尽,百花时。 I am haggard for you.

6、今夕何夕,见此邂逅。 This is my chance encounter.

7、以我*,许你盛景。 I wish you a splendid scenery.

8、以我浮生,渡君一梦。 To me floating life, crossing a dream.

9、停船暂借问,或恐是同乡。 I'm afraid I'm a fellow countryman.

10、冬雷震震,夏雨雪。 Thunder in winter, rain and snow in summer.

11、千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 There is no place to talk about desolation.

12、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。 I only wish that your heart is like mine, and I will never lose my love.

13、君子如兰,思之可追。 A gentleman is like a orchid, and his thoughts can be traced.

14、君家何处住?妾住在横塘。 Where do you live? I live in Hengtang.

15、君看取,年年潘令河阳。 You see and take, every year Panling Heyang.

16、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.

17、坑忻罚其实七兮。求我庶士,迨其吉兮。 In fact, there are seven. I pray for the good fortune of my common people.

18、天地合,乃敢与君绝! Heaven and earth are united, but dare to break with you!

19、宜言饮酒,与子偕老。 Drink wine and grow old with your son.

20、寒苦不忍言,为君奏丝桐。 I can't bear to speak. I play silk Tung for you.

21、寻思难值有情人。 Thinking is not worth having a lover.

22、山无陵,江水为竭。 Mountains without mausoleums, rivers exhausted.

23、巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。 The lady's smile thrilled me. Her eyes were looking at me, and I fell in love with her..

24、当君怀归日,是妾断肠时。 When you go back to Japan with your heart in your heart, I will be heartbroken.

25、心似双丝网,中有千千结。 The heart is like a double silk screen with thousands of knots in it.

26、思君如流水,何有穷已时。 It's time to think of you like water.

27、愿得一心人,白头不相离。 Wish to have one heart, white head does not leave.

28、我住长江头,君住长江尾。日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。 I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and you live at the end of the river. Every day I miss you but not see you.

29、旧相思、偏供闲昼。 Old Acacia, partial for idle day.

30、昔我往矣,杨柳依依。 Once upon a time, I went, willows and willows.

31、春闺月,红袖不须啼。 Spring boudoir month, tea does not need to cry.

32、有尔存焉,得尔我幸。 I'm lucky to have you.

33、有美一人,清扬婉兮。 There is a beautiful girl, whose eyes is full of tenderness.

34、此心与、东君同意。 This heart and Dongjun agree.

35、浮生若梦,不负初情。 Floating life is like a dream.

36、琴瑟在御,莫不静好。 The gal plays the Guqin and the lad plays the psaltery, making harmony and happiness sound together.

37、琵琶弦上说相思。 Lovesickness is said on the pipa string.

38、相思血,都沁绿筠枝。 Acacia blood, all Qin green Junzhi.

39、空劳纤手,解佩赠情人。 Empty labor slender hand, jiepei gift lover.

40、绣袂捧琴兮,登君子堂。 Embroider Mei to hold Qin, ascend scholar's Academy.

41、绮席凝尘,香闺掩雾。 The dust is condensed in the mat, and the mist is covered by the boudoir.

42、绿绮手中弹,挥弦白雪寒。 In her hand, Lvqi played the string, which was white and cold.

43、自牧归荑,洵美且异。匪女之为美,美人之贻。 You bring me the vanilla from the far places, which is indeed beautiful and precious. The beauty of a bandit's daughter is the beauty of a beautiful woman.

44、蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜,所谓伊人,在水一方。 Jianjia cangcang, White Dew for frost, the so-called Yi people, in the water side.

45、言念君子,温其如玉。在其板屋,乱我心曲。 A gentleman is as warm as jade. In its board house, I am upset.

46、问世间情为何物,直教生死相许。 If you ask what is love in the world, you will learn to live and die together.

47、陌上花开,可缓缓归! Flowers bloom on the street, but return slowly!

48、青山不老,与君白头。 Green mountains are not old, and you are white headed.

49、青青子衿,悠悠我心。 Qingqing Zijin, leisurely my heart.

50、鸿雁来时,无限思量。 When the wild geese come, they think about it.